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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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My situation is odd... but apparently common. Okay, I just started High school 2 weeks ago. Before I start, I am a 14-year-old Freshman guy (heh, yeah ::' I'm another one). and I am kinda shy, but I answer all questions openly and honestly, regardless of who is asking. And I am rather 'different' from everyone at my school. the stereotype of freshmen guys at my school is that they are obsessed with sex, the nerdy ones(my group) are COMPLETELY nerdy (in almost every way), the more popular ones are rich and get what they want, skaters are creepy and half [developmentally delayed], and the emo's don't do the normal emo stuff, they just dress like 'em (and I completely don't like them). so I am different because, I am considered to be nerdy - which I don't deny, but that's just because I can run a computer better than 97% of the staff. but yet, I work out, I ride dirt bikes, I know how to drive a manual transmission vehicle(close to 85% of the people in my area cannot - and i'm only 14 \' ), I am good with woodworking, and see life as what it is - not as a fantasy perfect world, or a dark demonic failure world.... I am one of the few that can face facts at my age.


Now that you've gotten to know me, here's my situation; there's this girl I like... a lot. I've had a crush on her for 2 and a half, almost 3 YEARS. She is one of the preps - and those who are in high school or even junior high know that preps and nerds don't work. But i did get to know her right before i started liking her. So I'm not basing my opinion off of looks. Not really sure how I can really elaborate much more. Thanks in advance to those who help.






GO FOR IT. Sure im only twelve years old but If shes worth it she will say yes. If she says "no you freakin nerd" you know shes not worth it. Oh, im guessing your a geek. If anyone calls you a geek all you have to say is "Yeah im a geek thats gonna get a college scholarship what will you get?" ^_^












Okay. I need help plawks :P I'm twelve years old, im gonna kiss my girlfriend, who ive been with for 3 months. Its gonna be my first kiss. How should it be like? With tonuge? without? Or a liplock for like 15 seconds? And does the smell of my breath matter if its just a liplock?
















I rofled. a lot.




But hey dude, props to ya. I wouldn't get so serious about a girlfriend at that age, but just do what feels natural. Your first kiss can be whatever cuz eventually it's gonna be nothing with tongue, haha. Just like make sure you brush your teeth and [cabbage] before you do it, you don't wanna have stinky breath when you kiss your girlfriend for the first time.




Oh and make sure it's a good one, because no doubt she'll tell all her friends about it. So make it a good one and you'll have a good reputation about it, that means when things don't work with her you'll have MANY other options :)

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Dude, just go in, stealthily and silently, and she won't even notice.


That advice works for very few things in this world.




Boobtown unfortunately has lifted its drawbridge to the Sir Lenticular. :(




Anyways, monkey, just kiss 'er. You'll know how to do it. Make sure your breath is nice, though, as in you just threw away some gum or something <10 minutes ago. And no tongue for first, unless she starts. I think you're shorter than her, right? Girls actually like that. I carry chairs everywhere for this reason. Also, don't close your eyes until your lips are within a few inches of each other. And lean your head to the left. Girls like surprise.




Feel free to practice on a dead, stuffed dog named Rowdy that you and your black best friend bought back in college but his girlfriend hates.




Also, dating before you are 16 is nearly pointless. I know I'm 15 and dating currently, but having that driver's liscence makes it so much easier.


So true. Things would be so much easier if I had a license. But, hey, I won't have one 'til I'm a junior, so might as well get some practice in.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Feel free to practice on a dead, stuffed dog named Rowdy that you and your black best friend bought back in college but his girlfriend hates.




Best. Show. EVER.




As for m0nkey - I advise kissing her on the cheek or something before going for it. Theres nothing more awkward then trying kiss her when she's not ready, missing, smacking her in the face, then having to find a place to bury her body. Gah thats happened way too much to me.


Anyway, yeah I'm pretty sure a kiss on the cheek is a universal signal that a proper kiss is near.




Warning - kiss on the cheek may or may not be a universal signal for an approaching kiss. Use with caution.

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This is a reply to pizzaman94's question"




Like many ppl said. social groups are starting to fade away. when i was in high school i was part of the "gangsta" ones and yet in my last year i was hanging out with nearly every kind of groups there was. My gf was part of the "nerdy" ones yet we were really liking ea other. Now my advice is: go for it. you have nothing to lose. If she says yes, then hooray! you got it. If she says no, sure it will be lame but it will mean also that you can stop thinking about her. And also if you ever date her, it does not matter in which social group she is, stay yourself. Don't start being a jerk with your "nerdy" friends because you date a prep girl. Not only your friends wont talk to you (and they wont play dungeons & dragons with you anymore :uhh: jk) but you gf will see that you are becoming a jerk and she might be afraid that you do the same to her

XboxLive, PSN, Steam: fizz4m

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This may sound lame, but i've never kissed a girl before and im not sure i know how.




