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In-Crowd or Out-Crowd?


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Man, as my school the only one that mainly fits into '80's stereotypes? Certain girls will literally only go out with guys that are in football. The band kids truly are crazy.




I suppose it isn't terrible, though. I fit in with the Mexican jock group.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I've been to 3 schools to finish year 12. The first school I was bashed for something I deserved. I wrote a really nasty poem about a girl I hated and her friends got a hold of it :lol: I had about 2 or 3 female friends and hung out with all the year 11/12 boys. So although during classes I was picked on, during recess and lunch time I was fine.




The second school I went to, I was pretty much one of if not the most popular girl in my grade. I had moved from my previous high school after being bashed because I was too scared to go back and was lucky enough for the most popular boy in the whole school to have a crush on me. Then he went around telling everyone he was in love with me so I had a lot of friends.




I then graduated year 12 in TAFE where I was in both crowds. I didn't hang around the "in" crowds at recess and lunch because I was always in the library studying but I was popular in class, nobody disliked me to the extent as showing it or acting it out towards me. And I helped a lot of people with their assignments so I think they felt obligated to like me :P




University was the same, I was in both crowds. In recess and lunch I never hung out with anybody, I studied in the library every, single day. Then during classes I had a lot of friends but once more they probably felt obligated because I always helped with assignments :P I sat in the same spot every day and had a few approach me because they knew I would stop what I was doing to explain something to them or to proof read their assignment etc I also worked in the university's cafe' so I got to become friends with all the lecturers and Phd students :D



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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We don't even have in-crowds and out-crowds.


But I suppose you could say the in-crowd is the guys that go partying more?\.




Then the out-crowd...But me and my mates arn't nerds or anything :P

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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I'm in the Igetalongwithalotofgirlwhichcontributestotheassholejockkidswhothinkimgaybecauseidressdifferentlythantheydoandtheyarejustabunchofignorant[bleep]sandihaveaboutthreefriendswhoareguyswhoalldressrelativelysimilarlytomeandacoupleofkidsthatareguysandgirlswhoijutgetalongwithandialsohangoutwiththeDSnerdsbecausetheycanbeprettyawesomethatistheoneswhoarentubernerdsbecausetheyrejustcreepyandeveryonehatesmeiftheyreinthe"in"crowdbasicallybutmostguysdontllikeme group D:




if you can understand that you get a cookie and now im starting to have to try to hit the spacebar and its being relatively annoying but yuh im just rambling now and ill make spaces there later.


welll. that was just one big pile of fail.




I get along with a lot of girls which contributes to the [wagon] jock kids who think im gay because i dress differently than they do and they are just a bunch of ignorant mother [bleep]ers and i have about three close friends who are guys who all dress relatively similarly to me and a couple of kids that are guys and girls who i just get along with because theyre easy to get along with and are really mellow about things and i also hang out with the DS nerds because they can be pretty awesome that is the ones who arent ubernerds because theyre just creepy and everyone hates me if theyre in the "in" crowd basically but most guys dont like me group crowd whatever the hell its called. D:


I do get along with a lot of people though. just not the [wagon], and the uber homophobes. I get along with most girls, even some of the slightly popularish ones.


I still hate my [bleep]ing school. stupid piece of [cabbage] high school that has half the teachers without teaching degrees because there's a shortage of teachers and we're the 6h or 7th ish worst rated school in the whole god damn province, and there's a huge drug problem, and our schools overall average is about a 50.




I'll fix this later, I'm really really hyper right now, but not my trolly hyper, just the hyper where I don't make much sense but can still provide a decent post that isn't complete spam. and im on my way to bed.

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Neither. I hang out with the "nerds" at lunch at stuff but since I'm a computer myself its cool.


But I am also friends with the "popular" kids, so not really in or out.


Holy [bleep] you're a computer?!? You are definitely cool.




[hide=Dragon Kidz]

Well, I searched for a pic, but nothing could quite capture the essence of the guys who have their own little corner in the cafeteria and play Magic: The Gathering while having at least one laptop for God knows what (I saw one of them programming a Java applet once) and stick together like glue, taking pride in their label to the point of roping off a section of the gym lobby with a sign reading "Dragon Kidz Only" so they could play Halo in undisturbed bliss.




I saw one of them playing chess with himself the other day. Rather odd. Most of them are seniors now so it's died down a bit. But that's a Dragon Kid.

