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What movie(s) did you last see?


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The General - My latest view in a while, due to a busy life and a slight Blake's 7 addiction. I've seen this silent movie with live piano music, which was a very nice experience. Buster Keaton shines! Incredible how a film so dated (1927) can still be so very funny!
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Being John Malkovich was on last night :D



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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So I just finished watching Carrie (2002)... and It's really going to get chalked up to a bit of :uhh: and a bit of -.- in the same go. I haven't seen the '70's version since '04 and to be fair, pros and cons in them both but ultimately [cabbage] on the book, which is a shame.






It's hard to win against King though, his books are awesome. No real complaints, just take a bit from both and they might get a winner :anxious:

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Sicko - It was an excellent documentary by Michael Moore about the problems within the United States' current healthcare plan. He also went on to uncover many of the myths about universal healthcare through a process of exploring the different countries that currently have it (Cuba, Canada, France, Britain, etc.).

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Spiderman 3 - you can't fault the visually stunning action scenes, but the dialogue jerked and plotwise there was too much going on for them to really treat any aspect of it properly. Okay, but the first is still the best by far.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Saw IV. These keep getting worse. I don't know why I let my boyfriend talk me into watching it. Same old mindless gore, CRAP twist that made no sense, and a obvious link to saw 5. Ugh.




Apparently the fourth one is specifically for fans of the series. I've heard it's full of flashbacks, so if you haven't seen the first three, then you won't enjoy it.




I'm definately going to see it. I love the series.

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Transformers - for some reason everyone told me it's "good" or "really good". But that's not how I would describe it...Something along of the lines of "fromage" or something. It was so cheesy, but fairly fun to watch, and I didn't really feel it dragged on considering it was 140 minutes of robot battles and awkward teenage situations. It's should be obvious to everyone (it clearly was to the filmmakers) that this is a summer action flick, and therefore "good" is not an adequate way to describe it.

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Haven't been posting much lately and don't feel like summing everything up so just what I've seen yesterday:




The Baron of Arizona Already the last movie from my First Films of Sam Fuller box, unfortunatly. But like I Shot Jesse James and especially The Steel Helmut this was a pleasure to watch. It's has got less Fuller than the other two, because of James Wong Howe with his smooth style which is not really what you expect from a Fuller movie which generally has a pretty rough, straight forward approach to film making. But there are deffinitly some moments of Fullerian greatness in this movie. Next to that the movie never bores and Vincent Price is delicious in this movie, and his role in this movie is still one of his favorites.




One of the last films he directed, John Huston returned to Mexico 20 years after shooting Night of the Iguana for a nightmare called Under the Volcano. Right from the opening scene you get sucked into it. The mysteriousness of the DÃÆÃâÃâía de los Muertos is overwhelming with the smoke and the dancing skeletons. We follow the last day of Geoffry Firmin, ex-colonel and now alcoholic living in Mexico. Thanks to Finney's extraordinary (really, a preformance like this is rare) you're going in completely, you start losing your grip on reality, but it's just on the edge; you still have a slight idea of what you are doing. And then you come to that final palce, on top of the hill. Then you go over your limit, and you completely lose control over everything. A terrible nightmare for the viewer. Hell is my preference, I choose Hell, Hell is my natural habitat! He couldn't have said it better.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Recently caught this '98 movie called The Adventures of Sebastian Cole. It's about a teenager's life in the 80s and is actually kinda cool. It had a really good atmosphere that seemed to capture the 80s, or what "felt" 80s, but then again I don't know if I can comment because I was born the decade after. But nonetheless, it was a pretty gnarly movie.

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"Battlestar Galactica" season 3 - Absolutely awesome. Episode 4 I think is my favourite episode ever, out of ALL the TV shows I have ever seen. After episode 4 it does have sort of a lull, it's decent up until episode 17/18 where it gets awesome again. I think the boxing episode is the worst one of the series so far. Episode 10 I was almost crying at the end though (won't mention what it's about due to spoilers) and I think it was the best one of the 5-16 range. The end of the series almost killed me the first time watching it, much like the end of season 2 did the first time watching it. One thing about Battlestar Galactica, they know how to do a cliff hanger like it's no ones business. They blow away Lost's season 1 cliffhanger.




The Bourne Ultimatum - Haven't seen it since the first day it was in theaters, so I really felt like watching the DVD when it came out. It was great, I don't know what it is about these movies that make them so awesome.



