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Otherwise an okay day. We tried playing a DVD in English Lit today but the computer failed up then we moved to another room and the volume wouldn't work. :wall: I tried everything to help fix it but we ended up doing written work instead :( .


Ooh, what books/poets are you studying?




Today mi amigos, I woke up with only 15 minutes to get ready. Spent the better part of my lessons with a pen in hand, pretending to do work.


Also... it's sunny in England! Barbeque-worthy weather.



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Today I started seriously thinking about starting my own business. It's something I've always wanted to do, but at the moment, I don't have any good ideas. Hmm


Rollerblades? Kayaks? Moonshine in the back room? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Today I started seriously thinking about starting my own business. It's something I've always wanted to do, but at the moment, I don't have any good ideas. Hmm


Rollerblades? Kayaks? Moonshine in the back room? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?


Moonshine? Hmmm. *runs numbers* Within in three weeks I could have 15 gallons of 20% ABV which is roughly 3.5 gallons moonshine or 7.5 gallons vodka. I should go into the booze business! Excellent idea!

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Otherwise an okay day. We tried playing a DVD in English Lit today but the computer failed up then we moved to another room and the volume wouldn't work. :wall: I tried everything to help fix it but we ended up doing written work instead :( .


Ooh, what books/poets are you studying?




Today mi amigos, I woke up with only 15 minutes to get ready. Spent the better part of my lessons with a pen in hand, pretending to do work.


Also... it's sunny in England! Barbeque-worthy weather.


We're doing The curious incident of the dog in the night-time, The Great Gatsby, Robert Browning and... ermm... I can't remember the other poet.




The weather IS freakishly sunny :?






Oh and today my ICT teacher gave us 17 pages of notes she wants copied out by hand... THREE TIMES over the easter holiday. And she gave us all a revision plan we're forced to fill in. I don't even revise nevermind use a plan!


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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My nose is being retarted. I've had 6 or 7 huge nose bleeds since last night. one in english class. and one happened in one nostril, then right when it finished, it started in the other. the one in my english class got the floor all messy.=\


and muh girlfriend isn't mad at me anymore.




If your nose bleeding continues for a half year or so, forgot, like that, you must check a doctor, to get some blood veins in your nostril "burnt" away, I had that done, and now I don't have a mass murder on my pillow any more.




Liquid nitrogen cauterization?




My brother had that done.




If that ever happened to me, I'd just yell 'hell no'. Pretty sure if the doctor is inexperienced you would lose your sense of smell.


I like being able to smell, damn it.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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My nose is being retarted. I've had 6 or 7 huge nose bleeds since last night. one in english class. and one happened in one nostril, then right when it finished, it started in the other. the one in my english class got the floor all messy.=\


and muh girlfriend isn't mad at me anymore.




If your nose bleeding continues for a half year or so, forgot, like that, you must check a doctor, to get some blood veins in your nostril "burnt" away, I had that done, and now I don't have a mass murder on my pillow any more.


My friend got his nose cauterized 3 times and it still hasn't worked and he said it hurt a lot. But generally it works the first time I think, so yeah, maybe you should get your nose cauterized; nose bleeds are a [bleep].




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Otherwise an okay day. We tried playing a DVD in English Lit today but the computer failed up then we moved to another room and the volume wouldn't work. :wall: I tried everything to help fix it but we ended up doing written work instead :( .


Ooh, what books/poets are you studying?




Today mi amigos, I woke up with only 15 minutes to get ready. Spent the better part of my lessons with a pen in hand, pretending to do work.


Also... it's sunny in England! Barbeque-worthy weather.


We're doing The curious incident of the dog in the night-time, The Great Gatsby, Robert Browning and... ermm... I can't remember the other poet.


What?! You're doing that book? That's so unfair... And Robert Browning :cry:



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Otherwise an okay day. We tried playing a DVD in English Lit today but the computer failed up then we moved to another room and the volume wouldn't work. :wall: I tried everything to help fix it but we ended up doing written work instead :( .


Ooh, what books/poets are you studying?




Today mi amigos, I woke up with only 15 minutes to get ready. Spent the better part of my lessons with a pen in hand, pretending to do work.


Also... it's sunny in England! Barbeque-worthy weather.


We're doing The curious incident of the dog in the night-time, The Great Gatsby, Robert Browning and... ermm... I can't remember the other poet.


