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Within the Light - 13 October 2009


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I think jagex are playing a coy game with the plot.


We've been told there [was] ATLEAST one more quest before we'd get access to the city.


Note it was atleast, not definitely one.



Jmods have said coy messages about access to a city NOT on the map

Priffindas is arguably on the map.


They don't have time to make the city what it ought to be at the moment.

But the city isn't "built" atm as the elders reverted it to seeds



The elders are in the UNDER CITY and we are heading towards said under city.



All in all I think we may get a new elf quest sooner than we expect but it will give us the under city and perhaps access to a big empty field rather than the actual crystal city. And it will be after we have the undercity that we will help rechant priffindas into being.


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At which point Paw, if I do another quest in this series and they have no released the full city, I will firebomb their HQ.


Or more likely, just ramble on here some more about how much they suck. :unsure:

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Pretty good looking quest. I hope I have time to finish it tonight :)


Im finding it rather funny how people are being mad at the agility requirement. It's an underrated skill that, in truth, is very fast training. It's boring, but worth it :wub:

I had 88 going into MEP2, so this should be an easy quest. Just need enchanted excalibur :D

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Would anyone care to explain to me how to charge the crystal so Arianwyn can teleport directly to the Temple of Light? I can't seem to figure it out. :blink:

'Hope it helps.



Chant to the blank teleport crystal at this location.[/hide]

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Just finished it, and i must say i loved it.

[hide=spoilers]Sure, it wasn't as hard as mourning ends pt 2 (phew) but it had a great storyline and i was trully shocked to know the city was reverted to crystal, seriously that alone gives this quest a A[/hide]


Also, am I the only one to love this scene?


[hide=spoilerish image]megavengeance.png[/hide]

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Its REALLY annoying me how everyone keeps saying the city was reverted to crystal.


The city WAS sodding crystal and still IS crystal!!!!!


It was reverted from being crystal buildings etc into crystal seeds!!!!!!!


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Worst part for me finding the altar from dark beast, you cant use abyss on part when thr guy goes with you


Anyone can explain exactly how to get there from dark beasts I still don't know how I found it?



That's what I want to know. Seems the door leading to the dwarf doesn't have the light beam on it making it accessible. Do I have to go through the Underground Passage to get the door open again or am I missing something?



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Its REALLY annoying me how everyone keeps saying the city was reverted to crystal.


The city WAS sodding crystal and still IS crystal!!!!!


It was reverted from being crystal buildings etc into crystal seeds!!!!!!!


Heyyyyy don't freak out, ok my error, but you knew what we meant B)

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If the light is non shining on the temple side door then you're going to have to go through the abyss, to the death alter and then out that. Once there you can rotate the mirror to open the light door on the temple side.


If it's pointing towards the front door then you can't get into it via the death alter.


It's a silly system and one I'm surprised they didn't update to make it point every way, it makes the whole temple a pain to navigate, especially for those of us who hadn't been there since MEP2 came out and had no idea what state it was left in.

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I have to say we're most definately going to have to chant and make the city back to its former self, which could be a beautiful prospect and cutscenes and also open the window to further crystal equiptment!

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It was sure a nice quest....


But what was mod Chris about? a puzzle no-one mentioned yet?

It's driving me paranoid ;-)




Master of Quests, Attack, Fletching, Strength, Hitpoints and Defence



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It was sure a nice quest....


But what was mod Chris about? a puzzle no-one mentioned yet?

It's driving me paranoid ;-)





Well it will make you paranoid if you read something different to what he said.


He didnt say ANYTHING about a puzzle no-one has mentioned.


He said something IN the puzzle non-one mentioned; meaning something in that room of light beams.


Odds are it's something stupidly basic like the fact they are crystal trees, or the fact the floor can shcok you on the top level. Or that the name on the letter you pick up is mentioned in the journal of the dead guy from mep2


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What if this dark lord is no god, but just a bad dude who's dead?


Would Kinda suck if this dark lord, turned out to be IBan

I don't know which mod did this. I don't know why they did it. If they're looking for money, I can tell them I don't have any as I'm a student. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over 4 years of RuneScape. Skills that I have worked hard for and people like them can't take them away. If they give me my particles back now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for them, I will not pursue them. But if they don't, I will look for them, I will find them, and they won't like what'll happen

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What if this dark lord is no god, but just a bad dude who's dead?


What if the bad dude is Baxtorian, who is secretly controlling EVERYTHING in a secret chamber in the Waterfall cave?


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$10 that the Dark Lord is Unicron, or something just as powerful that as of yet doesn't exist within runescape and thus isn't handicapped to interfering like the other gods :)





Runescape player since 2005
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What if this dark lord is no god, but just a bad dude who's dead?


What if the bad dude is Baxtorian, who is secretly controlling EVERYTHING in a secret chamber in the Waterfall cave?


Lol Baxtorian, an elven Majharrat. XD Wouldn't that be something.


I do think it's odd how they stressed Baxtorian when you talk to the scribe. It would be interesting if that did hold some significance :D


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Rabid Jack or whatever his name from the Pirate Storyline? :P


Anyway, I really enjoyed that quest, great for the people who did the previous quests years ago who need a refresh on what has happened. (Like myself. :P) Wasn't too hard, puzzle was nice, but OMG I hated the crystal spikes part after the Light puzzle, had to teleport with 2 HP barely getting the target, lol.


I was glad to hear it was a mistake on it being a Grandmaster, would've been very disappointed if it really was a Grandmaster. :P


I'm excited for the next quest, I'm happy to wait, just to know the excellent looking city that will be the Crystal City. (Don't even ask me to spell it, lol.)


On who the Dark Lord is, it would be very predictable if it turned out to be ZamZam. :P Would be still very-very interesting and a great turn on how story-lines will start to overlap each other. Would be very cool if it was a Elven Majharrant. Will it turn out to be Sislike = Baxtorian who is really evil? XD Only time will tell. :o!


Overall, pleased and excited. :P

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What if this dark lord is no god, but just a bad dude who's dead?


What if the bad dude is Baxtorian, who is secretly controlling EVERYTHING in a secret chamber in the Waterfall cave?


Lol Baxtorian, an elven Majharrat. XD Wouldn't that be something.


I do think it's odd how they stressed Baxtorian when you talk to the scribe. It would be interesting if that did hold some significance :D


It is all a big giant PLOT!





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Well yesterday I didn't really have a chance to do it, so I did the quest today. The puzzle was confusing at first because they didn't really explain it, they just left you to guess. After I got that first one from messing around I figured out what I needed to do. I feel cheated though. It says it was a grandmaster quest but it didn't come close to the difficulty of mep2.

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Well yesterday I didn't really have a chance to do it, so I did the quest today. The puzzle was confusing at first because they didn't really explain it, they just left you to guess. After I got that first one from messing around I figured out what I needed to do. I feel cheated though. It says it was a grandmaster quest but it didn't come close to the difficulty of mep2.


A Mod apparently told my friend this was a misprint, it was actually a master quest, not a grand master.



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I need help, I can't get into the area where the dwarf is...



Help is appriciated

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