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I can actually play again! I'm happy. Although I have to make a [cabbage] ton of ladders to fix them all since they're broken.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Wait, Peronix here is the same Peronix on the Minecraft forums?




I have at least five of your mods installed right now, lmao. I have something like 30 mods in total installed as well, just about as many as Minecraft can handle (had to remove several just to be able to fit IndustrialCraft in, due to Minecraft not having enough graphics indices or something similar).


Probably going to be a huge pain in the ass to update once 1.5 rolls around, but I have vanilla 1.4_01 compressed into a rar file somewhere already, plus backups of my modded jar, so I should be alright.



Quick update on my world. Once I got the new version of Millenaire installed, I realized one of my chests in my house was causing me to crash whenever I opened it. I went through my entire modlist 3 times to figure out why it'd be crashing (only thing I could think of was having a modded item in there that had it's mod uninstalled already), but I found nothing. Had to download MCEdit just to get rid of the thing, by then I was fed up, so I started a new world. Still on peaceful, though.


So far, not too much has happened. Got a tree farm working, furnace room, etc. Nothing really special yet, I haven't even started digging down yet, really. Quite proud of my tree farm, although it's waaay too large for height, so I'm getting some of the largest trees possible growing in it >_< makes it difficult to chop them down.

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Wait, Peronix here is the same Peronix on the Minecraft forums?




I have at least five of your mods installed right now, lmao. I have something like 30 mods in total installed as well, just about as many as Minecraft can handle (had to remove several just to be able to fit IndustrialCraft in, due to Minecraft not having enough graphics indices or something similar).

Peronix = Modder? Ha, I gotta check it out. (I don't really pay attention to names :razz: )


I think I'm gonna play Minecraft today.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I'm actually trying to find the topic on the forum again now, but it's being a nuisance to be located. Figures, since I forgot to bookmark it earlier >.<



EDIT: Got it. *bookmarks first before I forget*




EDIT 2: Oh crap, Beta 1.5 is out now. FFF-


Quick list of stuff in 1.5 (from discoveries topic on MC Forum):



-Weather (rain, snow, thunder)

- Statistics

- Achievements

- Detector rail

- Booster rail

- Performance improvements

- More statistics and achievements will be added over time as we develop the game. They’re only stored locally at the moment, but we’ll slowly be rolling out online storing of achievements over time.


I'll keep looking, see if there's anything interesting in the topic.



EDIT 3(+): More things:


- Shift + Left click while having a chest open on an item means it moves out of it's current side and moves to the other - ie, clicking on an item in invy will move it to the chest, and vice versa. Confirmed by Jeb on twitter, apparently. Further posts indicate it only works on chests, not crafting benches or furnaces.

- Ladder bug in which you can place one every other block and still climb it is gone. However, the ladder recipe now produces two ladder pieces instead of one as before.

- Lightning hitting pigs turns them into zombie pigmen. No clue yet if this works on peaceful (which I'd really like to know >_>)

- Each tree type now has it's own type of sapling.

- Wolves are slightly smarter than before, they can recognize doors and attempt to walk through them, but they still glitch up trying to go through them a lot, apparently.

- More as a side note for rain, but rain won't obsidian/cobblestone-ify lava. Not enough water, I guess :P

- Reports of water ladders being nerfed, although only by a few people so take this with a grain of salt if you have one constructed.

- Side grass texture is now 'fixed' I'm unsure what this means without dl'ing the update and looking myself, which I should do now.

- Creepers seem to move faster (another one to take with a grain of salt)

- Water movement in currents is like it was in 1.3 (again, grain of salt, may or may not be true)

- Thought this might be a troll post, but still, there's two people saying it. Lighting pigs on fire = cooked porkchops drop. This one smells fishy, I don't know if it's true. (Confirmed through personal test by pushing a pig into lava, confirmed again using flint and steel)

- Rain noclips through glass, apparently. Assuming this is just a graphical thing.

- Slot.png file in the minecraft.jar - has an anvil/hammer image, iron pickaxe, broken iron shovel, and what looks like an abacus. People are theorizing that this will become some sort of repair toolbench or something in a future update.