I've heard many people say "hes not a good kisser" and stuff like that. I would like to know What do females expect when kissing a guy. and how do they determine if "hes not a good kisser"




Any tips would be much appreciated.

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Hey everyone, thought I'd just go over something with you guys (if you don't mind of course :)). Anyway I havn't had a girlfriend in a lonnnnnnnng time (I'm 17 by the way), but now I really would like one just to hang round with, go see a movie with or just plain cuddle :) (that sort of stuff anyway). I kinda fancy this girl, she works in a supermarket and doesn't live that far from where I live (handy :P). However, shes a pretty shy girl (more so around boys), and I've never spoken to her apart from maybe the occassional hi. I have however been in the same year and schools as her for about 10 years lol. I'd really like to go out with her, but I have no clue what to do here, help!



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This may sound lame, but i've never kissed a girl before and im not sure i know how.




I've heard many people say "hes not a good kisser" and stuff like that. I would like to know What do females expect when kissing a guy. and how do they determine if "hes not a good kisser"




Any tips would be much appreciated.




People are either good kissers or bad kissers, nothing more to it really. Just do what comes naturally to you, and you should be fine, unless you miss her mouth completely. Also, one tip, have nice breath, and don't have a lot of saliva in your mouth when you kiss. I know I personally hate it when a guy decides to share his saliva with me. Ugh.

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This may sound lame, but i've never kissed a girl before and im not sure i know how.




I've heard many people say "hes not a good kisser" and stuff like that. I would like to know What do females expect when kissing a guy. and how do they determine if "hes not a good kisser"




Any tips would be much appreciated.




People are either good kissers or bad kissers, nothing more to it really. Just do what comes naturally to you, and you should be fine, unless you miss her mouth completely. Also, one tip, have nice breath, and don't have a lot of saliva in your mouth when you kiss. I know I personally hate it when a guy decides to share his saliva with me. Ugh.




ok thanks very much.

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Hey everyone, thought I'd just go over something with you guys (if you don't mind of course :)). Anyway I havn't had a girlfriend in a lonnnnnnnng time (I'm 17 by the way), but now I really would like one just to hang round with, go see a movie with or just plain cuddle :) (that sort of stuff anyway). I kinda fancy this girl, she works in a supermarket and doesn't live that far from where I live (handy :P). However, shes a pretty shy girl (more so around boys), and I've never spoken to her apart from maybe the occassional hi. I have however been in the same year and schools as her for about 10 years lol. I'd really like to go out with her, but I have no clue what to do here, help!




1. Start talking to her more and more


2. Become friends


3. Hang out


4. Avoid friend zone


5. Ask her out


6. ???



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^^ in response to everyone who likes someone but hasn't done anything about it.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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Dude, just go in, stealthily and silently, and she won't even notice.


That advice works for very few things in this world.




Boobtown unfortunately has lifted its drawbridge to the Sir Lenticular. :(




Anyways, monkey, just kiss 'er. You'll know how to do it. Make sure your breath is nice, though, as in you just threw away some gum or something <10 minutes ago. And no tongue for first, unless she starts. I think you're shorter than her, right? Girls actually like that. I carry chairs everywhere for this reason. Also, don't close your eyes until your lips are within a few inches of each other. And lean your head to the left. Girls like surprise.




Feel free to practice on a dead, stuffed dog named Rowdy that you and your black best friend bought back in college but his girlfriend hates.




Also, dating before you are 16 is nearly pointless. I know I'm 15 and dating currently, but having that driver's liscence makes it so much easier.


So true. Things would be so much easier if I had a license. But, hey, I won't have one 'til I'm a junior, so might as well get some practice in.

i practice on rowdy all the time even though i have a gf...lol jk but tht made me lawl anyways




and monkey even if ur shy which most ppl on rs is bcuz we are all nerbs 9 but cool nerds 8-) ) 3 months is realy sad kiss her before she kisses ur best friend named twinky who is realy fat and smells :? rofl yes i have a friend named twinky... and my gf kissed him cuz i didnt kiss her after like 2 days rofl

A slaYer KiD.png


Effigies: 5


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Here is my thing here... There is this girl.. I knew her since last year. I never talked to her or anything. Now, the thing (started about the first day of school... Lol) is that I'm really starting to like her... Now, here is me: 13 about to turn 14. Not too shy. Never asked out a girl. :P. Not sure how I am with talking to girls. Never really talk to them, but I wish I can lol. Now, I don't know how it would be if I were to try to talk to her if I don't die first lol. But another thing is that I... Unfortunately, don't have her for a class. I'd be a little nervous to walk up and talk to her. Maybe someone can help :P. Thanks in advance if you guys can.