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"Battlestar Galactica" season 3 - Absolutely awesome. Episode 4 I think is my favourite episode ever, out of ALL the TV shows I have ever seen. After episode 4 it does have sort of a lull, it's decent up until episode 17/18 where it gets awesome again. I think the boxing episode is the worst one of the series so far. Episode 10 I was almost crying at the end though (won't mention what it's about due to spoilers) and I think it was the best one of the 5-16 range. The end of the series almost killed me the first time watching it, much like the end of season 2 did the first time watching it. One thing about Battlestar Galactica, they know how to do a cliff hanger like it's no ones business. They blow away Lost's season 1 cliffhanger.







Yeah, totally agree. Season three was totally awesome. Really enjoyed the first 4-5 episodes, but like you said, it sort of lost it's way until near the end with the Jupiter double episode. Really excited about season 4 now, especially after those unexpected twists lol. Odd that they're airing it later than usual State side though.

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Yeah, totally agree. Season three was totally awesome. Really enjoyed the first 4-5 episodes, but like you said, it sort of lost it's way until near the end with the Jupiter double episode. Really excited about season 4 now, especially after those unexpected twists lol. Odd that they're airing it later than usual State side though.
I believe that the film about the Pegasus is out this month though. :P
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Yeah, totally agree. Season three was totally awesome. Really enjoyed the first 4-5 episodes, but like you said, it sort of lost it's way until near the end with the Jupiter double episode. Really excited about season 4 now, especially after those unexpected twists lol. Odd that they're airing it later than usual State side though.
I believe that the film about the Pegasus is out this month though. :P




I'm going to watch it in about 10 minutes :P .




Internet FTW!




Battlestar Galactica: Razor - Don't want to post spoilers, so I won't say much about it. Looks like you should have watched all of the Razor Flashbacks before watching this. Not necessary, but I think it would be good. Only 4 of the 7 are out now though, so I kind of know what the last three are going to be. It would be like watching season 3 without watching the Resistance webisodes, you would understand everything OK but one or two points would make more sense. Anyways, the movie was good, nice to see some old familiar faces. Some interesting parts, especially at the end. Definitely don't watch if you haven't finished season 3 yet, even though the movie takes place during season 2.



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Saw this on Thursday at the Abertoir film festival. Not a bad film per se and the funny bits were quite good however the bits that were supposed to be scary just weren't, which was a shame. Enjoyed the evening overall but felt slightly dissapointed by what I was hoping would be a good scare, only to find it ending up as a typical Hollywood film. 3/5




Black Sheep


Flocking amazing! A great horror comedy from the green pastures of Kiwiland. Don't really want to write too much because I don't want to spoil it for ewe even the slightest but it's a definite 'must see' this year. 5/5




Matt & Suzi, saying baa-bye for now... :P


The Poison Fairy

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Me and my friends saw American Gangster. It was practically free because we got a free ticket due to some technical difficulties (curtain was blocking the top part of the film)




I was watching that (illegally of course) on my computer. It seemed alright. I was interrupted by the arrival of my sister, but I'll finish it tomorrow.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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American Gangster - Not a movie I will watch over and over, but I'll say it was pretty good. A little longer than it needed to be, but still kept you engrossed throughout the whole thing.




"The Office" season 3 - lol. Absolutely hilarious. I love The Office. Also rewatched season 4 up to where we are as of last Thursday. I always get into the job search mode after watching this, makes me really want to work in an office. I think that is the exact opposite of what it is trying to tell you. Oh well. Pam=hot.




Night of the Living Dead - As someone who likes zombie movies I really should have seen this already. It was OK, I like that it is the public domain and I could download it completely free legally. Could see the origins (I think) of the cliched people in zombie movies, the scarred white guy, the helpless woman, the black guy who gets things done, the semi courageous guy who dies early, the infected group member that eventually turns on them. Not my favourite zombie movie, but I respect it.




The Last Man on Earth - Looking at the public domain movies when looking for Night of the Living Dead I found this also. It is based on Richard Matheson's novel I Am Legend. Figured I'd watch this before going to see I Am Legend her in little over a month. Probably shouldn't of though, I would watch this after I Am Legend if you were planning on seeing it.



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Days of Heaven Undescriable. This is a movie of a rare quality. The way it looks, the locations, the nature, the music, everything told from the view of Linda with her amazing voice. It all adds to the magic, and it works so incredibly well. Perfect, and nothing less. Right into my top 20. And I can happily recommend the amazing dvd released by Criterion last month.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Jigoku Hm. I had expected some more from this. It's a bit boring. The last 40 minutes were alright, but that was purely the looks. I didn't really care about anything. The score was alright. Better luck next time, I guess.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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