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Going on a Diet, Need advice.


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So Ive decided that im going on a diet, but my family is Really poor atm so we cant afford much. My biggest downfall is that im VERY picky and dont like many foods. So far this is my day.


Breakfast: 2 Pieces of Wheat Toast w/ A cup of Orange Juice


Lunch: Lean Turkey Breast Sandwich on Wheat w/ light mustard. A cup of fat free/sugar free yogurt, A banana & water.


Dinner: Whatever my family has w/ Cup of Low Sodium Fat Free V8 Vegetable Juice


Snack: 1 serving of Sugar/Fat free Jello or Pudding




I also do HIIT Cardio 3x a week and high rep/lowweight training on the opposite days. I know tip.it isnt a bunch of nutrition experts but I was wondering what you thought and I could expect to lost any weight/body fat.




PS: I want to lose body fat


And comments,opinions,experiences ect...


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Do not stay in the same routine, unless you absolutely love the food. Period. However, I do know of a diet that I've used to some extent to lose about 20 pounds (that I put back on in muscle, of course) and that my uncle lost over 60 pounds on. By the way, he's a roofer, so he gets tons of exercise.




Breakfast: 2% milk, some sort of wheat bread item. Butter or sour cream can be used if it isn't whole.


Lunch: A small bowl of fruit and some juice or tea.


Dinner: You can have whatever you like. Although preferably something light, of course.




DO RUNNING AND LIFTING AT LEAST 5 TIMES A WEEK. Run at least a mile each time you run, then the next day do lifting. But use high reps and light weights. It's better.




Also, there's some program called P90X. A lot of people I know have used it, including a family friend that's lost over a hundred pounds in 3 months. It's damn hard, but it has insane results.




Also, if you aren't overweight right now, you can use medium reps with medium weights.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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just a little advice: I would be best to go on this diet with someone else or some type of friend. so they u r not alone and that u can both push each other into losing weight.




Noones brave enough too. And plus I have motivation enough, my doctor told me if i dont lose the weight I WILL be diabetic within a year, but if i lose enough weight I can drastically decrease that chance.


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Get unpicky and only have vegetables, whole grains in pure form(millet, brown rice, quinoa, etc) and nuts, some pure meats. You'll feel great. Taste really is so insignificant, don't think of eating as a hobby think of it as a necessity. As Gandhi said: "Eat to live, don't live to eat".


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Whatever you do, try to mix up what you eat. If you get bored of the same thing over and over again, those fatty foods may become oh so appealing. Otherwise, a good variety of fruits and veggies is always good. Different types of salads with low fat dressings are also good.

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So Ive decided that im going on a diet, but my family is Really poor atm so we cant afford much. My biggest downfall is that im VERY picky and dont like many foods. So far this is my day.


Breakfast: 2 Pieces of Wheat Toast w/ A cup of Orange Juice


Lunch: Lean Turkey Breast Sandwich on Wheat w/ light mustard. A cup of fat free/sugar free yogurt, A banana & water.


Dinner: Whatever my family has w/ Cup of Low Sodium Fat Free V8 Vegetable Juice


Snack: 1 serving of Sugar/Fat free Jello or Pudding




I also do HIIT Cardio 3x a week and weight training on the opposite days. I know tip.it isnt a bunch of nutrition experts but I was wondering what you thought and I could expect to lost any weight/body fat.




And comments,opinions,experiences ect...




If you plan on doing Cardio and Weights you have a serious lack of Carbohydrates / protein / calories there. What's your diet for, weight loss, toning up, building up? If it's weight loss, try to avoid heavy carbohydrates / fats and stick more to cardio. If it's toning up you'll want carbohydrates / protein but not much fat with a mix of cardio and majority weights. If it's purely building up then stick to a mix of everything but watch your fat intake and focus on short sets of heavy reps.




Edit: Just saw you're out to lose weight, stick to cardio with carbohydrates for energy, try to avoid fatty foods and find an exercise partner. Weights wont do much for weight loss, they're more for toning up.

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Can't remember what is was said but I think you'll need a load of proteins to help burn more weight when you exercise. I dunno if this is true, a little googling won't hurt ya.



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Don't do high reps and low weights, it's useless.


