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Things that annoy the hell out of you


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Do you have any idea how many centuries late you are in making that joke?

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Not being able to talk to someone, ie texting, IM (which doesn't include family).




I've found it drives me absolutely nuts. My girlfriends been gone for 4 days out of country and it's had me stressed out so badly that I've been getting nightmares for the first time in months, becoming more and more paranoid, snapping at people, and getting angrier.




It sounds crazy but it happened last summer, when I had no texting/phone. I became a resentful hermit to almost everybody because I thought that they purposefully didn't like me. Which is whats happening now.




Man I sound insane :?


That's when you know you rely too much on technology. you need to go on a walkabout.

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This one girl in my guitar class who plays the same song (Spanish song called Romance) over and over again every single week when the teacher's talking.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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This one girl in my guitar class who plays the same song (Spanish song called Romance) over and over again every single week when the teacher's talking.


I used to help run a small guitar work shop after school and there was this guy... Oh god. Think gimpy, with a £20 acoustic guitar from argos with nylon strings. He thought he was a guitar god.. Literally, every single time before we got started he would just play one chord over and over again with absolutely no rhythm or attempted melody. And he seemed really keen about it too.


Also, he was the one that screwed up in performances




Another guy in our guitar group, year 7. He would purposefully sabotage any performance given the chance. Every time before going on stage he would just pick the highest E string at the highest possible fret over and over. and he was such a cocky bastard. Just thinking about him makes me want to punch someone.




Please note: I'm not a very good guitarist but I don't purposefully gloat or try to look cool. I practice songs, play them badly, and have a good time. xD


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When you're lieing in bed, comfortable with the laptop at your disposal yet your mouth is positively dry and your tongue feels icky but you don't want to leave the warmth to trek into the cold kitchen for a simple drink of water.


Bed > thirst.




Mmm, when it's the morning and people cannot understand that you need to sleep so they carry on their activities like there's no-one home. My sister is so frustrating in the morning. She slams the door, jingles bracelets and just makes a loud noise. I shouldn't be so considerate when I'm prowling around at night >__>


My dad's louder though. Once he was asking me if I were awake and he woke me up, continuing asking me whether I was awake or not...



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Just certain behaviours and manners of people. For example a 25+ year old walking around threatening to hit people (act your age!). Or a 13/14 year old raving on about how much they want a baby - (Do you feel that unloved?) just crap like that.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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When you're lieing in bed, comfortable with the laptop at your disposal yet your mouth is positively dry and your tongue feels icky but you don't want to leave the warmth to trek into the cold kitchen for a simple drink of water.


Bed > thirst.



That's why I always have a bottle of water next to my bed and on my desk. Except for right now. And I'm rather thirsty. Gaaaaaaah.





Mmm, when it's the morning and people cannot understand that you need to sleep so they carry on their activities like there's no-one home. My sister is so frustrating in the morning. She slams the door, jingles bracelets and just makes a loud noise. I shouldn't be so considerate when I'm prowling around at night >__>


My dad's louder though. Once he was asking me if I were awake and he woke me up, continuing asking me whether I was awake or not...


I was woken up this morning because my mom had some guests over, and they were extremely loud, and my mom didn't even tell me they were coming. And like you, my dad is really loud. Nearly every Saturday I'm woken up by him talking on the phone. I understand that he's talking with people about his job or something, but honestly, there's no reason to shout - I can hear him from all the way across the house. (Not like our house is that big though...)




Recently, I've found that I'm quite annoyed by people who insist on talking to you even though you clearly don't want to talk. <.<


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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When old people go slow on the road. Cliché I know, but so annoying. Don't they realize it's safe to go the speed limit then to go under it?




When people at my job ask for a quesadilla with no cheese, and they're serious.




When people make the quesadilla napolean dynamite joke at my job. (customers)




Obama and Nanci Pelosi (just in general, lol)




When people reek of alcohol, and at the same time or physically unkept.




When my parents talk to me.




When my dad and mom get angry at me for watching CNN (I do it just to annoy them, but I get annoyed when they talk to me, don't ask why)




When my parents say Marilyn Manson is the reason the world is the way it is today.




When my parents say the gays caused Hurricane Katrina (I mean c'mon)




When I have to go to sleep




When I have to wake up




When I have to go to work




When I gotta train agility (in RuneScape lol)




When my brothers joke me for listening to MM, then play Command and Conquer soundtracks (lolol)

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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The sound styrofoam makes when it rubs together. I hate that high pitched squeak.


