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is Grammar Really important?


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let me give you an example of bad spelling, and lack of punction scarring me for life.


although.. it was more of the spelling that freaked me.. i was rofling so bad....


I luv u sweaty, your my sweatheert
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Grammar is what we judge people on. It's just like judging someone on being white, black, poor, rich, looks hot/ugly..etc, in real life, except it's replaced by grammar mainly. A few other things, but mainly grammar.




Even if we don't think about it, or give it any mind, we still store it as a negative thing, which reflects our opinions on what that user is to us. It will always be our (the majority) first thoughts when reading improper grammar.

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let me give you an example of bad spelling, and lack of punction scarring me for life.


although.. it was more of the spelling that freaked me.. i was rofling so bad....


I luv u sweaty, your my sweatheert


Capitalization is fun, and another reason why grammar is needed:




I helped my uncle Jack off a horse.


I helped my uncle jack off a horse.

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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Grammar is what we judge people on. It's just like judging someone on being white, black, poor, rich, looks hot/ugly..etc, in real life, except it's replaced by grammar mainly. A few other things, but mainly grammar.




Even if we don't think about it, or give it any mind, we still store it as a negative thing, which reflects our opinions on what that user is to us. It will always be our (the majority) first thoughts when reading improper grammar.




I'm gonna have to agree with this. When we're online we can't see each other easily and we know little to nothing about the people we're talking to unless we've talked to them for a long time. Therefore it's easier to judge someone by their grammar than to slowly find out what a person is like and judge them from there.

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Know what I realized? This is the only possible thread in existence that won't have someone post on it who genuinely uses bad grammar. Besides the occasional person using bad grammar to show how bad it is, everybody here can actually use proper English.




That's a first for almost any forum.

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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Really bad grammar = no


Using things like- u, r and stuff doesn't bother me really.


Although it does seem to make me feel like their opinion is more invalid, I don't mean to do that, I just automatically do it without thinking.


I really hate flames about grammar though.




I usually cut some things short, don't use the apostrophe sometimes and other things like that, use cos instead of because, we all know what it means anyway.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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wel its a bit Anoyin wen ppl tak liek dis isnt it


Not really.


I think the majority of people on this forum would agree with abyssalwhip.


I'm well aware of this. The majority of people my age wouldn't, however.

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A well-typed post shows that the author actually gives a damn about what they're trying to say, thus giving the reader some incentive to actually bother to slog through what might otherwise be yet another abortion of logic.




Also, semantics can play a significant part in some arguments.

I wholeheartedly agree; good typing is important in conveying one's ability and it makes me all the more likely to actually read their post.




If it's a wall of text, I'll skip past it because it'd be a slog to read even if it were relevant to the point at hand. Paragraphs are used for a reason. I'm fully aware that people don't have English as a first language but almost everyone is taught some level of English in schools today, be it good or not so good, so why not use it? In a way, the Internet is an English classroom since you're exposed to English almost all of the time that you're online.




However, I must admit, on MSN and IRC, I'm lazy due to having to type quickly; I would say that it's more important when typing something that the public will see rather than typing something that only a friend or people in an IRC channel would see.

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Well, if anything, proper grammar helps me to understand a post better.




If its a long post, with a wall of text, has fullstops, but no capitalisation, I have problems telling where I am in it half the time, and I can sometimes read the same line over and over again, beacause I don't know where the hell to read, and lose my place often.




Sure, I can handle no paragraphs, to an extent, as long as they have capitalisation and full stops. (at least)




So, I think, that proper grammar is important to an extent. I mean really, are you going to read 10 lines with no capitalisation, or paragraphing, but uses full stops? If you do read it, will it take longer than a post with proper grammar that has more content to it? More importantly, will you actually take the poster's veiws seriously or just pass it off as a joke because (s)he doesn't seem serious?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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As long as that person isn't bragging about their superior IQ and how everyone else is stupid, it doesn't bother me (to an extent). People that know little of the language, however, do really bother me.




Like tipng sentence a lik this anoying is.




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I can take a couple of typos. It's cool.


but if u type lik tis n xpct a gud remark from me, then obviously my standard of you is quite low.


On another note, I can accept it when people replace you with u, as long as they type out their words nicely. Really hate people on the forums who type like crap. I mean it's okay to do it ingame but elsewhere... bleah. I mean, do you seriously go onto your essay and write:


1ce upn a time, ther livd a stupd nub who cd nt b bothred to typ out his wrds prprly and lso mst of his vwls.


etc, you pretty much get the point.




Note: I am not slamming people who talk like that, i'm not saying it's wrong, but i just can't tolerate it. I used to talk like that, now I think it's crap. Pretty amusing/ironic

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Someone's lack of grammar should never be used against them in an argument. It may lower their persuasion and credibility. But what's more important than proper grammar is how well you convey what you're trying to say to others. That usually includes proper grammar, but it's not always necessary.

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Well this is silly.




Yes, if someone talks in broken english, most people can understand what they mean. It isn't THAT hard to figure out. But that's because we've been taught the various rules of actual grammar, and know how to apply them. If everyone started talking in broken english, we'd have nothing to juxstapose it to. Of course, we'd just have a different set of grammar rules, but still grammar rules. They stay intact somehow.




But as for people using bad grammar on websites...well, i can tolerate it to some degree, but after a while it gets frustrating. A language and its writing is what binds a culture together, and grammar is what enforces the language and writing. When people start disobeying the laws of grammar, things start falling apart. I personally take people who use better grammar more seriously than someone who doesn't, because it's a sign that they're more dedicated to the topic at hand. That's a generalization of course, but still, it holds true in most cases. Spelling is the same way. I was debating this guy over the internet on McCain's and Obama's policies, and this guy kept spelling McCain like "mccaine". It's hard to take someone seriously when they do that, just like it is with grammar.

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Spelling and Grammar = organization


no organization = chaos




There needs to be a pattern in a language or dialect for communication purposes. And unless you're Japanese, saying the direct object before the subject, preceding the verb, before the predicate adjective isn't good english.




My red dog ate steak




Steak my dog ate red

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The one thing that kills communication between other generations (and simultaneously making students' English grades look like they were taking Chinese) is our lack of grammar. We don't use it because we generally accept the philosophy, 'As long as they understand the point I was conveying, there's no need to use proper grammar'.




There are separate cases when not using grammar is applicable, such as in RuneScape, but when you're on a forum, or have at least some time to put together a response, then it sure doesn't hurt to make sure you're using the right conjunctions, or that you've spelled out your words as thorough as you can.




@Fenrir: There are situations when sentences like that actually make literal sense. For example: "Your point makes no sense." Rearrange a few words in that, and you get, "Sense your point makes no." It's still using proper grammar, nothing is out of place or misused.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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I have found grammer to be very important, too many times have I gotten confused/angry because of lack of grammer <.< because of the way it seems to sound (internet is great place to have your meaning misinterprated (sp?) )



[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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Yes... it is.




In my opinion if you are educated, buy no means is it 'ok' to speak improper English. Just because you speak or type with bad grammar that doesn't mean your opinions are wrong, but, if you want to seem intelligent, then you had better speak with some structure.




Grammar just makes sense to... I mean, does "when you wasn't" or "is you done?" sounds right? Nope.

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