[/hide] The expression I had on my face when I read that was :uhh:. The closest thing I've seen to that at my old school were the boys who played 'war'/'battle' and had imaginary guns.




Anyways, there aren't really 'groups' at my school, unless you're talking about being a "[bleep]" or a "Non-[bleep]".


I am a non [bleep]. I find that the '[bleep]s' generally like me, so it's okay.




EDIT: Spelt 'Kidz' wrong. ;)




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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This thread is is just like expected, a few people who say they're unpopular because the popular people are over dramatic. Riight, and you aren't.




Anyways, I don't feel that there is a crowd system at my school, as everyone seems to get along. While we don't all hang out, there's not really much tension between crowds.




..Unless you count the everyone vs. the kids who play Magic/Yu-Gi-Oh at lunch.

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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This thread is is just like expected, a few people who say they're unpopular because the popular people are over dramatic. Riight, and you aren't.




From my experience on both sides of the fence, majority of the popular people were over dramatic/gossipers/acquaintances rather than actual friends and unreliable. Come to think of it, majority of the popular people I know outside of school act the exact, same way.




Chained_life seems to know what he's talking about. Unpopular people are just as bad, usually pessimistic, complainers, make a lot of excuses and cling to your friendship.




People suck 8-)



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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This thread is is just like expected, a few people who say they're unpopular because the popular people are over dramatic. Riight, and you aren't.




Anyways, I don't feel that there is a crowd system at my school, as everyone seems to get along. While we don't all hang out, there's not really much tension between crowds.




..Unless you count the everyone vs. the kids who play Magic/Yu-Gi-Oh at lunch.




The more people involved, the more likely there is to be drama. It's just a rule of thumb.

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Fortunately we didn't/don't have any "ins" or "outs", just smaller groups of good friends who usually hang out.


I mostly get along with everyone, but usually i hang out with a couple of friends and that's it. The reason could also be that i don't go to classes very often :D


"Happines only real when shared."





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We never had an 'in crowd' or 'out crowd' at my school. Everyone just had their own groups of friends and stuck to them. :?




This.Oh,we mix around quite a bit,but mainly,when it comes to food,project work and LANing,we return to our groups.




Anyway,the "in crowd" of my school in 07 got expelled,so turns out they're not quite in after all.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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What are the "popular" crowd but just a group of outgoing people with high maintainence. They actually have no more friends than the "nerds", "goths" and "chavs". In my year everyone talks to other people in different social groups (unless they've had a personal argument or something). Apart from the chavs, no-one really likes the chavs but other chavs...







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I stick with just a few people at the most but I sort of gathered a small Anime-crowd around me. We got the deputy head of our college to let us have an anime club. ::'




But to the rest of the college I'm pretty unpopular. I'm the one the loudmouths go 'Hey Rachael wanna go out with me?' to and generally take the piss out of me. :( One of them raped my head (I suppose you could describe it as that, I was just sat down and he like came up behind me... :? ), filmed it and put it on Facebook. :cry:


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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We don't really have an 'in-crowd', because we're a rather small school (maybe 1000 kids in our highschool?.. about 250-300 kids per class) and most everybody's nice or at least tolerable to the others. You do generally stay in your groups of friends at lunch though... And there are 'popular' people, although they're usually really nice people.




Otherwise, I could be the unpopular popular kid because I don't hang out with the popular kids but they'd readily accept me as one of their own because I'm like a walking encyclopedia.

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Well, I hang out with the Out-Crowd, The people who do art or music GCSE although I do neither... Although I am good friends/friendly with most of the in-crowders although I do tend t feel uncomfortable being near their group. Although the partys my out-crowd have tend to get ALOT of attention and alot of remarks saying they are "raw" and "crazy". Many incrowders have told me that the incrowders are boring... And are interested in the out-crowders as they are much more interesting...




The incrowders sort of use me as a link between the outcrowd, and vise versa.

Luck be a Lady

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I don't think that occurs as much over here in the UK, especially as the majority don't have high schools, I go to College instead of High School.


It's just turn up to your lecture then go home. Harder for groups to form with this environment.


There's a lot of different styles yeah but people don't pay attention much. Very little bullying I see.




It's great, Big step-up of maturity from School. :thumbup:



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Our school is like socialism slowly moving towards communism. There is no in-crowd or out-crowd. It is a small school, everyone knows each other and everyone knows what everyone is doing. Forgot to bring lunch? Ask around for some lunch money.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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