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11-Jan-2010 - Nomad�s Requiem


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Okay, then let's re-ask the question.


Which was harder, the Avatar or Nomad?


Oh gosh, Nomad of course. It took me one try with the Avatar, and around 10 with Nomad.


Just put on semi-decent range gear and range him. You could even ignore the roots if you want. You could use Ruby Bolts(e) for some fun with +150 hits. The Avatar has very low KO potential if you use melee protection or if you safespot him (which is ridiculously easy given his size). With Ruby Bolts, you might lose around 40 (with accumulator of course) of them if you never kill the roots, which is about 50k. You could use Bone Bolts and make the fight go on longer but almost eliminate any cost or danger. It's very easy to AFK the whole fight, and there's virtually no cost or danger. It just takes a bit of time. I'd compare its danger and length to ranging a black dragon with ~60 range.


Nomad is just way more powerful. Prayer is useless for all but the last part, he can hit a lot harder than the Avatar, he can freeze you, and he can talk.


Also, he isn't too hard. People have beaten him at under 110 combat. It just takes a bit of knowledge.


Also, if anyone didn't see: http://forum.tip.it/topic/255428-11-jan-2010-nomads-requiem/page__st__520__p__4054623__fromsearch__1entry4054623


Oh, and goddammit I am getting an Abyssal Minion. They're just so pwnage. I need a head first, though.

I love how the fact that he can talk just makes him all that much more powerful.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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I think its about time Jagex stepped up their game with an incredibly difficult, drive-you-insane-with-multiple-attempts type quest. For those complaining about the difficulty, think of it from Jagex's perspective. For a good quest it may take 5-6 months if not more for development, yet within 2 days all the major fansites have guides up for players to beat the quest, and pretty soon nearly everyone with the requirements will have the quest done within the first week. If the rewards are useful for scaping, there will be thousands of players training just to get to the quest, and then using the guide to get it done fast and exploit the rewards. There were two options for jagex to stop this: 1) Make a very difficult combat quest that takes both skill, good stats, a little luck, and sense to complete or 2)Make a quest with intense puzzles that differ for every player, thus making it impossible for a guide to incorporate all possible solutions. Obviously the latter is incredibly impractical (if not impossible), so Jagex threw out the Nomad fight, and today players have tried countless times and continued to fail. It is probably much more satisfying to complete this intense battle than to complete a quest that a guide walked you through (I say probably because I am still working on the requirements for the Nomad quest, all I need is one more hunter level).


I remember when MEP2 first came out, Jagex actually sent messages to tipit and other fansites to delay the release of the guides for the quest, saying that they put a lot of work into the quest and don't want it spoiled so soon. So clearly Jagex is trying to get a quest out that guides don't walk you through entirely. Sure, its one thing for the guide to tell you "bring this gear, attack at this time, run this direction to prevent getting hit" but its another thing to actually follow the directions in a fast paced fight where one wrong move could be painful. I look foreward to taking on this quest because it is a new challenge not seen very often in Runescape.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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I think its about time Jagex stepped up their game with an incredibly difficult, drive-you-insane-with-multiple-attempts type quest. For those complaining about the difficulty, think of it from Jagex's perspective. For a good quest it may take 5-6 months if not more for development, yet within 2 days all the major fansites have guides up for players to beat the quest, and pretty soon nearly everyone with the requirements will have the quest done within the first week. If the rewards are useful for scaping, there will be thousands of players training just to get to the quest, and then using the guide to get it done fast and exploit the rewards. There were two options for jagex to stop this: 1) Make a very difficult combat quest that takes both skill, good stats, a little luck, and sense to complete or 2)Make a quest with intense puzzles that differ for every player, thus making it impossible for a guide to incorporate all possible solutions. Obviously the latter is incredibly impractical (if not impossible), so Jagex threw out the Nomad fight, and today players have tried countless times and continued to fail. It is probably much more satisfying to complete this intense battle than to complete a quest that a guide walked you through (I say probably because I am still working on the requirements for the Nomad quest, all I need is one more hunter level).


