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[hide=Furah's story]

I suffered a rather nasty concussion today.


Got up and went to go to the toilet, last thing I remembered was going into the bathroom. Apparently my parents got worried after a while so they managed to force the door open, and found me face down on the tiles unconscious. This would have happened after I sat on the toilet. The next thing I remembered was my dad informing me that they'd called for an ambulance. When they came in they did a standard procedure (asking me questions like my date of birth and the current Prime Minister,) they also checked my heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar level. They said my heart was beating much faster than they were expecting and that my blood sugar level was low. My parents were instructed to keep an eye on me as I could relapse and would need to be taken to hospital. Afterwards I found out I had a bad bruise on my head from hitting the tiles and you can sort of see the tile shape in it, and also was informed that for a while from when I woke up that I didn't seem to know who anyone was or where I was.


I'm extremely afraid to fall asleep, and now I can't remember if I managed to think of what to get/make my SO for Valentines Day. I'll just get her chocolates, make a card and hope she understands.


EDIT: My blood sugar level, not blood pressure, was low.



Sorry for double post, but I wanted to comment on this.


Sounds like to me you passed out from a low blood sugar. Im diabetic and have had this happen to me a lot. If I may ask, was you doing any major physical activity before this happened if you can remember? It's just that normally for people not with diabites to pass out from such a low blood sugar, there would have to be a lot of activity, a lack of food, or both for it to happen.

I'd pretty much woke up and went to the toilet. I'm wondering if doing a no. 2 had anything to do with it.


I'm actually still a bit scared about sleeping, even though it happened 12 hours ago. Last thing I want is to relapse and end up in a serious condition.

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Eh, whatever. Keep doing what you want, they're not going to spend thousands of dollars getting a case to sue one individual.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I never really understood that logic, skull. (Not yours, the logic of movie companies)

"You have movies on your computer, that we're not making money off of. Please visit (website) to watch these movies for free. We will still make no more money off of them"


Is that basically the long and short of it? Or am I missing something?

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I deleted it anyways, I wasn't planning on watching it again. Plus this gives me an excuse to clean the crap off of my hard drive.


If anyone was wondering, the movie I got caught with downloading/uploading was Kick Ass.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I deleted it anyways, I wasn't planning on watching it again. Plus this gives me an excuse to clean the crap off of my hard drive.


If anyone was wondering, the movie I got caught with downloading/uploading was Kick Ass.

Dude I got one of those too.





#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Eh, whatever. Keep doing what you want, they're not going to spend thousands of dollars getting a case to sue one individual.



Oh, and it's ElkNight's birthday today.











#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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went to visit a friend for the day today, spent the day at his farm. Was good to get away and just chill (even though it is only a 5 minute drive from where I live it is totally out in the middle of nowhere not in the town). Got to help feed the animals and just chill.


Went for a nice looooooong walk in the fields, couldn't go the way we were going to go as it would have been far too steep for me, usually I wouldn't care, but being 7 months pregnant, didn't really fancy falling down a hill.


I am shattered now, but I have had a great day. It is just gone 9pm, so I am off to bed and have a good night sleep, hopefully I will sleep better than I slept last night as I kept waking up to pee or couldnt get comfy... so goodnight all :-)

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I'm your friend :)



Going sledding tonight. I was going to go see my girlfriend sing, but she sort of implied that she doesn't want me to be there. I think it's just because I'd have to pay and she feels bad since I rarely let her pay for anything and the only reason I'm going is to see her. That or she's embarrassed to sing in front of me for some reason. I'm not going to worry about it though. We're hanging out anyways so it's fine.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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My dad wants me to meet his new room mate that he says I will like because he is 19 with a pilots licence, awesome at guitar and on the aus boxing team because I play guitar, box and wanted to be a pilot.


My girlfriend now refers to this guy as my dad's replacement son <_<

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My dad wants me to meet his new room mate that he says I will like because he is 19 with a pilots licence, awesome at guitar and on the aus boxing team because I play guitar, box and wanted to be a pilot.


My girlfriend now refers to this guy as my dad's replacement son <_<


That's kinda messed up.



Oh, and it's ElkNight's birthday today.


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Love the extended LoTR dvds! <3:


Sitting here trying to act busy while my girl does homework. She canceled on her friend coming tonight because she has too much to do. I feel bad for her. She's been so damn busy the past few weeks and it's really wearing her down. Thankfully this is the last week of it and she'll finally be able to take a well deserved break. It'll also give me the chance to move forward in our relationship. I've been holding back because I don't want to stress her out anymore than she already is. Bad timing for Valentine's Day to be this week. Kinda leaves me in a pickle.




My Bloggy


Proud to have served on Tip.it Crew

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I finally found a loophole in the insurance $, so I can officially get the other half a week and a half earlier than expected. Kinda stinks though, seeing as it's been almost a year since both my parents died....

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My girlfriend now refers to this guy as my dad's replacement son <_<


If it makes you feel any better my dad would prefer my sisters bf as his son over me.


OT: getting a mate to help me later this week and turn the rompus room into my bedroom so I can get some damn privacy and freedom.


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Woke up, studied a little bit of organic chemistry. Test on Thursday and it's a pretty rigorous course (only 8/300 people got A's last term).

Then went to the gym to play a little basketball. Studied a bit more, now I'm playing RS/watching videos on hulu/looking at Tip.It.


Gotta love skills that you don't have to pay attention to level :P

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Had a disgusting hangover today, and worked from 12 to 8. Spent my first hour trying not to throw up and slept during my breaks.


Oh yeah also picked up a pair of these bad boys for $60 NZD.




Pretty stoaked with my bargin hunting.

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