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TIF is bit over-moderated

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Nope, and I explained why earlier. Reread the thread while I try and find the post. I'll edit this to include it.


Edit: Beat you to it!


"On the topic of Mod Timbo, I would like to point out that once I needed to contact a J Mod to try and figure out if something was legal or not.


The community mod told me "if you need to ask it likely isn't," their cookie cutter response. The mod from the macro team told me what I wanted to know about was in the rules given certain things, quite an in depth response. So that is why it matter what mod you hear from. Some will blow you off because they don't actually know or understand the answer to your question. That is fine, they are PR guys, it is to be expected." - From yours truly.


Edit 2: When you mass delete posts don't leave orphans like this one. That's just heartless.

PM me in game anytime


It's a lot easier then that for an idiot to sound smart on the internet.


That's exactly what you're doing right now... just saying.


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But what would satisfy people in terms of who knows?


If nobody has any word from a Jmod, even a message from a lowly person who has asked is better than no information?

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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PM me in game anytime


It's a lot easier then that for an idiot to sound smart on the internet.


That's exactly what you're doing right now... just saying.


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Posts speculating on the personal lives of tip.it staff have been removed. Further posting in this vein will result in warnings and or bans.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Just because a user may not want to require 3 inputs does not make my functions against the rules. If this was the case, mousekeys would be illegal because they too can be set and used against the rules. It's all up to the user. If I post a link to a C++ forum, will you remove it too? It can be used to control mouse movements and send/receive keystrokes.


The thing with your example there is that it would only be ok if 1:1 means that as long as the number of keys pressed to call the function equals the number of actions that the function does. Personally I've always understood that by 1:1 it means

press key -> move mouse

press key 2 -> click mouse


Because essentially nothing happens with your script until the last key is pressed so then the previous keys wouldn't matter would they? This is what needs to be cleared up with Jagex because if it is ok to press 3 keys together and then have 3 actions performed then most of your functions are perfectly fine (also assuming that Jagex is ok with moving to a point on the screen which there also seems to be controversy over).


However I think what a lot of people are understanding is that an action must be performed after each keypress and not press 3 keys = 3 actions.

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Posts speculating on the personal lives of tip.it staff have been removed. Further posting in this vein will result in warnings and or bans.

go ahead, ban me for asking why you're being so stupidly secret over this. I'd like you to pm me a copy of the posts removed please.

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Where exactly did we say we hadn't contacted Jagex? What we said was we had not contacted them via email. You requested an email from them verifying their opinions and we're doing what you asked for.

I dont care how you bloody talk to jagex, darkdude has posted that they were in contact with jagex before they began removing scripts. If you're going to make a statement like that, back it up with evidence. NO EVIDENCE OF ANY FORM OF CONTACT WITH JAGEX HAS BEEN PRESENTED.

I have no reason to believe some of you didn't RWT. Back it up with evidence please. I'll need your bank account number & related administration. Thank you.


Similarly, I'd like some evidence on why you were forced to make the forums private.


Evidence on your scrips not being rulebreaking, too please.


Evidence on your posts not being in contradiction with the forum rules.


Evidence that you did try to cooperate, and that you were willing to work with us.


I can add to the last point that I have repeatedly offered to relay your messages to the whole moderation team before all this happened. It was refused each time.

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I have no reason to believe some of you didn't RWT. Back it up with evidence please. I'll need your bank account number & related administration. Thank you.

You caught me. Funny thing is, some would even admit/have admitted to rule breaking in the past but it gets deleted.


Evidence on your scrips not being rulebreaking, too please.

Did you miss my 56 line post?


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Where exactly did we say we hadn't contacted Jagex? What we said was we had not contacted them via email. You requested an email from them verifying their opinions and we're doing what you asked for.

I dont care how you bloody talk to jagex, darkdude has posted that they were in contact with jagex before they began removing scripts. If you're going to make a statement like that, back it up with evidence. NO EVIDENCE OF ANY FORM OF CONTACT WITH JAGEX HAS BEEN PRESENTED.

I have no reason to believe some of you didn't RWT. Back it up with evidence please. I'll need your bank account number & related administration. Thank you.


Similarly, I'd like some evidence on why you were forced to make the forums private.


Evidence on your scrips not being rulebreaking, too please.


Evidence on your posts not being in contradiction with the forum rules.


Evidence that you did try to cooperate, and that you were willing to work with us.


I can add to the last point that I have repeatedly offered to relay your messages to the whole moderation team before all this happened. It was refused each time.

Where do accusations of RWT come from??? What are you even talking about?

Grimy chose to make the forums so you have to register to see them for his own reasons - He's perfectly allowed to do that and I can't see why you'd have a problem with that.

There are no inputs listed and you add the inputs yourself - It's up to you to make it 1:1

Which posts are you talking about? Of course i've made posts that are in contradiction with tifs rules in the past.

I've never said i'm not willing to work with tif to fix this, but damn do you guys make it bloody hard to do so.


Your entire post is targeted at the wrong person, enaid.

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It makes it a lot harder for us to verify that the scripts are acceptable when we can't just view them. If he was truly interested in working with us he'd have never made the forums private.


Bearing in mind as well, the only "reason" given for doing that was that it's for "spam reasons", which makes absolutely no sense.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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At the very least he could have taken the time to set up accounts and send you guys the usernames and passwords.


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I mean, he obviously wants all of you over there with him. One big happy family.

PM me in game anytime


It's a lot easier then that for an idiot to sound smart on the internet.


That's exactly what you're doing right now... just saying.


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And I have registered there. But it's an inconvenience.

Deleting all of our signatures is also an inconvenience.


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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And I have registered there. But it's an inconvenience.

Deleting all of our signatures is also an inconvenience.

I didn't delete any signatures. I simply removed the rule breaking parts; and since I'm sure you all want to abide by the rules, your signatures would need no further changes.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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And I have registered there. But it's an inconvenience.

Deleting all of our signatures is also an inconvenience.

I didn't delete any signatures. I simply removed the rule breaking parts

I'm not saying that you specifically deleted mine. But when mine was deleted, it wasn't the "rule breaking" parts that were removed, the entire signature was removed and I was given a copy of it through a pm...


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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this is still going on? Really?

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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Well, that process should be revised imo. I remember when I had my signature removed a while ago, I didn't have the original signature coding and had to ask for it through PM. It was a pain because the mod in question wasn't on until the next day.


The moderator after removing it should contain a code with the original signature (in hide tags at the bottom of the message) and a code with the fixed signature that has all the rule-breaking subject matter removed from it. This makes it a lot easier for the user to know what rules were broken, etc. To make it easier, it should have some form of a format already supplied in some form of pinned topic in the moderator forums.


Apologies if something similar like this is already in place because the last time I had a signature removal was almost 2 years ago. (Not going to bother to check my PM box to find my exact date. :P )


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It really is. Such a shame.


Edit: @ Das, not Obt

PM me in game anytime


It's a lot easier then that for an idiot to sound smart on the internet.


That's exactly what you're doing right now... just saying.


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