I remember when MEP2 first came out, Jagex actually sent messages to tipit and other fansites to delay the release of the guides for the quest, saying that they put a lot of work into the quest and don't want it spoiled so soon. So clearly Jagex is trying to get a quest out that guides don't walk you through entirely. Sure, its one thing for the guide to tell you "bring this gear, attack at this time, run this direction to prevent getting hit" but its another thing to actually follow the directions in a fast paced fight where one wrong move could be painful. I look foreward to taking on this quest because it is a new challenge not seen very often in Runescape.

I agree jagex has finally made a quest that has a challenging fight in it. People say this quest doesn't meet grandmaster standards but who's to say what those standards are when we only had one previous grandmaster quest. WGS was a very long yet easy quest with a good storyline as opposed to this one with a short storyline(some say almost none but I disagree with that) but a very challenging fight. Maybe you could considered a grandmaster quest to be either of those: very long with a good storyline or semi-long with a very challenging fight. I actually prefer the challenging fight instead of being simply completed by following a guide. IMO a grandmaster quest should be one that is very challenging and hard to do even with a guide. It just doesn't seem all that grandmaster to me if you can just read a guide and click your way through the quest (which I'm sure most people do).

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I beat Nomad! Whoopie! :thumbsup:


But I must admit:

- 99 str/def/att/hp/range/mage

- 93 herb

- armadyl top/body + dragon full helm + berserker (i) + barrow gloves + ags

- statius warhammer for specials


Good luck to all of you who stil need to kill him!


(btw: statius warhammer was a cool special weapon, 3 specials, all 50+ hits and it lowers his defence)

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Hunter, congrats!


The huge disparity between all of your narrow deaths and this absolute whomping certainly supports the thought that luck plays an inordinately large role here.


Or maybe the bgs is just that important? Seems to me this fight basically is a race -- can you do enough damage to him before you run out of healing? If the bgs spec knocks his defense down enough so that you do a lot more damage, this could make all the difference in the world.

I did it without a bgs. Whip and ruby bolts(e) FTW!

But I do think that the bgs spec might really turn the battle in your favor.


Well, thank you Storm. :P


And about the race, it actually was one, my only problems before this were the shortage of food (except my second attempt, had auto retaliate on, so when I ran out the minefield...). The BGS had lowered the defence of Nomad with 41 I think so I could hit through him like a knife through butter and could make it into a quick fight. All those attempts before that were long, very long, until I just ran out of pots. This is what I guess the biggest problem for most non-maxed people.

So I bring this advice to anyone still having trouble: lend a BGS, bring some ruby bolts (e) and you can whack Nomad away.

Also worth noting, during the berserk stage you can trap Nomad at the pillars, he takes in 2 squares, so all you got to do is get him so that he get's stuck at a pillar where you are standing. As the pillar is 2 squares deep, you can range him there without any risk at the second square. Only thing you must not forget is that he says "Face me" every other attack, so best is do a ranged attack, than switch to a melee weapon, deal one hit, retreat one square back, range again or eat and repeat. This is very helpful for those who are very short on supplies at that stage.

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Also worth noting, during the berserk stage you can trap Nomad at the pillars, he takes in 2 squares, so all you got to do is get him so that he get's stuck at a pillar where you are standing. As the pillar is 2 squares deep, you can range him there without any risk at the second square. Only thing you must not forget is that he says "Face me" every other attack, so best is do a ranged attack, than switch to a melee weapon, deal one hit, retreat one square back, range again or eat and repeat. This is very helpful for those who are very short on supplies at that stage.


I tried that he went back to full health after calling me a coward... never got to that stage ever since :angry:


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You should not be having that much difficulty with your stats. 70 tries? Ouch.


Maybe you should look at some of the suggestions made by players who have had a bit more luck and see if a change in tactics would help? For starters, if you are always ranging him, try meleeing instead.


