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Swine flu virus


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Of course it's overhyped. Look at the cases in the US, they're pretty much the same as the normal flu cases and are more mild. The reason is simple, the more you go north, the more the people are immunised against the flu, so it kinda brings some immunisation to the swine flu. I heard some people here in the Canadian maritimes came in contact with that flu, but they're not even sick!

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apparently the49ronin/brainac68 heard the tornado sirens today (he lives in the same city as me or near enough to it) and looked online, apparently there is are 2 confirmed cases here in milwaukee, one child one adult. i'm hoping i get it so i can infect people in the mall where i work.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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apparently the49ronin/brainac68 heard the tornado sirens today (he lives in the same city as me or near enough to it) and looked online, apparently there is are 2 confirmed cases here in milwaukee, one child one adult. i'm hoping i get it so i can infect people in the mall where i work.




Oh my GOD! Swine flu is spread by tornadoes now! :ohnoes:



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Spanish influenza, in 1918, killed upwards of 50 million people. The symptoms are pretty much the same, only a bit less severe at this point.


1918 Medicine is not that advance as it is now. I'm confident that by the end May we will have a Vaccine and this will die down. Just like Bird Flu, Mad Cow Disease, etc.




For all the hypochondriacs who think they have swineflu here is a test.



Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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[cabbage], according to that site i have it and i should panic. i'll have a fun day at work tomorrow at least, coughing on all the sunglasses and stuff though.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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Someone in my county has an unconfirmed case of swine flu now.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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There was a Swine Flu outbreak 33 years ago, only killed 1 man, and infact the vaccine caused more damage then the virus.




So now c[_] my care cup is empty.

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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I just learned that some on in houston died from it.....I live 40 miles north of houston. yikes!

We do not quit playing because we grow old we grow old because we quit playing.


-Oliver Wendell Holmes



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Two confirmed in London! NOOO! How fast it would spread in London would be un-believable, especially on the tubes! Also, one of my friends all of the sudden had the majority of the major symptoms of swine flu (his been off nearly all this week), but I don't understand how he could get it at this early stage?




Does anyone think that we will reach phase 6?

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3 cases in Maine.




Joy. -.-

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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2 confirmed cases here in Massachusetts, and there was a rumor that a freshmen in my school has been sick with flu like symptoms for a couple days.


Also, my sister has some flu symptoms and it's making my mom freak out.




EDIT: Just saw that the girl who is rumored to have the flu uploaded a new photo album to Facebook, the name? Mexico '09.



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Does this really need it's own topic. Only a few people died, more die of the common cold every year in America alone...


Congratulations on making a completely clueless post.

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Too many rumors today at school.




I heard it's airborne now!


I heard it's resistant to medicine now!


I heard it closes your throat!


I herd it lieks mudkipz!




Misinformation ftl.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I think i might have it too, but thats what everyone might think when they feel unwell during this time, the NHS website sysptoms checker match alot of mine, I feel very lethargic, hot, fever-y, and anothing thing which is unpleasent, lets just say vomiting backwards.




Although, i think this is just one big overreaction, it was the same with birdflu, everyone went mad and then it died out and was forgotten. I think it could be something their overreacting on purpose to distract everyone from financial problems.

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"Worst case scenario, the vast majority of humanity dies.




I really don't see what we're all worrying about."




Yes, my teacher actually said that today :lol: Ireland's first confirmed case of it was announced today, the infected recently returned from a holiday in Mexico and currently is in isolation, they're taking it very seriously.




Slightly Ot but heard this on the radio yesterday


[hide=Stupidity of Irish politicians]Radio presenter: Well has the government any way of dealing with this problem Mrs. Harney


Mrs. Harney (Politician): Yes, we've been preparing for an outbreak similiar to this for a long time, we've currently many implantations to deal with such a scenario, we're currently testing 3 possible reports of the case


RP: Well when can we expect the results? They've been tested since yesterday morning


Mrs H: We can't expect them till tomorrow, they're currently being tested on mainland Europe


/facepalm throughout Ireland, thought we were prepared for this? :roll:[/hide]

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We talked about this in our science class today. Then the science teacher sneezed and me and my friends started freaking out yelling "OH MY GOD HE HAS THE SWINE FLU RUN FOR YOUR LIVES WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE."




No one really takes that class seriously.


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I'm interested to see what happens but annoyed with all hype from the media and public.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I think i might have it too, but thats what everyone might think when they feel unwell during this time, the NHS website sysptoms checker match alot of mine, I feel very lethargic, hot, fever-y, and anothing thing which is unpleasent, lets just say vomiting backwards.




Although, i think this is just one big overreaction, it was the same with birdflu, everyone went mad and then it died out and was forgotten. I think it could be something their overreacting on purpose to distract everyone from financial problems.


Soo liek... Other predigested food flie INTO your stomache from the ground?

image.png image.png

Oh yeah, and I've thought of taking babies and throwing them. For funsies. - Lenticular J



"Isn't it pathetic how everything in our society is built around someone screwing someone else out of their money?" - killerbeer0 on American Society

Rebdragon can't wiz a woz.

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