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secondary items for phoenix?


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i looked around a lil bit and couldnt find any other posts on the subject...




any guesses on the secondary ingredients for the new summoning framiliar?




i bought some ashes and some feathers just in case they become unavalible after the update. i would like to have a fiery bird thing follow me around. so its a small risk as i have some extra cash lying around. so what are the thoughts on the new items? is there something that the merchers are hording right now? thoughts on the update?




oh and do you think the new framiliar is going to be a good one or just another Minotaur?



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Why would ashes and feathers ever become unavailable? :|

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Hehe, this is like Jagex telling half of Runescape players that they're [developmentally delayed]. Sort of. That's how I interpreted it. :P


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i r not dumb as i r think u am.




just to let u know feathers can be sold back with no loss, and ashes sell occationally for serum 207 and warriors guild. even if i take a loss on those its worth a gamble to make some money. i would say fire tally might be a possibility but its already used.



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I doubt it would be the fire feathers you get during Heroes Quest, otherwise people could just purchase the feathers rather than do that part of the quest themselves.




I dunno, ashes were my first guess.

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I doubt it would be the fire feathers you get during Heroes Quest, otherwise people could just purchase the feathers rather than do that part of the quest themselves.




I dunno, ashes were my first guess.




actually they could keep the feathers untradeable and just mean you would have to get your own secondaries similiar to obby charms.


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I'm not too worried about it. I feel sure that it won't be feathers, because they're stackable (No other pouch has a stackable secondary ingredient). I suppose it could be ashes, but those are so easily obtained that we will never be in any real danger of running out.




And besides, my crystal ball isn't working that well. I wrongly predicted both of today's NFL playoff games. Who thought the Arizona Cardinals would be any good? :roll:



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Makes sense it will come from the already existing phoenix ingame as has already been mentioned. They are already unstackable which is very convenient.. but annoying for the bank? Maybe a tweak there. Maybe drop a new feather after quest. Who knows..




They will likely add more of them. Make it easier to get somehow.




..Btw the Minotaur is alright. :?

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And besides, my crystal ball isn't working that well. I wrongly predicted both of today's NFL playoff games. Who thought the Arizona Cardinals would be any good? :roll:




i did :thumbsup: ::' :thumbsup: WOOOOOO BABY




ahem... on topic, idk either... too excited over the cardinals!!!!


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