Meleeing, ranging, hybriding, tried almost everything I can do at my levels, except a godsword and a rubber chicken. Would be great if I could get my hands on a BGS, for the special, but all 3 of my friends with an BGS sold them during this week...


Have you tried the specific method I outlined in detail above? It's far from the best but it worked for me and my stats are not as good as yours and I'm a self confessed combat noob.


Forget it, reading on in the thread I see you've done it. Congratulations!





All skills 70+ again 16/06/2010

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Well, I beat him after 2 serious tries (first time I just died on purpose). I'm quite surprised at all of the elaborate armour choices people used.


I beat him in a Dwarven Helmet and Black D'hide body and chaps. I used a whip and switched between it and a DDP++ for specs (the special is an easy 35+ hit). I had Barrows Gloves, Bandos boots, Fury, and a Dragon Square Shield. With a Yak full of Brews and Rocktail, he went down pretty easy.


Hopefully this cape comes in handy for Dark Beasts/Mith Dragons. :thumbsup:

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Also worth noting, during the berserk stage you can trap Nomad at the pillars, he takes in 2 squares, so all you got to do is get him so that he get's stuck at a pillar where you are standing. As the pillar is 2 squares deep, you can range him there without any risk at the second square. Only thing you must not forget is that he says "Face me" every other attack, so best is do a ranged attack, than switch to a melee weapon, deal one hit, retreat one square back, range again or eat and repeat. This is very helpful for those who are very short on supplies at that stage.


I tried that he went back to full health after calling me a coward... never got to that stage ever since :angry:


You have to move towards him so he can hit you every time he says "Face me", otherwise that happens indeed.


Offtopic: slayer monsters seem so dull now after a week Nomad-killing. XD

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8 tries required, but i managed to borrow latios' SGS ad got this:




Very, very,very,VERY lucky.


Boss is a mess all around. His first attacks are easy to dodge, just make sure you equip a range weapon before leaving the mine circle (otherwise the auto-retaliate feature could mean a ko for you.


When he charges the 75 hit, run behind the pillar (beware though, only 1 square per pillar is effective) heal quicly and atack him again, do not drop vials during this procedure.


Then he will make clones, run behind a pillar and heal/drop vials, he won't heal while cloned. Step away from the pillar with auto retaliate on. for some reason, the one the game elected was always the right one.


Nothing much to say during the max-1 hit, just make sureyou heal in time, i found more usefull to drop more vials during this time rather then just attack him after healed.


Rince and repeat, BGS is usefull but sgs was the key for me, good luck for all of you :smile:

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Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Tried whip/rune defender, whip/blessed spirit shield, and zamorakian spear, but each time hardly got nomad to 1/4 hp left before he healed. But then again, I was using rocktails along with 4 brews.

So after 3 tries, I decided to test out ranging in black d hide and blessed spirit shield with brews/restores, and it worked out a lot better than I thought it would. Ended up with 11 extra brews, and used leech defense/mage/range. Was fun though, been a while since I struggled with a boss.

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first tried nomad, i recommend shadow_stalker's guide in help/advice

ruins.png De_Elite_One.png

Inefficiency = fun. That's objective and can't be debated. Ever.


Blog to 200m in all skills.

Max cape achieved November 5th, 2011.

Completionist cape achieved December 29th, 2011.

Final Boss title achieved December 28th, 2014.

Trimmed completionist cape achieved November 7th, 2015.

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8 tries required, bgut i managed to borrow latios' SGS ad got this:




Very, very,very,VERY lucky

Oh so that's where my SGS went....


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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It was fun the first few attempts but then I realised how much in resources it was costing me. I've spent close to 2m on rocktails and sara brews and the best I ever got was getting him to 1/4 health. It's far too luck based and I have none of that (Bandos GS spec hitting 14 and 0 respectively). Going to have to retire that quest cape for a little bit. I'm not a noob, I've got high stats (other than prayer) and yet no matter what method I try or guide I follow I get nowhere near taking him down. I seem to spend all my time healing from his hits and never getting in any of my own, and despite super potting up before hand I never seem to get anything substantial in. In fact last time I tried when my BoB ran out of food my Iron titan was hitting more than me!



