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28-Mar-2011 � A Clockwork Syringe


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Can someone enlighten me: but what did that underwater dungeon have to do with the whole story/theme? - It seems like a filler action which we had to do there..


It was subtle but I think the suggestion was it was how they were getting the rum they used to make barrelchests, after all there were mentions if it being difficult to get and braindeath isle is the place to get rum is it not?


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Atmosphere, and people wanted more underwater-related things. It's a pirate quest after all.

Personally - I found the atmosphere, including the stray fish and schools of little fishes, to be very well done. :thumbup:


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Nevermind front page mentioned it.


I was confused why I suddenly had more 'tasks' to do because I only just noticed I lost my taskmaster emote had gone blank lol.


I had forgotten it was mentioned in the 'other news' Ergh this is annoying to finish again. (They added a few more tasks)

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Man I hate RuneScape. Only reason to train skills beides herblore is for quests and opening doors in dungeoneering. Forced to train 2 of the most useless skills in entire game (smithing and thieving) as a throw-on requirement just to make the quest seem high leveled.


Then stop posting on a RuneScape fansite and take your crap posts elsewhere. :rolleyes: I don't think I've seen anything but you complaining about Jagex for the last few months at least.

Not everyone is a sycophant or a Jagex apologist. ;)


Fact of the matter is, Jagex does far more stuff deserving of criticism than stuff deserving of praise.


One crybaby coming to the rescue of another. I see nothing but [cabbage] posting out of you, as well.


As expected with Jagex, a fail quest with noob requirements and a useless reward.






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As expected with Jagex, a fun, enjoyable quest and a nice reward.


Oweight, the brackish blade sucks because it isn't better than a chaotic rapier or abyssal whip, amiwrite? You know, this new sword is pretty much a dragon scimitar with stab instead of slash, and has no quest requirements to wield. Just because it isn't an amazing weapon for you doesn't mean it sucks. Also, I imagine it being useful for training on the rum crabs, as it seems to hit pretty high on them. All around, it was a good update. I really liked the quest. Funny and all around enjoyable.


It's like wanting a toy with a happy meal or expecting some kind of souvenier handed to you on the way out of the movie theatre. Quest rewards are just a bonus, try enjoying the quest itself next time. Or stay bitter and try not to enjoy it, suit yourself.







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If I wanted something to entertain myself for half an hour I would watch tv. Updates that don't bring permanent long lasting changes are a waste of resources

If jagex thought like this, the updates would have hit endgame levels long ago. Why must everything be better? Can't it just be different?


I am not P2P anymore so I can't do this quest, but from the sounds of most of the comments here, it's a good quest and it'll be on my to-do list for the next time I'm P2P.

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If I wanted something to entertain myself for half an hour I would watch tv. Updates that don't bring permanent long lasting changes are a waste of resources

If jagex thought like this, the updates would have hit endgame levels long ago. Why must everything be better? Can't it just be different?


I am not P2P anymore so I can't do this quest, but from the sounds of most of the comments here, it's a good quest and it'll be on my to-do list for the next time I'm P2P.


Totally agree. Quests are for puns, nice cutscenes, unique gameplay. Those elements are unique to quests and the reason I love quests. Quests and slayer were the main reasons I became p2p 4 years ago anyway and I still enjoy pretty much every quest! :smile:

calls himself Noobz?"




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I personally love the brackish blade. It looks AMAZING, almost like an abyssal scimitar. I'm using it for frost dragon slaying and it's quite fun to use. I'm also glad I can train attack with stab now, rather than training controlled with korasi's sword (yes I don't have chaotic rapier - I will one day, hold your horses).

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As expected with Jagex, a fun, enjoyable quest and a nice reward.


Oweight, the brackish blade sucks because it isn't better than a chaotic rapier or abyssal whip, amiwrite? You know, this new sword is pretty much a dragon scimitar with stab instead of slash, and has no quest requirements to wield. Just because it isn't an amazing weapon for you doesn't mean it sucks. Also, I imagine it being useful for training on the rum crabs, as it seems to hit pretty high on them. All around, it was a good update. I really liked the quest. Funny and all around enjoyable.


It's like wanting a toy with a happy meal or expecting some kind of souvenier handed to you on the way out of the movie theatre. Quest rewards are just a bonus, try enjoying the quest itself next time. Or stay bitter and try not to enjoy it, suit yourself.


Pretty much this.


I like the quest, it could have been longer because I found it entertaining. As usual, I recon the rewards to be bonus, so every reward is nice. Besides the fact that I had all skill requirements, I find it nice to embark on every quest when it is released. No guide - questing FTW (except for long, hard puzzles like EW3 and ME2).



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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Only "stupid" requirement, which has nothing to do with the story-line was the thieving 1... I really dislike when they just plaster requirements on it..



(also I think still the -sideline- isn't integrated in the quest well)

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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Only "stupid" requirement, which has nothing to do with the story-line was the thieving 1... I really dislike when they just plaster requirements on it..


Thieving was used in the Quest aswell...

sure it was, you were "captured". However that really, really is a thin line to incorporate a skill into a quest. - The quest is mainly about the creation of barrelchest armours - and hence the focus should be about smithing, crafting etc.

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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As expected with Jagex, a fun, enjoyable quest and a nice reward.


Oweight, the brackish blade sucks because it isn't better than a chaotic rapier or abyssal whip, amiwrite? You know, this new sword is pretty much a dragon scimitar with stab instead of slash, and has no quest requirements to wield. Just because it isn't an amazing weapon for you doesn't mean it sucks. Also, I imagine it being useful for training on the rum crabs, as it seems to hit pretty high on them. All around, it was a good update. I really liked the quest. Funny and all around enjoyable.


It's like wanting a toy with a happy meal or expecting some kind of souvenier handed to you on the way out of the movie theatre. Quest rewards are just a bonus, try enjoying the quest itself next time. Or stay bitter and try not to enjoy it, suit yourself.




I haven't done the quest myself, I don't have quite the requirements, but it does seem like a fun quests and I'm looking forward doing it.

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People who enjoy quests like this have a dull sense of fun


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If I wanted something to entertain myself for half an hour I would watch tv. Updates that don't bring permanent long lasting changes are a waste of resources

I think they should at least make quests give more xp/hr than grinding the skills themselves to provide some point to doing the otherwise useless ones.


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It's like wanting a toy with a happy meal

but that's the best part of the happy meal :(


Well - it's the only truly digestible portion of the Happy Meal, in any event ... :unsure:


The toy is what makes a Happy Meal so happy. Without the toy, it's just diarrhea in a box.

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