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Average Income Per Hour?


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Hey, just curious, what are ur ppl's average income per hour in rs? Or maybe even per 1 day that u play?


When im not doing quests, and training slayer or farming or something like that its usually about 50-100k per hour.. And per day i earn about 350k..



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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Anywhere between 2 and 15mill an hour, average is about 5mill an hour.




If you are playing purely for money (i.e you need money to buy supplies for a skill you enjoy) then there are plenty of ways to earn between 200k and 1000k an hour which are fairly easy and require pretty much no skills.




:shock: examples?? 5mill an hour................. do that for a day or two, get a phat! I make about, oh, 150k an hour. Awfull slow. 1mil is like, "OMG 1mil!!!!!!!" for me :lol: :roll: .




So, what lvls do you need for that kind of cash, and what do you do??

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I can make a solid, guranteed 400k an hour while runecrafting.




Otherwise...well...once I have the need to make more money, then I'll try out other methods. But I haven't had to make money in years now because I've just been riding on my long term rare investments. :)

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


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For myself, I am F2P for live, I can make a nice 100k-120k with runecrafting air runes and probaly more merchanting, but I hate merchanting, although I am rather good at it, but it is no skilling. But with runecrafting I can earn quite a bit for F2P!

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It depends..




If runecrafting, I make a guaranteed at least 400k per hour.




If woodcutting or mining, I probably just waste time and not make any money.




If barrowing, it's all about the luck.




I mostly spend my days slaying atm which doesn't make much but it's one of my favorite things to do on rs.




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I've been quite lucky doing barrows probably making 1m an hour whilst not getting to 30 kill count, otherwise i usually go backwards, eg. I'm going to buyin +/-2.5k d bones soon, that will set me back more than ever! I honestly don't know how people can make 15m a day, I've had 6m worth of barrows stuff in a day, but that's my best ever, for anything, especially as I am really, really bad at merchanting!!


Drops: Barrows: 60+ DK: 4... Dragon: 60+ Whips: 2... GWD: 0...ouch!

Main Goal: 2000 total with no 99's




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Depends on the Day. Weekdays i make 0 to none (weekdays are when i buy stuff). The weekends...Now thats a different story. I can make anywhere from 1 Million(if dagg kings are mean that day) to 10+ Million in a very short time. Only had a few trips were i came out with little to nothing. :)

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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Anywhere between 2 and 15mill an hour, average is about 5mill an hour.




If you are playing purely for money (i.e you need money to buy supplies for a skill you enjoy) then there are plenty of ways to earn between 200k and 1000k an hour which are fairly easy and require pretty much no skills.




:shock: examples?? 5mill an hour................. do that for a day or two, get a phat! I make about, oh, 150k an hour. Awfull slow. 1mil is like, "OMG 1mil!!!!!!!" for me :lol: :roll: .




So, what lvls do you need for that kind of cash, and what do you do??






*Smiles* I've gone from about 200k to 500mill in about 4 months time. Although, sswiss04 and das did give me a bit of cash to get started.

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i dont go out of my way to make $ any more. i just raise skills these days.






if i happen to come along $, good for me. but im very content at this point in time, i maintain a reasonable collection of items both for serious things, and for leisure.








shades of morton= $ for exp.

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I hardly care about the money anymore, I've made enough during 99 fletching to last me an age of doing stuff I love. I'm currently slaying a lot, doing every clue I get. God pages can still fetch some nice cash, so do most slayer drops, if I feel like selling them (I alched some black/red and white/gold mystic items last week because nobody was buying them :oops: )




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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I've never really counted how much money I make per hour, perhaps 50-100k :oops:


I'm mining right now so it depends.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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doing basic money making its roughly 60k per hour (woodcutting, fishing etc.)




doing rc or dragon slaying makes alot more. 600k




barrows is all dependant on luck. 0-12mill

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Made 3 mil last night in less then 15 min's. Gotta love those whip drops :lol: The abby's have been very nice to me these day's.. I learned something new last night I never knew they drop 45 rune arrows. Was there mostly for the ess, but wow was happy when I left...


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