What?! You're doing that book? That's so unfair... And Robert Browning :cry:


We're studying that book too atm. ;) Essays are easy to write with that book, if you need help Racheya for theme ideas etc I have heaps of notes on them so just PM me. :thumbup:




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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didnt sleep well, woke up, did some stuff around the house, ate lunch, went to work, still here... another rewarding day. :|


32,606th to 99 magic || 15,388th to 99 dungeoneering || 12,647th to 99 farming

14,792nd to 99 range || 24,954th to 99 herblore

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Pretty much ruined my index finger playing Guitar Hero today. It hurts to type. :cry:




Well, I put a band-aid on it. It hurts a bit less, but still painful to play bass. And I was still trying to play Hallowed Be Thy Name on bass... :(




I actually have trouble with the easy parts of that song... yet I can do some of the parts I shouldn't be able to do after 5 minutes of practice. :lol:

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I go my braces off today.






I'll bet your mouth is really sore. I was glad when I finally got my braces off. No more annoying trips to the orthodontist every month. Do you have to wear a retainer now?

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Had baseball practice then a baseball game.


Base running for Varsity. Mainly keeping book.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Had baseball practice then a baseball game.


Base running for Varsity. Mainly keeping book.


You read books now?




Today I did nothing of interest.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Gday friends, back from Adelaide!




So.. stayed with my cousin for the week and met up with an online friend and did lunch (good fun!) she's a single mum with a baby daughter (so gorgeous).




Got to my cousins, she had her Christening for her daughter Elyse (beautiful gown) and so Brent met about 50 of my friends and relatives in a matter of 5 minutes (poor bugger).




Drove down to Victor harbor (one of the most dangerous roads in Australia at night time) it was sad to see all the black markers where people had died or the red one's where there were serious accidents. Got to visit the two houses I grew up in, ironically enough they're the only ones left on the street the rest have been knocked down to make way for hotels and apartments (we used to live across from the beach). They knocked down the two castles!!! WTF!! and then Brent and I caught the horse tram across Granite Island, saw the penguins, played mini golf, drove up to the bluff to see if we could find any whales.




Then it was my nanna's funeral and it was absolutely beautiful. It was the first open-casket funeral I had ever been to and she looked SO BEAUTIFUL. She looked about 45 years old again, all the wrinkles had gone from her hands and her face. I was going to go up and do a speech but the lady didn't ask again after my uncle went up. I cried during his speech, it was so touching. He got up and told us how he was trying out for AFL and nan came along to watch him and he was KO'd. He woke up and she had jumped the fence, tackled the coach to get to her son and wipe the blood off his face and he said "and that's what a mother does". She battled her whole life with mental illness but she cherished her family, her family was her hobby.




And today Brent bought me a beautiful bracelet was $780.00 but managed to get the sales rep down to $550.00, said no I can do better than that! Went for a walk, came back she's like "I can do it for $480.00... but no lower" I'm like hmm I'll have another look around... came back again shes like "$440.00 but I can't do any more" I'm looking at it umming and ahhing then she's like $410.00 so I'm like "deal". Then she goes "Oh let's make it 400 even". So there's a lesson for all you girls out there, THEY CAN GO LOWER!!! :D ;)



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Otherwise an okay day. We tried playing a DVD in English Lit today but the computer failed up then we moved to another room and the volume wouldn't work. :wall: I tried everything to help fix it but we ended up doing written work instead :( .


Ooh, what books/poets are you studying?




Today mi amigos, I woke up with only 15 minutes to get ready. Spent the better part of my lessons with a pen in hand, pretending to do work.


Also... it's sunny in England! Barbeque-worthy weather.


We're doing The curious incident of the dog in the night-time, The Great Gatsby, Robert Browning and... ermm... I can't remember the other poet.


What?! You're doing that book? That's so unfair... And Robert Browning :cry:


We're studying that book too atm. ;) Essays are easy to write with that book, if you need help Racheya for theme ideas etc I have heaps of notes on them so just PM me. :thumbup:


Yeah it's a really awesome book ^_^ We were going to do someone else but we convinced our teacher Robert Browning would be better than someone else (Cuz he is) so yeah. Who are you doing?




It's not too difficult to write about curious incident but I might PM you for those notes actually :D I think I have some notes at my sixth form though I've no clue how useful they are :P


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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[hide=Quote chain a la Literature]

Otherwise an okay day. We tried playing a DVD in English Lit today but the computer failed up then we moved to another room and the volume wouldn't work. :wall: I tried everything to help fix it but we ended up doing written work instead :( .


Ooh, what books/poets are you studying?




Today mi amigos, I woke up with only 15 minutes to get ready. Spent the better part of my lessons with a pen in hand, pretending to do work.


Also... it's sunny in England! Barbeque-worthy weather.


We're doing The curious incident of the dog in the night-time, The Great Gatsby, Robert Browning and... ermm... I can't remember the other poet.