EDIT: My hair is a bit long... I have heard some bad things about it like I look like a caveman with it lol... Actually lol'd at this... Some girls have told me that they think it looks nice. I'm not going to walk up to her randomly and say: "Do you think my hair is nice...? Since I secretly have a BIG crush on you, I was hoping you'd say yes :P."

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there's this girl, you guys know how women are always saying the opposite of what they really mean, well she's liked me since last year and everyone knows she's turned down 5 guys just because she likes me, :twisted: :twisted: she's not even shy or anything but every time i talk to her , ask her for her phone number,would you like to get icecream,want to come over after school, she always says no smiling like if she's teasing me!






like in class she says DO NOT SIT DOWN NEXT TO ME and when i do (you know cuz im cool like that) she puts her hand on my thigh!




you don't put your hand on the person's thigh you don't want sitting near you




so many mixed messages im confused :ohnoes:




why do girls toy with us, EVERYONE knows we like each other but she's sending mixed singals, may i add she's never had a bf before.




how do i approach her, ive tried being forward ive tried the passive approach ive tried everything!




she's even tried to push me away when she found out this girl liked me, she told me to go be with her then she turned away crying........





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Hey everyone, thought I'd just go over something with you guys (if you don't mind of course :)). Anyway I havn't had a girlfriend in a lonnnnnnnng time (I'm 17 by the way), but now I really would like one just to hang round with, go see a movie with or just plain cuddle :) (that sort of stuff anyway). I kinda fancy this girl, she works in a supermarket and doesn't live that far from where I live (handy :P). However, shes a pretty shy girl (more so around boys), and I've never spoken to her apart from maybe the occassional hi. I have however been in the same year and schools as her for about 10 years lol. I'd really like to go out with her, but I have no clue what to do here, help!


Here is my awesome advice:




Talk to her!!!




If she's shy, then start off with just a few sentences between each other. Slowly, she'll start to open up and let you in a bit more if she's interested in getting to know you. Then conversation should start to develop from there if there's anything worth chasing.




More often than not with shy people, it's not that they don't want to talk (she works in a supermarket, where she has to talk to people), it's that they're scared the people hearing them are judging them for what they're saying and how they're saying it, hence the preferred option is to not speak at all so people don't have the opportunity to judge them, resulting in their shy traits. Obviously being judged is not something many people find all that comforting, so give off the impression you're not judging her. Part of that involves not judging others, so look for something else to talk about. Perhaps something more personal, like a hobby (or hers), or what music you like.




The only concern I have for you is your attitude seems to be that you're getting a girlfriend for the sake of getting a girlfriend. I realise you're at the age where you're curious about relationships, but it's worth waiting to find someone who truly does go well with you rather than trying to pull the nearest girl going.




I'll tell you what. Most 17-year-old girls I know would give cuddles to friends, if what you'r really after is some comforting. It's not necessarily a sign of sexual attraction, but affection.




Here is my thing here... There is this girl.. I knew her since last year. I never talked to her or anything. Now, the thing (started about the first day of school... Lol) is that I'm really starting to like her... Now, here is me: 13 about to turn 14. Not too shy. Never asked out a girl. :P. Not sure how I am with talking to girls. Never really talk to them, but I wish I can lol. Now, I don't know how it would be if I were to try to talk to her if I don't die first lol. But another thing is that I... Unfortunately, don't have her for a class. I'd be a little nervous to walk up and talk to her. Maybe someone can help :P. Thanks in advance if you guys can.


If you don't feel confident going alone (which I can fully understand), try and get your mates to mingle with her mates. Then you can start socialising and seeing if there's something more there.




That said, and don't take this the wrong way but... you're 14. Relationships at that age don't really mean a lot. Even if it doesn't work out, just by happy about being friends. Talking to girls and having girl friends (note the space there) will help you be more confident and understanding about girls in the future.

