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Jagex announces the most challenging quest to date.


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I think that Jagex is quite smart to inform us of the quest possibly 4 months in advance(Its only August...) so that we would be able to spend time training our skills.




Personally, I would love for it to be "Dragon Slayer 2" but I just don't see it as a quest that is bigger than RFD, (10 Subquest OMG). With that said, Im going to guess that its some sort of "Zamorak vs Saradomin" god quest where the battle ends once and for all. I'm imagining it to be a quest where one would have to travel across Runescape and battle all the allies of the God you're against, uncovering many clues and objects which will explain more about the Gods and somehow you revive the spirit of your opposing God and it ends with a final battle there and once you defeat the spirit, it will rest in peace and the century old war will end.




The rewards, once again I imagine to be able to unlock some sort of new prayer list depending on which God you choose by praying at a grave or a memorial of that God. (Similar to Ancient and Lunar magic) And perhaps some sort of communication device which allows one to travel to the spirit world to play a new minigame similar to Tears of Guthix. And of course, tons of experience reward points.








Break the Walls down!

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its going to be a big quest, so dont disclude the stone of jas, the mahjarrat, or the wise old man, you never know it could be biggest quest ever, well it is, it might include all of these..




What i'm interested in is the reward




Darn straight, just think about how much of a massively rewarding quest RFD was, with the introduction of the barrows gloves that completely and totally blew anything we had at the time out of the water by almost 10 times the stats of what we had as our 'best gloves'.




A quest that dominates RFD in terms of length, development, and most problably rewards as well, I too am extremely eagerly awaiting this quest and its rewards my friend with the smelly feet.

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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To clear something up. If Jagex had intended the Daeyalt Mine Cart in the Mourners HQ to be a hint it would still be there yes? But it's not, so clearly a misplaced graphic.




If the mine cart in the mourners hq was accidentely replaced by the daeyalt mine cart you'd be able to put daeyalt ore in it. As you can't(or has it removed: couldn't) do that, I believe that it wan't a bug or an accident.




Saying that, I don't believe there is a link between the elves and the vampires.


That is like saying the elves and the heroes guild are linked together because they both have a rune ore rock.

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I think the quest will be a combined sequel of MEP2, The path of Glouphrie, Monkey madness, The forgettable tale of a drunken dwarf and Legacy of Seergaze.




Some evidence:




Monkey madness / Glouphrie connection:


-the names Glough and Glouphrie are very similar




Glouphrie / Mourning's end connection:


-lots of elven crystal stuff (disks, chimes and saw) are used in the Glouphrie series


-the poison waste in the elven forests was created by Glouphrie




Glouphrie / Red Axe connection:


-revealed in the The forgettable tale of a drunken dwarf quest




Red Axe / Drakan connection:


-the daeyalt ore mined from the Meiyerditch mine is transported to a "big underground refinery city" (Keldagrim) according to the slave miners




Mourning's end / Drakan connection:


-the dwarf near the death altar mentions blood talisman accidentally


-the mine cart examine text in the mourner cave mentions/mentioned daeyalt ore

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I don't think it has been posted before, but in the " Book on chickens" that you find in the WOM's house, at the last page, you read that the lair of the Evil Chicken could be opened if you made a tasty offering...








-Frozen door (GWD)


-GE trapdoor


-RC Guild trapdoor


-Mithril door

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I think the quest will be a combined sequel of MEP2, The path of Glouphrie, Monkey madness, The forgettable tale of a drunken dwarf and Legacy of Seergaze.




Some evidence:




Monkey madness / Glouphrie connection:


-the names Glough and Glouphrie are very similar




Glouphrie / Mourning's end connection:


-lots of elven crystal stuff (disks, chimes and saw) are used in the Glouphrie series


-the poison waste in the elven forests was created by Glouphrie




Glouphrie / Red Axe connection:


-revealed in the The forgettable tale of a drunken dwarf quest




Red Axe / Drakan connection:


-the daeyalt ore mined from the Meiyerditch mine is transported to a "big underground refinery city" (Keldagrim) according to the slave miners




Mourning's end / Drakan connection:


-the dwarf near the death altar mentions blood talisman accidentally


-the mine cart examine text in the mourner cave mentions/mentioned daeyalt ore




Monkey Madness/Glouphire: Have you compeltely forgotten that Glough would only work for gnomes (xenophobic brat that he is), AND that he serves a higher master? Duh, he works for Glouphrie's successor.




Glouphire/Mourning's Ends connection: Elven technology was given to the gnomic architects. There is a connection between the elven race and the good gnomes. There is not much of a connection between Mourners and Arposandrans.




By the way, did you know that it wasn't just created by Glouphrie, it is THE SEWER WASTE FROM THE CITY OF ARPOSANDRA?! -.-




Glouphrie/Red Axe connection: Indeed. A well-known observation, but still good.




Red Axe / Drakan connection: Well, Arposandra is underground, isn't it? I can see daeyalt ore going to the Red Axe, but seeing as the Red Axe are working with Arposandra, and Arposandra is the more magical city, I would guess that it's being refined in Arposandra, not Keldagrim. However, this does draw a connection.




Mourner / Drakan connection: First of all, it is possible that it was a glitch with the daeyalt ore. Secondly, they both are mines and if the Mourners stumbled upon a magical ore, they would use it without ever having to know of the Drakans using it. Thirdly, even if you don't know where a talisman OR an altar is, you still might know it exists. Fourth, "blood talisman" is probably just the sort of thing that the dwarf would want (having an interest in death talismans), so would value highly as he says "Pretty please with a [highly-valued item] on top?" Fifth, the talisman was found in a columbarium at Paterdomus, not in Meiyerditch, so it's not even a direct Drakan connection. So, the fact that a dwarf who is unrelated to the Mourners, but has an interest in talismans, mentions the unknown blood talisman as a high-valued object, which comes from the same general area and series as the Drakans? Too weak.