What?! You're doing that book? That's so unfair... And Robert Browning :cry:


We're studying that book too atm. ;) Essays are easy to write with that book, if you need help Racheya for theme ideas etc I have heaps of notes on them so just PM me. :thumbup:


Yeah it's a really awesome book ^_^ We were going to do someone else but we convinced our teacher Robert Browning would be better than someone else (Cuz he is) so yeah. Who are you doing?




It's not too difficult to write about curious incident but I might PM you for those notes actually :D I think I have some notes at my sixth form though I've no clue how useful they are :P



You guys sucks. While you swap notes, I'm placing a curse on you.


I have to do Wise Children by Angela Carter. (I like Carter but if I hear carnivalesque or magical realism one more time... I'm gonna kill myself.)


White Teeth by Zadi Smith. (Everyone asks me questions because they seem to think it's from my culture.)


Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy. (TOO MANY METAPHORS!)


The World's Wife by Carol Ann Duffy. ("I hate men, blah blah blah.")


And a bunch of poems by Christina Rosetti. (Poems about death and love. ALL the poems are about death and love ;_;)




Do you see why I'm envious? :(


Hmm your other poet is either William Wordsworth, Christina Rossetti, Wilfred Owen or Robert Frost.


Well, that's if you're doing OCR.




TODAY I had my driving lesson and conquered the roundabout.


The weather is awesome again!


So we're having a barbeque at my girlfriend's house which is going to be awkward.



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Drove down to Victor harbor (one of the most dangerous roads in Australia at night time) it was sad to see all the black markers where people had died or the red one's where there were serious accidents. Got to visit the two houses I grew up in, ironically enough they're the only ones left on the street the rest have been knocked down to make way for hotels and apartments (we used to live across from the beach). They knocked down the two castles!!! WTF!! and then Brent and I caught the horse tram across Granite Island, saw the penguins, played mini golf, drove up to the bluff to see if we could find any whales.


They should use this quote on tourism posters for Australia.




Called Oz for a reason, darnit.





I have to do Wise Children by Angela Carter.


That's my English teacher's name. I'm confused.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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[hide=Quote chain a la Literature]
Otherwise an okay day. We tried playing a DVD in English Lit today but the computer failed up then we moved to another room and the volume wouldn't work. :wall: I tried everything to help fix it but we ended up doing written work instead :( .


Ooh, what books/poets are you studying?




Today mi amigos, I woke up with only 15 minutes to get ready. Spent the better part of my lessons with a pen in hand, pretending to do work.


Also... it's sunny in England! Barbeque-worthy weather.


We're doing The curious incident of the dog in the night-time, The Great Gatsby, Robert Browning and... ermm... I can't remember the other poet.


What?! You're doing that book? That's so unfair... And Robert Browning :cry:


We're studying that book too atm. ;) Essays are easy to write with that book, if you need help Racheya for theme ideas etc I have heaps of notes on them so just PM me. :thumbup:


Yeah it's a really awesome book ^_^ We were going to do someone else but we convinced our teacher Robert Browning would be better than someone else (Cuz he is) so yeah. Who are you doing?




It's not too difficult to write about curious incident but I might PM you for those notes actually :D I think I have some notes at my sixth form though I've no clue how useful they are :P



You guys sucks. While you swap notes, I'm placing a curse on you.


I have to do Wise Children by Angela Carter. (I like Carter but if I hear carnivalesque or magical realism one more time... I'm gonna kill myself.)


White Teeth by Zadi Smith. (Everyone asks me questions because they seem to think it's from my culture.)


Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy. (TOO MANY METAPHORS!)


The World's Wife by Carol Ann Duffy. ("I hate men, blah blah blah.")


And a bunch of poems by Christina Rosetti. (Poems about death and love. ALL the poems are about death and love ;_;)




Do you see why I'm envious? :(


Hmm your other poet is either William Wordsworth, Christina Rossetti, Wilfred Owen or Robert Frost.


Well, that's if you're doing OCR.




TODAY I had my driving lesson and conquered the roundabout.


The weather is awesome again!


So we're having a barbeque at my girlfriend's house which is going to be awkward.




Lol I remember doing Carol Ann Duffy at GCSE. I thought her poems were pretty good but I get what you mean. My GCSE english teacher told us she was a feminist lesbian and we were just like lulz... lesbian :D :roll:




Now you mention Tess of the D'Urbervilles though, my English teacher mentioned it a while back when we were doing coursework. Thinking about it that might be the missing thing :? Its AQA I'm doing though.






Oh. So today I spent about 20 mins watching a bunch of pre-teen lads from my window with my little brother and his friend because they kept running into our garden. Little gits. So they came in and I shouted '[bleep] off little [bleep] heads or I'll call the police.' then they just returned to across the road and eventually left. Grrr. Little *string of swear words* trying to act all hard and baddass. They swore at my cat :o


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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