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Whitey is english slang for the term that I linked to on urbandictionary.


If it's English slang then that makes sense. There's no term for it over here - or at least none that I'm aware of. I have had the experience before though. It was pretty scary when I was going through it, but then after sleeping it off I looked back and thought, "What an awesome night."

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How long does one have to be awake [i.e, not sleep] to have hallucinations ? I did 40 hours couple weeks back, nothing really happened aside from not being able to focus my eyes properly. :-k

I've hallucinated after a little under 2 days without sleep. Maybe 45 hours. I did take a nap for about 30 minutes during that time, though. Not sure if that had any effect on it.

It didn't just happen, though. I had to stare for a minute before it started happening. I specifically remember hallucinating twice. The first time, two people sitting across from me appeared on a stage after I lost focus. Once I moved my eyes, everything went back to normal. The second one was a couple hours later. I was staring at a grass stain on my pants. A city (There were people and cars and stuff) appeared in the stain. They were moving and [cabbage]. It was pretty cool.


So, yeah. I'm pretty sure you have to just stare for a few minutes before anything noticeable happens.

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I do believe the effects are wearing off on me, I'm starting to become tired. Not crashing though.


The moral of the story; Mephedrone and MDMA suck! Don't do these horrible drugs.

Moral of the story, don't buy in the rave. That and make sure you're giving the person the right one. Stimulants, such as MDMA and Mephedrone, combined will cause your heart to beat much, much faster than if you took only one of them. I do believe your heart may sometimes beat irregularly when you mix. I constantly checked mine for an irregular heartbeat. Never was irregular, although it was beating rather fast.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Making banana bread at 1:30am.


I didn't know how much I loved banana bread until now.


But now that my eyes have been opened... [bleep] yeah, banana bread. I could live off this stuff. I also have some orange juice which kinda clashes with the banana bread but it's all there is to drink so I just have to suck it up. It's the really sour kinda orange juice which is usually nice but mixed with banana bread it's kinda meh.


School tomorrow. Feh. I really don't want to go to Drama. My teacher paired me up with a reeeeaaaally annoying chick for our assessment performance. ;_; The mere sound of her voice just makes me feel like pulling out my fingernails with my eye sockets. But feh. She's really smart, but the annoying smarmy kind of smart. It really grates on my nerves. D: Ah well, she's a decent enough performer. So I'll just haaarden up and coast to another A. :3


Might be getting my Math B assignment marks back on Monday, too. Kinda not looking forward to that. Maaaan, my Today posts have gotten longer but they're almost always about school. It's been like weeks since I've had a good piss-up. ;_; But it's a mate's Birthday next Saturday, so I'm thinking pre-drinks start at midday Friday.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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^And more importantly, why are you going to "harden up" when performing with a girl? I doubt anyone will appreciate that.



EDIT: Why do ninjas have to ruin my non-quoted posts?

The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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^And more importantly, why are you going to "harden up" when performing with a girl? I doubt anyone will appreciate that.



would u hav sex wit a girl wen u soft. ugh. no wonder u tryin 2 force marriage on ya girl.



today i drove by my ex-boyfriend house. there was a party goin on and i wanted 2 crash it, but wen i accidentally ran over his cat i knew he'd think i did it on purpose. so i fled the scene.

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

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I woke up, washed my face. read a bit of the girl who played with fire and went to the store to buy cranberry juice cocktail.

sometimes i doubt your commitment to sparkle motion...

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I woke up, washed my face. read a bit of the girl who played with fire and went to the store to buy cranberry juice cocktail.

Welcome to TIF! :-D




School starts tomorrow. Freshman year. I'm honestly kind of nervous.


But I read Perks of Being a Wallflower, so I'm prepared. :lol:

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I woke up, washed my face. read a bit of the girl who played with fire and went to the store to buy cranberry juice cocktail.

Welcome to TIF! :-D




School starts tomorrow. Freshman year. I'm honestly kind of nervous.


But I read Perks of Being a Wallflower, so I'm prepared. :lol:

You start school tomorrow? O_o Jeez that's early.


Crap, I start in about a couple weeks actually. And I've still barely read anything out of my summer reading assignment. Aaaand I go on vacation in a week. Hm.


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I woke up, washed my face. read a bit of the girl who played with fire and went to the store to buy cranberry juice cocktail.

Welcome to TIF! :-D




School starts tomorrow. Freshman year. I'm honestly kind of nervous.


But I read Perks of Being a Wallflower, so I'm prepared. :lol:

You start school tomorrow? O_o Jeez that's early.


Crap, I start in about a couple weeks actually. And I've still barely read anything out of my summer reading assignment. Aaaand I go on vacation in a week. Hm.


I've started school a week ago..



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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School doesn't start until September in the UK. We're in the middle of summer holidays and, for the first time, it was actually SUNNY D=


I actually wore a pair of shorts...

.....Who are you and what have you done with my Racheya?!?! >:@


OT: Cleaned the house now I'm bored. I should take up a new hobby or something to keep me occupied while im not job hunting.


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Wow, I'm a genius, just made industrial my [bleep].


Question on reverse esterification.

Alkanol, + carboxylate ION.

Question asks for synthetic derivative.

Therefore NO glycerol or salts involved.

Anionic, weak base.

Okay, benzene and ... either H2SO4 or SO3

Sodium Hydroxide to form Na ion and OH.

Okay, Na is in ion, so oxygen has negative.

BOOM, sulfonate with Na ion attached to benzene -(CH2)11-CH3

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I woke up, washed my face. read a bit of the girl who played with fire and went to the store to buy cranberry juice cocktail.

Welcome to TIF! :-D




School starts tomorrow. Freshman year. I'm honestly kind of nervous.


But I read Perks of Being a Wallflower, so I'm prepared. :lol:

You start school tomorrow? O_o Jeez that's early.


Crap, I start in about a couple weeks actually. And I've still barely read anything out of my summer reading assignment. Aaaand I go on vacation in a week. Hm.


I've started school a week ago..

Can't be too bad, you probably get out in May.


I start on Wed. Get out dec 7th =D 2nd semester starts Jan 14th I believe. O lawd I love college.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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I'ma nom upon some chicken wings, then do me some maths homework. After that, I think I'll play some Jak and Daxter 1. Damn those ten orbs that I've lost somewhere in the Lost Precursor City! :thumbdown:




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