My belief as to what is going on (not in the quest, but right now, leading up to it): There are a number of covert Zamorakians: Drakan, the Mourners, the Arposandrans (which include Glough), the Red Axe, to name a few, operating in the world. They may not be all conspiring together, but we know that the Arposandrans are conspiring with the Red Axe to do something devious (somehow involving chaos dwarves). We also know that the Mourners are on a grand mission to resummon Zamorak, and we don't know whether the Red Axe and Arposandrans are in on that. We have no idea at ALL what the Drakans are up to, except squashing the Myreque. I believe that the Drakans are doing just that; squashing the Myreque, and not doing too much devious plotting on the side. (There is, however, the matter of crossing the river and that conspiracy, but that appears to be non-Drakan.)




Into all this steps your character. You are doing a lot against all four of these, and they do things to stop you. (Except the mourners; they haven't tried to stop you yet.) The Arposandrans make a scheme to depose Narnode, and you with him, with their representative Glough, and the monkeys. The Red Axe do the scheme with the Giant Dwarf. The Drakans have made you accidentally betray have the Myreque. And then Hazelmere prophesizes something big in the north.




We don't know whether this big event in the north includes three of these four, two of them, one of them, all of them, or them and some more. I believe the prophecy will come true in this quest, and that the quest is a sequel to Forgettable Tale and the Path of Glouphrie. However, this trashes the whole Stone of Jas hypothesis. And it doesn't involve any cabbage. So it's most likely wrong. Oh well.

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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I don't think it has been posted before, but in the " Book on chickens" that you find in the WOM's house, at the last page, you read that the lair of the Evil Chicken could be opened if you made a tasty offering...








-Frozen door (GWD)


-GE trapdoor


-RC Guild trapdoor


-Mithril door


*facepalm* That was part of the RFD quest. The evil chicken mentions in the postbag that he eats chicken, so you offer that to his shrine to get into his lair.

~ W ~



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The quest will feature tutorial island. I'm sure.




im not really sure why the island is still there though surely it should be deleted by now? maybe the quest will involve it...

Theres a fine line between not listening and not caring,

I like to think I walk this line every day.

Pinning blame on Jagex is like trying to put pants on an old man.

You both know he needs them, but he'll just keep dancing around, avoiding them at all costs.

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It's there...check your IG world map.
Even though it is still there, it could just be JaGeX have been so busy with other updates and plan's that they haven't deleted it yet? i made a noob account before the update and left the account on tutorial island, when i checked up on it, it was still on the island. nothing much had changed at-all :|

Credit to Dalek403 (Sam) for this Sig


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What you've gotta remember though is that Jagex has to keep making stuff better. This won't be the hardest quest ever in my opinion. For a while, yeah, but after the addy dragons/dragon plate/god-of-gods scimitar become a part of RS, they need to release new stuff to keep people entertained, so this won't be the end of hard stuff when it's released, just a new high point.




If I were to predict how it goes... followup from tut. island's thing (they said they left hints... it's obvious), reward is ability to wear dragon platebody, dropped by adamant dragons which you unlock the area to later on. The new boss monster in the quest (there always is one) will be a king pink dragon with 43 and a half heads.

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What you've gotta remember though is that Jagex has to keep making stuff better. This won't be the hardest quest ever in my opinion. For a while, yeah, but after the addy dragons/dragon plate/god-of-gods scimitar become a part of RS, they need to release new stuff to keep people entertained, so this won't be the end of hard stuff when it's released, just a new high point.




If I were to predict how it goes... followup from tut. island's thing (they said they left hints... it's obvious), reward is ability to wear dragon platebody, dropped by adamant dragons which you unlock the area to later on. The new boss monster in the quest (there always is one) will be a king pink dragon with 43 and a half heads.




king pink dragon, 42 and a half heads wow. :shock: :thumbup:

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I'm mildly intrigued, but it's still a long ways off. My initial thought is that it will take things from lots of other quests, and possibly involve our biggest storylines coming together. (How is the Red Axe linked to Arposandra and Glouphrie? What is Glough up to? Are the Mourners connected to the Vampyres? I haven't forgotten the sighting of a Daeyalt Ore mine cart in the Mourner HQ.)

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The quest will feature tutorial island. I'm sure.




im not really sure why the island is still there though surely it should be deleted by now? maybe the quest will involve it...




It is still there, I have an account still on the island, but I bet it has been deleted. I thought that it would have coincided with the new tutorial though. Since they have left a lot of questions open.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Look at all the different parts for RFD - that's a really long quest which takes a very very long time to complete. And Jagex said it's gonna be longer than RFD. Say it's a quest along the same lines, there's no reason why it couldn't incorporate a number of the different ideas here. Especially if it's something about Saradomin, or even gods in general. Personally, I highly doubt that it's just going to be one straight storyline about one particular thing.

Along the coast road, by the headland

The early lights of winter glow.

Ill pour a cup to you my darling.

Raise it up --- say cheerio.

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I hope the stone of Jas will be included, i get the feeling that the stone can tie together most of the major storylines of the game.




I wonder if the subquest thing will be included? I found that very useful, turns rfd into a beginner-master quest depending on how far you want to go.



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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