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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It was fun the first few attempts but then I realised how much in resources it was costing me. I've spent close to 2m on rocktails and sara brews and the best I ever got was getting him to 1/4 health. It's far too luck based and I have none of that (Bandos GS spec hitting 14 and 0 respectively). Going to have to retire that quest cape for a little bit. I'm not a noob, I've got high stats (other than prayer) and yet no matter what method I try or guide I follow I get nowhere near taking him down. I seem to spend all my time healing from his hits and never getting in any of my own, and despite super potting up before hand I never seem to get anything substantial in. In fact last time I tried when my BoB ran out of food my Iron titan was hitting more than me!


With your stats, you're DEFINATELY doing something wrong. Post a picture of your set-up and maybe we can help you. :wink:

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Well my hand cannon exploded during my 3rd attempt at nomad, so while I was waiting for another one to buy in ge I tried a few other loophole setups just for lolz. results here, in case you ever wanted to try:


dwarf multicannon: tragically, you can't set it up in nomad's lair (you get a message saying that the power coursing through nomad's throne prevents the cannon from being setup)

maging with flames of zamorak: I thought I would get somewhere with this because nomad appears to be wearing armor, but I splashed 4 out of 6 hits. My 2 hits were over 20 so with maxed mage it might just work, but with robes every hit of his was devastating, even his non-special hits were always over 25 on me.


For fun I also tried darklight and ivandis flail... needless to say, complete failure. I can't think of special weapons that would actually work (holiday weapons would obviously be epic fail), so I guess im going to stop and wait for another cannon to buy in ge >.>


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Well my hand cannon exploded during my 3rd attempt at nomad, so while I was waiting for another one to buy in ge I tried a few other loophole setups just for lolz. results here, in case you ever wanted to try:


dwarf multicannon: tragically, you can't set it up in nomad's lair (you get a message saying that the power coursing through nomad's throne prevents the cannon from being setup)

maging with flames of zamorak: I thought I would get somewhere with this because nomad appears to be wearing armor, but I splashed 4 out of 6 hits. My 2 hits were over 20 so with maxed mage it might just work, but with robes every hit of his was devastating, even his non-special hits were always over 25 on me.


For fun I also tried darklight and ivandis flail... needless to say, complete failure. I can't think of special weapons that would actually work (holiday weapons would obviously be epic fail), so I guess im going to stop and wait for another cannon to buy in ge >.>


Good to know :).

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With your stats, you're DEFINATELY doing something wrong. Post a picture of your set-up and maybe we can help you. :wink:

I've used several different setups. Mostly consisting of black dhide top and bottoms, dragon boots, neitiz helm, fury ammy, barrows boots, bandos gs for spec and zammy spear for fighting. Inventory and pack yak full of rocktails or sarabrews/restore pots.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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With your stats, you're DEFINATELY doing something wrong. Post a picture of your set-up and maybe we can help you. :wink:

I've used several different setups. Mostly consisting of black dhide top and bottoms, dragon boots, neitiz helm, fury ammy, barrows boots, bandos gs for spec and zammy spear for fighting. Inventory and pack yak full of rocktails or sarabrews/restore pots.


Have you tried ruby bolts, then switching to some melee armour and a whip for when he goes berserk? . I took 7 super restores and 17 sara brews, d plate and legs, whip and moss titan in invent and had however many sharks a war tortoise can hold and did just fine.



Edit - and I hid behind the pillars whenever he was going to launch the 75 hit, I didn't try to tank those hits.

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Anybody know if you can get back to the 150 hp,undead monsters after you beat it.


I'd rather be doing my thing than getting yet another cape....



Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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