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Homosexuality in RuneScape


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i was born and raised like this:



not like this:







if i had to do homo stuff as part of a quest, well, then i simply would not do that quest.


look, idk, be a homo all you want. just not around me. :shame: :shame: :shame:






You are walking a fine line, I suggest you be much more mature if you decide to post on this thread again.

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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My mother is a lesbian, and as a teenager I experimented with bisexuality. However, I consider myself straight and leaning Christian with an open mind and tolerance to people of all backgrounds.




Logically, it might be a bit too progressive for Jagex to take a stance such as this. Discussing homosexuality means we have to open the door to discussing sexuality in general, and for some of Jagex's audience they might be a little too young for that. This is a topic that should be left up to the parent's discretion, and not something you stumble on in a video game. Video games such as Runescape shouldn't need to inject popular hot topics and politics in the game such as race, religion, political parties, homosexuality, abortion, etc. This is a fantasy world.




As far as the quest is concerned, I believe it's borrowing story lines from old fairy tales that children grow up on.

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Rapono, I will give you a warning as well. Unless you have constructive comments to add to our discussion, do NOT post on here and cause this thread to spiral into an immature flame war that will unfortunately require locking. I will have your posts removed from my thread if you continue to act insulting and immature. You've tried our patience enough.




PS - Off topic, I'll be asking the phpBB developers to add the ability to ban users from individual topics in v4, I can see it would be quite a useful feature...

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Religion: Christian


Stance: Jagex does not need to become involved in the Gay Rights' Movement. I believe that Jagex should allow the parents of each individual player to teach their children as they wish without the concern of a gaming company pushing their ideas on their child.

"Maybe a hundred years; that would be fine with me. As long as Americans are not being injured, harmed, wounded, or killed, that's fine with me. I hope it would be fine with you, if we were to maintain a presence in an extremely volatile part of the world. A part of the world where the al Qaeda are training, equipping, recruiting, and motivating people every single day." -John McCain

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Stance: :roll:


Religion: :notalk:


Orientation: ;)




This is a funny question. Political correctness... an annoying concept. From a social perspective it is hard not to offend people either way, which means other considerations would have to be made. From an economic perspective it is a bad move for Jagex to change this or even acknowledge the issue.




Besides, if a player wishes to circumvent the specific example you gave they can change their character's gender before starting the quest and then change it back. Not sure how that works with game continuity, depends how the engine works really.

OH S***! He/she/it is back!

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Stance: Tolerant of it, I have homosexual friends, however, I don't feel it is necessary.


Religion: Islam


Orientation: ;)




I am of the opinion that political correctness is superficial and unnecessary. It has no place in the gaming industry particularly when dealing with Jagex's audience(not a stereotype by any means but one can't deny a significant portion of the audience are teens/children). Jagex shouldn't be any chance 'anti-gay'(they aren't) but they don't need to completely embrace it.




People like you are the reason there is so much hate in the world. Btw homo is the latin root meaning same, so every time you say homo you're just looking like more and more of an idiot.





You do realize that 'homo' is a colloquial term for homosexuality/homosexuals, there is no need to nitpick everything; makes you look more of an idiot.

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Stance: I don't think it is necessary, like others, to introduce subject matter like sexuality into an online game. I have gay family members and friends and my children were educated about how boys can love boys and girls can love girls etc and that it is okay etc etc from an early age.




That is my responsibility, and I have a right to choose the time and the place to educate my children, as does every other parent. Jagex or any other gaming company does not have that right, nor should they.




Rapono - did you know that the majority of people who make homophobic comments etc such as you are doing are actually closet homosexuals themselves? Think about it.






Religion: Karl Marx said it all.


Orientation: Heterosexual (straight)

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im straight, but hey who hasn't done something gay :twss: but seriously, they should leave it out because of the f2p idiots going OMFG YOUR GEHH!!! YOUR WEARING A DRESS NOOB MAGE!!!! except..with horrid worse grammar.I have a lot of friends who are either closet case's or openly gay hell my girlfriend is bi :D ive done some.. stuff.. with a guyu under the influence.. >.> but hell idc :D


oh im atheist




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You should post this on the RSOF and check how hard you will be flamed ;).






