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lightning thunder


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thunder is ok i do not care it is just sound but light light travels faster than sound. lightning is the one that i hate. with lightning i hate it. to be near windows when thier is lightning i feel afraid and scared. i move to a place without windows is it just me or are you guys also afraid of lightning.




or thunder but i am not afraid of thunder.




post here but do not flame

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Really? I love lightning and thunderstorms in general. Its...Relaxing.








me too.




now that i live in the basement of my house i cant hear when it rains anymore. i can still hear the thunder though, and can see the flashes outside my window. its awesome.



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Really? I love lightning and thunderstorms in general. Its...Relaxing.








me too.




now that i live in the basement of my house i cant hear when it rains anymore. i can still hear the thunder though, and can see the flashes outside my window. its awesome.




Yeah, it's raining\thundering here now. :) It's awesome

[Admin Edit: No naming names in a negative light]

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Guest GhostRanger

Tonight when I was at work (at a movie theater), I was sitting in the box office out front and it wasn't very busy so I just sat back and watched the lightning storm through the glass. It was amazing... :P

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I love thunderstorms. I feel most relaxed when it is pouring outside. The only thing I hate is the power outages. I don't mind the darkness at all. It's the fact that I can't be online when the power is out.

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Really? I love lightning and thunderstorms in general. Its...Relaxing.




thunderstorms are more refreshing for me, not the get yourself drench kind of refreshing... just refreshing in general.








I use to be afraid of the lightning and thunder, but grew out of it pretty quickly once I reach my teens... kind of light being afraid of the dark I guess...

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Thunderstorms are great, because they usually follow a muggy period, so the rain clears you all out and the sound and sight of the storm is one of life's greatest wonders.




I love to walk along the beach when one comes around. Probably not the safest thing, but hey, it's good thinking time.

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This guy certainly got a one way ticket to rock 'n roll heaven...
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Thunderstorms are great, because they usually follow a muggy period, so the rain clears you all out and the sound and sight of the storm is one of life's greatest wonders.




I love to walk along the beach when one comes around. Probably not the safest thing, but hey, it's good thinking time.




I'm exactly the same. If it starts throwing it down i usually go outside and walk around.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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When I was living at uni I had be bed so that my head was right next to the window. I loved it when it was thundering at night or raining really hard because I could hear it so well but I was tucked up all nice and warm in my bed, it made it feel really cozy. The same goes for snow, waking up and looking out the window whilst I was all nice and warm in bed to see it all white outside; especially if I knew I didn't have to go to any lectures that day.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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I totally agree with everyone. Thunderstorms and very heavy rain are my favourite kinds of weather. Shame here in the south on the UK we dont get much :( :(

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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Thunder and ligning storms are great. I like to open all the doors and windows to see and hear it all. Sometimes ill even go outside.




The only time i dont like them is if they are at some stupid hour of the morning and i have work the next day



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Thunderstorms are great, because they usually follow a muggy period, so the rain clears you all out and the sound and sight of the storm is one of life's greatest wonders.




I love to walk along the beach when one comes around. Probably not the safest thing, but hey, it's good thinking time.




Same here, although this year we haven't had one. The weatherperson has predicted about 3 a week for the last 2 months, but they've been wrong every time =\.

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I'd like to go outside and play a grand piano in a thunderstorm.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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I like thunderstorms because they happen so rarely over here in England, when one comes it feels like a special day lol!


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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I love storm... They're best when it just lightning and thunder with no rain, because I hate it when everything is all wet... I have also developed a love for tornados... We have them fairly often here in the midwest. I like to stay upstairs and watch the storm, even go outside if there's no hail. Last time the tornado sirens went off I was at a friends house. Him and his sister went in the basement and told me to come but I went outside to watch. I can understand why some people are afraid of storms, they're quite powerful and can cause a lot of damage. I was scared of them when I was young. But growing up with tornados every spring/summer has gotten me over my fear.

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Thunderstorms are great, because they usually follow a muggy period, so the rain clears you all out and the sound and sight of the storm is one of life's greatest wonders.




I love to walk along the beach when one comes around. Probably not the safest thing, but hey, it's good thinking time.




Ever tried playing golf while a thunderstorm, lightning and hail is going on?


I have, its not fun. Especially if being held-up by slow players infront.

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When I was living at uni I had be bed so that my head was right next to the window. I loved it when it was thundering at night or raining really hard because I could hear it so well but I was tucked up all nice and warm in my bed, it made it feel really cozy. The same goes for snow, waking up and looking out the window whilst I was all nice and warm in bed to see it all white outside; especially if I knew I didn't have to go to any lectures that day.




Agreed, although I have it at home. I love when it rains or when it's tundering when I'm in bed.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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When I was living at uni I had be bed so that my head was right next to the window. I loved it when it was thundering at night or raining really hard because I could hear it so well but I was tucked up all nice and warm in my bed, it made it feel really cozy. The same goes for snow, waking up and looking out the window whilst I was all nice and warm in bed to see it all white outside; especially if I knew I didn't have to go to any lectures that day.


Ahh, I love that feeling too!


I like it the most when it is storming heavily or realy pooring outside, and I'm in my bed with a book.


Heaven. \'

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