- Punch strength seems to have increased (or animal health decreased). I punched a cow to death in five hits, whereas before the update it took ten, I thought. Several comments on the MC Forum topic about it as well.

- Power.png in the armor folder in minecraft.jar - zero clue what this is, although I'm wondering if it's the graphic it shows when a pig anything is struck by lightning (personal speculation, btw) - screenie on the MC forum topic showing a creeper with this effect applied, poster stated it was just struck by lightning.


Still no weather seen in this new world, so it likely isn't as common as I had originally expected. Also, animals are incredibly stupid around lavafalls, I probably collected spoils from a dozen animals in the time it took me to find iron to test for cooked pork from pigs using flint and steel >.>

Edited by LinkOlaran
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Demby, no sound issues have existed in Minecraft for ages, but I did hear of some issues about weather sounds not playing on fast graphics mode, for some strange reason. The new update may have introduced a bug or something, but I didn't have any issues when I had 1.5 up (I reverted back to 1.4_01 for now until the mods are up to date, though). Normal sound effects were playing, and at least one song played while I had it running. I didn't get to see any weather, though. It's apparently not extremely common, but lasts a while, from what I read.


If it isn't a bug with the new update, something might've happened to the resources folder. Best I can say is force Minecraft to update again, see if that solves it. I had some sound issues waay back in alpha as well that were fixed by restarting Minecraft a few times, that may also help.


As a reference, the resources folder I have currently has 252 files in it. However, I do have the Zelda soundpack installed, so that might skew the numbers slightly. It should still have the new sound effects from 1.5 in it, though (having only re extracted 1.4_01 back over the 1.5 files, they should still be in there somewhere)


Anyway, hope you get it working. Worst case scenario, you'll probably have to wait for the first bugfix update, which'll likely come fairly soon, since I've also heard there're some crashes related to the new powered/detector rails. Plus, this I noticed myself, you can't place any blocks (besides redstone, I read on MC forum) on any blocks covered with a snow layer until you remove the snow.

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I'm definitely upset about the mods being broken, but hopefully modloader being patched will fix that.


Pleased to note that Ruins and GreatWall will be joining Millenaire once I have the ability to use them. Millenaire also has the lag fixed.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Oh, you mean Notch didn't spend 6-7 hours today playing Portal 2 like I did? Drat.


Well, once Mod Loader and MCP are done updating I guess I have some work to do :D


Speaking of Portal 2, I really hope iChun implements the tractor beam thing and the hard light bridge into his Portal mod. That would be epic.

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How do the new rails work? And do booster carts still work?

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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How do the new rails work? And do booster carts still work?


Basically boosters are replaced. They are not as powerful as the player hacked versions but do not take up space and can be controlled easily by wires.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Not as powerful? Hmm...I think my main station is going to have a manual booster (makes it look complex :) ) and then booster blocks to keep up the momentum.


I still ain't playing till important mods are updated. Hopefully its soon.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Just at a glance (and I'm bringing up the wiki to double check my thoughts), the powered rails have powered and unpowered states. When they're unpowered, they act as a catcher - any minecart to come in contact with them forces them to full stop on top of that block, unless if it has been boosted by an old fashioned booster (I assume the momentum is strong enough to overcome the strength of the powered rail here, and this isn't mentioned on the wiki so it may be complete BS that was posted on the MC Forum yesterday).


Powered rails carry redstone current about half as well as redstone wire as well, so once you connect redstone wire to it, powered rails themselves can carry power from the original powered rail up to 9 blocks away (although this really isn't necessary, it appears to be better to space the powered rails out with regular intervals rather than clump them together - wiki says having 25 normal rails, then a powered rail, then 25 normal rails, etc... is the 'optimal' setup for using these things). Wiki states the distance for occupied boosted carts is 64 blocks, while unoccupied only go for 8 blocks.


From what I remember from posts made yesterday, it's possible to hook a button up to the powered rail, and be able to hop in the standing still cart, press the button, and take off. From what I recall, the powered rail has to be on a slope, and unpowered by default (so the minecart, when placed, will be caught in place and held there). Once you press the button, gravity takes over, and that triggers the powered rail's boost.


