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why do you think RS is in the state it is in


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5$ / week is also expensive for wat it is when u think about it. lets say u want it for a year that is 60$. for that u can buy another game forever... like gta4 or something.




Where did 5$ a week come from. :P




There is also the fact that if you buy a game for 60$.


The game will be the same, but in runescape, there would be updates every month.




And unlike GTA 4, its a roll of the dice if you will like that update :P . For all you know the game can become worse with every update, or cease to be fun in one catastrophic update.




But in general, yes, a single player game will tend to get more boring then an ever-changing MMORPG.


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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my opinion: simply because, jagex listens to players.








we now have alot of new things because players suggested them












all except for the last i do believe were player suggested.

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my opinion: simply because, jagex listens to players.








we now have alot of new things because players suggested them












all except for the last i do believe were player suggested.

Would you hark at the man/woman! All of those updates are not implemented because players suggested them, but because they were needed to make post December 10 Runescape even FUNCTIONAL.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I think there's a problem when players begin comparing different MMOs.




This stems from the fact that every online game is made differently, and evolved according to the wishes of the massive player bases. I'd say they all have different emphasis, and the plethora of features makes true comparisons across all features, beyond writing about ones personal opinion and experience, a difficult if not impossible task. There are research sites out there that do market research on MMOs, but even they only address the different games in terms of subscription/non-subscription models, platforms, and other general features.




As far as disgruntled players go, anyone who reads the WoW forums will find players on the whole are just as dissatisfied with it, complain about the lack of high-end content, about PvP and anything else besides. It's the nature of an MMO that it cannot please all the players all the time. Try to defend Blizzard on their forums, when it's maintenance Tuesday or a server is down and you'll find yourself being serious flamed, if not personally abused and harassed later.




The wide-spread use of both built-in voice chat and 3rd party voice chat clients (like Ventrillo) has lead to some awful situations which I've witnessed. As a result of these incidents, I now personally refused to divulge any of my personal details, let alone age, gender or profession to other players. The less information other players have about you, the less they can target you for abuse; recent incidents of harassment on one channel of one poor girl/woman have turned me off online voice chat forever, unless they are close friends or family I know & trust in real-life.




The lesson I've learned in that game is, if you stay in-character and don't let anyone you don't personally know from the real-world know anything about you, they can only hurl insults at your character. It's far easier then to avoid abuse since if it gets bad, you can rename or move severs (though that can get costly - and foists the costs of resolution on the victim rather than the perpetrator of the abuse). Reporting sadly though in the accounts I've seen hasn't lead to satisfaction, though like Jagex, Blizzard can't discuss actions taken against another player's characters or accounts.




As far as any comparison between the two, WoW does suffer from lack of moderation on the typical Normal PvE server, as well as on it's realm & battlegroup forums, based upon what I've seen and experienced. Anyone who reads the forums, sees how frequent players are forced to move servers and make name changes to avoid a harassment. I for one rarely if ever use the non-GM moderated forums since flaming is rife and explicit content, key-loggers and the rest are to be found in every forum (in the Customer Service forum players often also complain it takes days to get removal of such rule-breaking content). The more passive approach to dealing with harassment sadly doesn't elicit more responsible behaviour from players in my experience.




I recently moved to a Role-Playing server from a typical PvE server due to the fact my Ignore Lists were full to bursting from the level of immaturity and obscenity that seems to plague some servers; at least on Role-Player servers there are extra rule-sets that do prohibit off-topic/real-world conversation in say, yell & party channels, as well as policing of naming problems. At least by keeping it fantasy or game related it would reduce the incidence of solicitation and other real-problems, since they can be reported more readily on RP servers.




In a strange irony too, I've found the nicest and most supportive players on RP PvP servers, possibly because on there at least players within the same faction depend on each other for safety, which encourages cooperation and rewards those who are helpful by providing safety in numbers. That benefit is negated of course by the fact that griefing/ganking by players of the opposing faction is commonplace making the experience of levelling in contested or hostile zones difficult to extreme, and not a fun experience; especially if you are casual or often a solo player.




Still, I would advise parents to be even more cautious about their young teens or children were they to let them play WoW. The level of adult content that (sadly players *do* use language to deliberately by-pass even the optional filter - so making it optional simply doesn't discourage players to post obscenities which by-pass it) is at times both highly inappropriate and as often as not offensive to people of many different races, genders and backgrounds. As well reporting offenders it is far more difficult than in RuneScape since one has to be capable of comprehending more complex situations, and writing blank tickets which younger players likely don't posses the skills to do. On the flipside, the WoW community is larger, and the demographic of players is somewhat higher than it is for RuneScape. Though this might mean there are some more mature players to be found, it also means player will come across adult content more often, and likely experience the kind of solicitation that lead last year to over 300 reports to child protection authorities in the UK alone. The ESRB warning on the splash screen is there for a reason.




For those who believe online life is safe and free of scams and threats to personal and financial security, they obviously have not read enough about the very large and real online presence Internet Scams, Solicitation, and an endless list of other social problems. The Internet is no longer the academic utopia it once was back in the early 1990s. This is why no parent should let their child or even teen online without being aware of the dangers and educating their children on how to stay safe.




So while other MMOs do have means and measures to deal with such problems, I'd say RuneScape is by far the most pro-active fantasy MMO in providing the tools and environment which are family friendly, and is highly responsive in the field of combating cyber-crime and cyber-bullying (very common in WoW I must add... their forums are *not* for those who are bullied easily). RuneScape's ICU (Investigations in the Community Unit - no longer a secret so it can be mentioned here) actively works with law enforcement, child protection and other government agencies to keep RuneScape safe from these real Internet threats.