You haven't said what the point of your diet is either, do you want to bulk up or lose weight?











http://zip.4chan.org/fit/imgboard.html Yeah, 4chan, I know what you're thinking. This isn't /b/, so don't worry. :)




1.) Sorry I did specify what I was working towards but it was very unclear. I cleared it up (PS: Trying to lose Body Fat)


2.) Would High reps/low weight do any good, or should i do light cardio on my off days. (Its reccomended you take off days with HIIT b/c its very intense, but they reccomend doing SOME kind of exercise.


3) I was debating thats. PSS Im a b-tard lurker :|


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Good for you!




However, I recommend you eat foods that you like, but yet are healthy. Fruit is a good example of this.




Don't just eat fruit though. Drink OJ, water (this is good in a diet), and milk (not too much), eat some vegetables, and eat some meat too!




Don't let yourself starve either, that's baaaad.





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I'm naturally thin so my advise probably isn't the best but try not to snack throughout the day, and eat only when your really hungry. Cutting out the extras will reduce the amount fat you build up because you end up burning it up throughout the day unlike when your snaking you replenish the fat quickly after it is burnt off. I don't watch the type of foods I eat I never feel that's necessary to do for anyone as long as you don't over eat throughout the day. I do workout every other day but I don't do it to lose weight, but to stay fit for its rewards.

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Even though it's Canadian, we're all human.


Except the Canadians and the Finnish, of course.




I don't know how it's impacted my family's budget, but give the book "Skinny [bleep] in the kitch" a read. My mom got it for Christmas last year, started the diet, and lost something like 30 pounds. Still does it now.




Be warned, it's veganism.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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So Ive decided that im going on a diet, but my family is Really poor atm so we cant afford much. My biggest downfall is that im VERY picky and dont like many foods. So far this is my day.


Breakfast: 2 Pieces of Wheat Toast w/ A cup of Orange Juice


Lunch: Lean Turkey Breast Sandwich on Wheat w/ light mustard. A cup of fat free/sugar free yogurt, A banana & water.


Dinner: Whatever my family has w/ Cup of Low Sodium Fat Free V8 Vegetable Juice


Snack: 1 serving of Sugar/Fat free Jello or Pudding




I also do HIIT Cardio 3x a week and high rep/lowweight training on the opposite days. I know tip.it isnt a bunch of nutrition experts but I was wondering what you thought and I could expect to lost any weight/body fat.




PS: I want to lose body fat


And comments,opinions,experiences ect...




Just burn more calories than you eat. i.e eat 2,000 calories, burn 3,000.

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You can't burn 3000 calories in a day (I mean extra burning, not the calories burned by just breathing and functioning normally).




Then he can eat 1000 and burn 2000, either way he still has to burn more than he takes in.

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Get unpicky and only have vegetables, whole grains in pure form(millet, brown rice, quinoa, etc) and nuts, some pure meats. You'll feel great. Taste really is so insignificant, don't think of eating as a hobby think of it as a necessity. As Gandhi said: "Eat to live, don't live to eat".






NOM NOM NOM. God, I hate Quinoa.








Every pound you lose; reward yourself with a chocolate cake.








Anyways, big parts of a diet are: A) accountability partner, b)EATING BREAKFAST, c) drinking lots of water, d)Plenty of sleep (I think?) And no junk food, hopefully.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Don't starve yourself is the main thing. What you want to do is not eat alot of artifishial stuff (anything with colorings if you can help it, NO CORN SYRUP OF ANY KIND no matter what people say about it being good, and things along those lines) search for webpages about hot to measure the approximate amount of callories in fruit servings and other things (i forgot exactcly but you can weight it and times it by the amount the website gives you)




Then you want to keep to a good amount of calories a day and divide it up, like 2000 or 2500 depending on factors. Eat some source of protien with every meal and have nuts or dried fruit as a snack later. You can eat about every 3 hours with 3 main meals and the snacks inbetween. You don't want to eat alot of bread, but you can and be sure you get whole wheat and not the stuff that has like partial wheat/looks brown. You also want to drink about 8 cups of water a day (you will be going to the bathroom alot so be prepaired)




I did this diet for a little bit and i lost like 10 pounds (you loose slowly) and I honestly could see the change. And I do am picky, so I was eating alot of eggs lol



Please click and warm up my egg.

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DO RUNNING AND LIFTING AT LEAST 5 TIMES A WEEK. Run at least a mile each time you run, then the next day do lifting. But use high reps and light weights. It's better.


And remember if you lift, lift properly. Stretch before and after, keep your back straight and legs slightly relaxed, start slow and progress from there. Maybe read up some more on lifting on the internet, if you do it wrong it really can hurt you.


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