Keep in mind that powered rails only trigger on carts already moving, though - unless the cart is stationary and pressed up against a solid block at the very end of the track, apparently.


Detector rails can detect any sort of minecart traveling over them, and trigger any redstone circuits they're connected to - you could use this to create one way tracks with powered rails, so the boost would only apply in one direction, and catch any carts moving backwards (runaway/hijacked carts, anyone? :P)


Excuse the extremely long post. Hope I didn't forget anything, lol. Keep in mind there appears to be at least one crash related to placing and using the detector rails, though. Something about detector rails' coding going into an infinite loop when they're placed next to any other type of rail. Wiki states this can be worked around by placing the detector rails first, then put the other rails in (although Mac users will still crash when a cart goes over the detector rail), I'd do this with caution, because I recall on the MC Forum that some people had this crash happen, and their world started insta crashing every time they loaded it afterwards.

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Here's a really useful post I found about booster tracks and powered tracks on Gamefaq's minecraft forum.


The optimal spacing of powered rails is to use 1 every 26 blocks (that is, 1 powered rail followed by 25 normal rails, repeated) which maintains a constant minecart speed of 8m/s.[2] Using 1 every 30 distance results in a negligible 2.6% speed decrease (to 7.8 m/s) if you wish to save on gold ingots. Using 1 powered rail every 32 blocks results in a 10% drop in speed (10% increase in travel time). The player will need to decide on time taken to travel versus amount of resources used when deciding on the powered rails repeating interval (how far apart a single powered rail should be placed every X rails).


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@Dumby: Cool leech.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Just decided to backup everything and update to 1.5.


Update finished, no sound. Checked resources folder, only had one of the relevant sub folders in it for cave noises, that's about it. Maybe music. This might be what happened to you, Demby. It could still be something else though.


Just wanted to have it said :P it's happened to me before, though. So it's not unique to version 1.5.

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I played it for a while, and gotten really bored, really FAST.


I bought a legal copy of Beta .... and here is what I think.


The game type is a very old design, but I find out that I need "the latest and greatest" video card to play it. Currently things like trees and running water cause a LOT of game lag ( tiny draw distance ).


I find the lack of "stuff" very boring, and the fact game developers have STATED they do not want to add content is frighting (( Official forum: http://"http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=279635#p3902758" ""Repetitive Inventory"" section )) .

This is probably because I have used a lot of virtual worlds such as Secondlife and Activeworlds in the past ( still use ActiveWorlds ) .


Building takes WAY too long, resource gathering for said building project is an epic undertaking ( non-hacking, or what hard core fans call the Honorable Way ).




Now for the old Clasic Minecraft


It's cool that it's free, but not much good at design, and I CAN NOT SAVE MY PROGRESS. Multiplayer is a joke. 5 - 10 minutes to load ( all servers ), constant disconnects, unusable due to griefers destroying anything you make.


If I knew than, what I know now, I wouldn't have spent $21 USD on that game, until final release, and it could be properly reviewed.


One of the old guard of RS.

RS birthday = Feb - 27 - 2002

Proud member of the original forum.


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Multiplayer is a joke. 5 - 10 minutes to load ( all servers ), constant disconnects, unusable due to griefers destroying anything you make.


If that's what happened to you, then the server you played on was utter [cabbage] and had the worst admins ever.


Multiplayer is just about the best damn thing the game has to use. I would suggest finding a better server. Try Diamondseekers or Azurecraft. Whitelists stop griefers, and smart admins don't run servers without them. I've been playing on a server started by a bunch of Gamefaqs users and I've been having a blast.


And that post you linked to about developers not releasing content? That was written by a regular user, you know. There's tons of stuff in minecraft and just about every two weeks sees a new batch of items and features added to the game.


If I knew than, what I know now, I wouldn't have spent $21 USD on that game, until final release, and it could be properly reviewed.


Well no offense, but you would've had the same conclusion and saved 21 dollars if you did a little research first. Meanwhile the number of minecraft purchases continue to rise... Maybe sandbox games just aren't for you.


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