Do you think that's worse than nails being scratched down a blackboard?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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For me it all depends on what kind. Republican, Conservative, and Constitutionalists, are all "right wing" but different.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Ah, a right wing family.




:thumbup:. Right Wingers annoy me. Like my dad.




"Lets go crash the environmental parade and vote conservative." Uhh.


Left wingers annoy me.




Ya, I said it. Tough cookies, wanna fight about it?




I kid. But not really.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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people who are infront of you and then jst randomly stop :evil: :evil:




also a stupid person thinkin they can go to a kiosk in a supermarket wiv a trolly full of shopping!




lloolll x













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also a stupid person thinkin they can go to a kiosk in a supermarket wiv a trolly full of shopping!




lloolll x


What's wrong with that? *confused*




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Rising water levels in games, was reading the previous page (maybe 2 back, I don't know) and remembered them and how evil they are. :evil: One second you're all fine and then BAM, you're getting chased up by water, then halfway up, they chuck some monsters at you. :|




Well, that's my rant for today, ta ta cheerio and whatnot! \'




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also a stupid person thinkin they can go to a kiosk in a supermarket wiv a trolly full of shopping!




lloolll x


What's wrong with that? *confused*


There's nothing wrong if she means the actual checkout, but if you mean like, cigarette and lottery counters then yeah I get what you mean.




People who are REALLY slow using the self-serve checkouts at ASDA annoy me. Get with the techmologies people!!


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Well, i just wrote this in an email to a friend.


It was on the evening news.




Swedish forces has killed 3 talibans and injured 2 in an attack made by the talibans in Afghanistan.


Reporter (interviewing a Swedish officer): You've said that you're proud of your troops, but still it's 3 people that are dead. What's your view on that? (she almost sound sad in her voice)


The officer is didn't say he was proud of killing, but proud over how our forces handled the situation.




The question is so god damn stupid. It is a war, people get killed in wars, they attacked our troops. I really get pissed when people (journalists) in general are political-correct about war.


Oh and, the reporter is a kurd btw. So it's a bit funny... Since her people have been quite (atleast women) opressed by the talibans.




Edit: Thought i'd might add a bit.




Martin Kinnunen (Press secretary for Sweden Democrats) and his girlfriend, was earlier this summer attacked by some idiot extreme-left people on his way home from a night out.


SD is often critizised by media in my country, because they want to reduce immigration (Sweden took in 100k in 2008, while 10% in my country don't got a job and by 2010 the finance-minister predicts over 500k to be without a job... Explain this logic please).


Well, these communists who attacked them got sentenced to prison a couple of days ago. The one who were seen as doing most of the action got 2 years in prison + paying some money (don't know correct english word). While the others got shorter sentences.




The interesting thing is, the media (papers, tv) hasn't reported much about the assult and the sentences.


Why is this?


It is because the media dislikes SD and the fact that most in media are either Socialdemocrats/Lefties. So they don't like seeing this happening.


Now, some reasonble people have written in columns that: Jan Gilliou (famous journalist, writer and a leftie, who i respect wrote): What if Martin and his girlfriend would have been Moderates or Socialists and the attack had been made by the extreme-right.


In that case, media woulde have gone mad! They would have written and reported so god damn much about it for several weeks.


But when the attacked are members of an political-incorrect party, and the attackers sympatize with the left... Then it's almost quiet.




SD has also been attacked several times at town-meetings by lefties. They've gotten eggs thrown at them, and people have been rushing up on the stage even as far as punching the speaker of the party.


But again, media doesn't write about it!


And again... What if the speaker would have been from the left party and the attacker from extreme-right? Well... Read my answer above. I am so [bleep]ing fed up with all these idiots who are pro-immigration but lives in the least culturally-mixed areas there are.




I [bleep]ing hate the political correctness in this country!

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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The sound styrofoam makes when it rubs together. I hate that high pitched squeak.


Do you think that's worse than nails being scratched down a blackboard?


I'm not bothered at all by either of those things, but I hate the texture of stuff like cotton candy and the sound of steel wool.


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The sound styrofoam makes when it rubs together. I hate that high pitched squeak.


Do you think that's worse than nails being scratched down a blackboard?


I'm not bothered at all by either of those things, but I hate the texture of stuff like cotton candy and the sound of steel wool.




The sound of fingernail scratching paper is way worst. I cannot stand it at all..








Break the Walls down!

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