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Here is my thing here... There is this girl.. I knew her since last year. I never talked to her or anything. Now, the thing (started about the first day of school... Lol) is that I'm really starting to like her... Now, here is me: 13 about to turn 14. Not too shy. Never asked out a girl. :P. Not sure how I am with talking to girls. Never really talk to them, but I wish I can lol. Now, I don't know how it would be if I were to try to talk to her if I don't die first lol. But another thing is that I... Unfortunately, don't have her for a class. I'd be a little nervous to walk up and talk to her. Maybe someone can help :P. Thanks in advance if you guys can.




EDIT: My hair is a bit long... Some girls have told me that they think it looks nice. I'm not going to walk up to her randomly and say: "Do you think my hair is nice...? Since I secretly have a BIG crush on you, I was hoping you'd say yes :P."




Cut your hair. Trust me, your average high-school girl likes a guy with shorter hair. And if she doesn't, avoid her, she's probably into wierd stuff.


And Ginger's right. I'd assume you're a Freshman in high school. Focus on grades so you can slack off in later years. My brother graduated with a 3.4 GPA, and his GPA for Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years were under 3.0. But, if you really like her, here's my advice:




Flirt with her. If she starts talking about something that would lead into an easy flirt, go ahead and get hooked on her line. But use the cheesiest thing you can think of. She'll laugh, but inside she'll be mad that you noticed.




Avoid the friend zone. Act like a guy. Talk to her and listen to her problems and all one day, then go flirt with a friend of hers (not a close friend) the next (well, two or three days would be best), particularly if she's watching. It's amazing how women still have such an instinct to stake out their territory, and if she comes and talks to you when you're doing it, you know that soon after you can ask her to your local sock hop.




Works pretty often on your local high school girl. I think one's a Sophomore, which is wierd since she can drive, but hey, I'm all for that. Unfortunately, my dream lady likes to play with her prey (me). We've danced around it for a few months.




Oh, and it's good if you don't have cold hands. Those suck.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Here is my thing here... There is this girl.. I knew her since last year. I never talked to her or anything. Now, the thing (started about the first day of school... Lol) is that I'm really starting to like her... Now, here is me: 13 about to turn 14. Not too shy. Never asked out a girl. :P. Not sure how I am with talking to girls. Never really talk to them, but I wish I can lol. Now, I don't know how it would be if I were to try to talk to her if I don't die first lol. But another thing is that I... Unfortunately, don't have her for a class. I'd be a little nervous to walk up and talk to her. Maybe someone can help :P. Thanks in advance if you guys can.




EDIT: My hair is a bit long... Some girls have told me that they think it looks nice. I'm not going to walk up to her randomly and say: "Do you think my hair is nice...? Since I secretly have a BIG crush on you, I was hoping you'd say yes :P."




Cut your hair. Trust me, your average high-school girl likes a guy with shorter hair. And if she doesn't, avoid her, she's probably into wierd stuff.


And Ginger's right. I'd assume you're a Freshman in high school. Focus on grades so you can slack off in later years. My brother graduated with a 3.4 GPA, and his GPA for Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years were under 3.0. But, if you really like her, here's my advice:




Flirt with her. If she starts talking about something that would lead into an easy flirt, go ahead and get hooked on her line. But use the cheesiest thing you can think of. She'll laugh, but inside she'll be mad that you noticed.




Avoid the friend zone. Act like a guy. Talk to her and listen to her problems and all one day, then go flirt with a friend of hers (not a close friend) the next (well, two or three days would be best), particularly if she's watching. It's amazing how women still have such an instinct to stake out their territory, and if she comes and talks to you when you're doing it, you know that soon after you can ask her to your local sock hop.




Works pretty often on your local high school girl. I think one's a Sophomore, which is wierd since she can drive, but hey, I'm all for that. Unfortunately, my dream lady likes to play with her prey (me). We've danced around it for a few months.




Oh, and it's good if you don't have cold hands. Those suck.


Thanks for the help, actually in 8th grade.. But close lol. Anyhow, the most time I'd get to see her for is about 30 seconds every maybe, two hours. So, how would I be able to just out of no where strike up a conversation with her? It would be awkward...

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Well, that isn't too much of a problem. It feels awkward starting up conversations with strangers at first, but eventually you'll get the hang of it. Go sit with people you don't even know at lunch, and start talking to them. You don't have to end up their best friend, it's just good practice.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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does no one have advice for me
Uhhh.. don't worry about getting laid, after you develop a relationship it will come. I'm just wondering tho.... why are you afraid of getting into a relationship?

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

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99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

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does no one have advice for me


I don't know. Did you expect we would be able to read her mind sitting across the Internet better than you can while reading body language?




She's quite clearly precarious. So just stop trying for a while and see what she wants to do.

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