Stance: No, this would be to much of a change for the 1337 flam3r kidz on the RSOF and would cause massive, MASSIVE riots probably, and why would they implent this, I mean Jagex isn't the leader of gay people movements and it probably would lead to people quitting over this and nobody to little joining.


Religion: Atheist


Orientation: Hetero



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I think half of the post would be censored in RSOF, Ill try to post it (If you let me Jard).




OT: I think we are all a tad gay, males playing as females so they can go to other guys and asking if they want to be their bf?



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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Stance: I have to say no. I don't think the community is mature enough to handle it and I think it would just lead to trouble. I really didn't mind being forced to marry the prince, I'm not my character, my character is just an avatar and she didn't seem to take the marriage very seriously. The marriage was just for the sake of the kingdoms. Would it be nice to have married the princess? Sure. It doesn't matter to me, it took a few minutes of my runescape life and then I was done, never thought about it again.


Religion: None


Orientation: Lesbian


^ Blog

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So i posted it on the rsof:


I wanna marry Zanik..she is one hawt goblin and looks awesome in those tight leather pants.







Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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i really dont think you should be able to marry the same sex as you on runescape.


besides that would be like saying here's the bi sexual prince and princess.


after all runescape dosent even have sex why introduce homo sexuality?


Gamertag: EFs Predator.

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You do realize that 'homo' is a colloquial term for homosexuality/homosexuals, there is no need to nitpick everything; makes you look more of an idiot.




I fully realize that it is a derogatory term used to refer to people who are homosexual. With that in mind a term like that has no place in these forums, and personally i believe the user in question should be banned on general principals. Excuse me for calling a douche on being a douche.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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The way I feel about it: Why should it matter? It'd create one hell of a PR mess, and not to mention, in the olden days, homosexuality was looked down upon as weakness or against the better good of the kingdom (since kingdoms needed families to prosper, that sort of thing).




Look at this in a medieval sense, not in a present-day sense. Do you think a king of a country would let you marry his son if you were male, too? You'd probably be married to the pike before him.




Religion: Not that it matters [to the rest of you], but Christian.


Orientation: Straight

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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I think you should be able to be gay, they should be respected as much as any other person.






Stance: Personally, i think you should be able to be gay in runescape.


Religion: Christian


Orientation: Confused :thumbsup:


















Seriously though, I'm straight.


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Gay marriage on RuneScape is just silly, you don't actually get married to the prince/princess the wedding is put on hold forever. However either uncensoring the word "gay" or censoring the word "hetero" or "straight"(if used in a certain context) would be a step in the right direction.






You can be transgendered in RuneScape though. Try being a male and wearing some of those dwarf clothes. :lol:

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It seems pointless to do it. It just give more 4chan tards something to make funnies about in runescape.


To think that skirts on guys aren't bad enough?




You call it a skirt... I call it a Kilt.




No, I do not think that homosexuality should be included in Runescape. I can foresee many male characters saying "Wanna b mai bf?" It would be chaos I tell you, chaos!








Break the Walls down!

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I think you should be able to be gay, they should be respected as much as any other person.


I'm still not sure if this should be looked at in this light. Take the objective phantasmal medieval approach to it. Of course, this isn't to say that I'm against it at all, I'm just considering the angles at which this is to be examined under.




...I can foresee many male characters saying "Wanna b mai bf?" It would be chaos I tell you, chaos!


Yeah, about the same amount of chaos that it creates when you see male characters saying, "Wanna b mai gf?" :wall:

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Stance: No, don't add this, not worth it to add this IMO. I don't have a problem with homosexuals, but i dont think its needed in rs. and people would be offended and we dont need more parents hating rs.


Religion: None/Atheist


Orientation: Heterosexual (straight)


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You do realize that 'homo' is a colloquial term for homosexuality/homosexuals, there is no need to nitpick everything; makes you look more of an idiot.




I fully realize that it is a derogatory term used to refer to people who are homosexual. With that in mind a term like that has no place in these forums, and personally i believe the user in question should be banned on general principals. Excuse me for calling a douche on being a douche.

i personally know several gays and bis who use the term homo themselves and in no way find it offensive, so it is not always derogatory
I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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I say we just bring a whole Relationship thing into RuneScape like the Sims.




seriously though, I dont really think this matters? One example Jard, research more :P

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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