As far as choice, it's not an either or as players often play more than one online game in their lifetime, and some may play games simultaneously, as part of a healthy habit of keeping every MMO in perspective as a game.



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RuneScape has mostly repaired the damage done by RWT. I can't say I like restricted trades & the pointless wilderness, but people are just dumping it all on Jagex & completely ignore why they did it.




My advice to the RS community is to SUCK IT UP.

Only fear God,

Know the weapons of the weak,

The weakness of the hard.

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Having played both games mainly being mentioned, WoW, and Runescape, a fair bit, it's really two entirely different experiences. Runescape is easily accesible to those with lower end pc's, but that isnt what people want, they do want stunning visuals etc. It's harder to play WoW casually than it is Runescape, so that's another factor, both games do hold the potential to appeal to broad age ranges though, and in a sense, some people get "stuck" with runescape, either unable to pay membership for WoW or just don't have the computer. A game like Runescape doesn't get the marketing because it mainly appeals to those who already play it. Where as WoW is beyond able to draw in new players. And for a side note, Blizzard upgraded their invite your friends program, now tempting you with One level per 2 levels your new friend gains, and a new exclusive mount. I'm sensing desperation.


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There's a limit to how much RS can grow. After Rs2 was released, and for a few years into it, the RS population [bleep]ed incredibly. Then reached it's highest potential about 2 years ago. Then it started slowly going down. The RWT updates killed any momentum RS could have had. In the future, expect numbers to be stable, or go slightly down.

2480+ total

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Graphics = Much better with HD now. I would say Runescape looks like a slightly more detailed Warcraft 3 now.





WC3 is even cheaper than RS though!! And once SCII comes out GL competing with those graphics (not to mention the insane gameplay of WC3 and SCII)




I think RS from Jagex's point of view is doing well. I think from a new players point of view it is doing well. I think from a older (but still relatively new) player's point of view it could be better but is fine. I think from a really old players point of view it is going down the gutter.




I'd say that is the majority with some people in each group thinking something else.

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.

^^^At least I'm not the only crazy one

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Its simple: Jagex listened to the wrong people.




They listened when all the little kids cried about luring and scamming and getting their accounts hacked. So they installed the idiotic securtity dungeons and the wilderness ditch.




Then they thought too little on the autoer problem. Created a half-baked method of PKing and ruined orginial trading as we knew it.




And last but not least, they listened to the little kids and made this game kiddy.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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They don't want the game to be to big, but it makes you wonder with the new quick chat only worlds they are definitely aiming at younger kids so maybe they will start.

Retired from Runescape September 1, 2008

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Runescape is simple, so I play Runescape. I have friends. I have goals. I can see myself quitting Runescape in a year or 2, but not now.




RuneScape also isn't complicated. It can be made complicated by bringing in Maths and crap; but what I like about RuneScape is the freedom of training whichever skill you like. You can then reap the rewards later. (Money, Items, Skill Capes)

Achieved 99 Woodcutting on 12/06/08

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In their defense I have seen it advertised, i've had it as a pop up advertisement a few times now and also they're rated in the top 10 in most mmo rating sites. which is sort of advertising.


I'd like it to be smaller, things like training would be easier but it would be harder to make money and things would be harder to buy.

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Runescape is like an orange. For anybody who hasn't seen an orange before, nibbling on the bitter skin would drive people away. But the learned ones who know to cut into the orange and eat the flesh get to enjoy it. The people who nibbled on the skin refuse to believe that there's anything better inside, despite others trying to convince them. Even worse are the people who refused to touch the orange because their friends told them that it tasted bitter.




I just say be grateful that we're the lucky ones who know how to eat the orange properly.

~ W ~



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Runescape is like an orange. For anybody who hasn't seen an orange before, nibbling on the bitter skin would drive people away. But the learned ones who know to cut into the orange and eat the flesh get to enjoy it. The people who nibbled on the skin refuse to believe that there's anything better inside, despite others trying to convince them. Even worse are the people who refused to touch the orange because their friends told them that it tasted bitter.




I just say be grateful that we're the lucky ones who know how to eat the orange properly.




I don't know about you, but every time I eat an orange I have to wear a clean-room suit with an opening in it for my mouth.








I'm not exactly sure what this "bitter skin" you're talking about is. I don't think new players have any problems eating the orange, so to speak. They've only ever known the orange as it is. I think your orange comparison is an apples-to-oranges comparison!

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Fey_Warrior's long reply appears to be very good, insightful and well thought-through in my opinion. I'm left stumped as to what to say in return so in the end, I will just silently agree and take his or her words into consideration as he or she adress this topic in such entirety. Applause to you, sir or madam!

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why do you think that runescape is in the state it is in, I mean it is still a very popular game and is far from any serious threat of shutting down but, with the new graphics, 5 dollars a month for full features, runescape should dominate the web! Why are there no runescape commercials? WHy are they not expanding at a phenominal rate? Why arn't they growing as fast as, say for example WoW? Now that they have the graphics to end the "well runescape is dumb because of the crap graphics" argument they should be trying to dominate the market for these kinds of games! And also they could make much more money for faster expansion for more money for faster expansion and so on but it seems in the last year runescape has taken some major steps backwards for example the RWT update, I don't know any players that hated bots with every fiber of their being and I knew countless players who loved the thrill of chasing down a fleeing player carrying over 1 mill worth of items and plus with the removal of things like that and the addition of things like the G.E runescape has become a place where even some high level players are having a hard time guessing what the price of something will be tomorow. So why, I ask, why are these things happening...






Jagex said they are happy with their profits right now and could care less of expanding through commercials.

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