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Noobs say the funniest things!


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Some guy reported me for mining gold. Apparantely I was "hacking" RuneScape. The same guy came around and reported me for chopping down a tree. Again for "hacking". I'd swear he's been stalking me....
Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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lol..this noob was following me, and i was wearing addy without a helm:




noob: hey noob, look who came out of the cereal box


me: huh?


noob: yeah that's right..i'm talking to you noooooob


me: oh, sorry, i wasn't paying attention


noob: if you don't give me 100k, i'll keep following you


me: ok..




i let him follow me through a winding maze, then "Accidentally" stop by a bunch of ankou's...oops? he dies, then blames me. i tell him that if he stopped following me and stopped acting like a noob, he would've lived.

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earlier today this lvl 73 (im 66 combat) was telling me off calling me a noob. that sort of thing, so i challenged him to a duel




i said i'd stake 1M on myself if he staked his full rune.




needless to say, i now have an extra set of rune

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earlier today this lvl 73 (im 66 combat) was telling me off calling me a noob. that sort of thing, so i challenged him to a duel




i said i'd stake 1M on myself if he staked his full rune.




needless to say, i now have an extra set of rune




lol i can imagine how he reacted

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I saw a couple of level 60s having this conversation:




Person #1: do u wnt 2 b my gf?


Person #2: OK.


Person #1: Oh, wow. I wasn't expecting that.


Person #2: Huh?


Person #1: Nrmly ppl call me a freak and tell me 2 **** off.


Person #2: Awwwww. I'll b yor bf. just give me some prsnts.


Person #2: like a rune scimitar and kite


Person #1: y shld i do that?


Person #2: bcoz i'm ur gf now.


Person #1: Really? ok then.




*Person #1 gives Person #2 a rune scim and kite*




Person #2: thnks hun




*Person 2 teleports away*




Person #1: Oh ****.


*Person #1 turns to me*




Person #1: You never saw that.


Me: I did. I recorded it as well.


Person #1: OMG plz delete it!




Me: OK.




It was fun to watch. Also, I didn't really record it. Also, relationships in RuneScape are for losers.

Retired from RuneScape as of November 10th 2007.




This is what I am doing now. | My Website | My RuneScape Programs

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When I was a noob, this girl asked me to be her bf, and after I said no, she kept saying "Who needs a gf?




I intended to say "Not me"


I said "Not men" :XD:




That was kinda dumb...:roll:




She took it pretty well...she didn't swear.

I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
Pics or it didn't happen.
I hate my generation.
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(Some random girl walks up to me, about lvl 47)


Her: I love you.


Me: Wait, what?


Her: I love you.


(Nearby people lol)


Me: Why do you love me and who are you?


Her: Because you're so lovely and I'm someone who loves you.


Me: That's true, and it's great that you love me, but you realize I can't love someone back who I've just met 6 seconds ago.


Her: .......


Her: I still love you, my love.


Me: I'm walking away now.


(She follows)


Her: I love Killy Da Kid!


Me: Uuuugggghhhhh........


Her: I luv im i love im i love im i love him!!!


Me: (Longer groan)


Her: I love you, you know that? I love you!


Me: Yes, I remember.


Her: Say you love me, honey.


Me: No. And I'm no one's honey.


Her: Aawww, come on baby, say it.


(She does the kiss emote)


Me: No, and I'm not a baby. If I were, I'd be typing , ';dsaclrma5644dsja a7230djdk ald kamkam


Her: What do I have to do to get you to say it?


(I raise one eyebrow)


Her: Whatever it takes!!








(Here's what really happened, after she said ...to get you to say it?)


Me: Leaving works good.


Her: But we're inseperable!


Me: No, you're inseperable.


Her: Huh?


Me: All right, I'm tired, and annoyed, so here you go.


Her: XD


Me: I love y--


(I log out)




I have quit RuneScape. I have posted on the Leaving sticky saying so. Goodbye.

"Too late... my time has come... gotta leave you all behind and face the truth."

~ Freddie Mercury ~

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Go Killy! Wicked one! =D>
Thank you, thank you, true story, it happened near Baerak's shop in Varrock and I logged out about 20 steps from the Varrock west gate, south of Juliet's house.




:D :) 8-) :lol: :P :roll: :wink: =P~ \:D/ ::'




I have quit RuneScape. I have posted on the Leaving sticky saying so. Goodbye.

"Too late... my time has come... gotta leave you all behind and face the truth."

~ Freddie Mercury ~

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Noob: R u member?


Me: No, im not member.


Noob: But ur hat is member! Ure member!


Me: Its a holiday item.


Noob: What is holiday?


Me: ..




oh well... -.-


| 19,385th to 99 smithing on the 11th of June 2011. |

| 144,261st to 99 magic on the 2nd of September 2011. |

| Thanks for sig to DementedHero |

| Blog |

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Noob: R u member?


Me: No, im not member.


Noob: But ur hat is member! Ure member!


Me: Its a holiday item.


Noob: What is holiday?


Me: ..




oh well... -.-




Ever thought, (That, if that English is exactly what he/she said) They could have just learnt english, or it's not their first language.. -.-

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Noob kept following me saying "Selling 1 law rune! Selling 1 law rune!" over and over.




God, and when I'm in my F2P world (I'm F2P), I get about a kazillion noobs coming up to me asking if I will sell my rune scimmy, longsword, addy pick, or axe.



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this noob came up to me and called me a noob btw im 80 more lvls than him






me: im the noob?


noob: i could owne u


me: ok lets go to the arena


noob:no its a waist


me:whas a waist?


noob: i know ill win


me: than u have nothing to lose


noob: ok fine lets go




and thats when he loged out, swiched world and ignord me

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there was a guy who had 99 cooking and had his skill cape on and then a noob came and asked what his cooking lvl was...




I was ranging in Karils, and somebody asked me my ranged level.


I replied with 68. ::' And the fruitcake said: Nice level.




*10 min go by*




"Hey! You cant have ranged 68 .. You're wearing Karil!"


Yes I can, I used range pot.. :-w

Why do we bake cookies, but cook bacon

99/99/80+ looking for monster hunting group

RS07: mb nb

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I was ranging in Karils, and somebody asked me my ranged level.


I replied with 68. ::' And the fruitcake said: Nice level.




*10 min go by*




"Hey! You cant have ranged 68 .. You're wearing Karil!"


Yes I can, I used range pot.. :-w








talk about slow ::'


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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Some noobs say the funniest things and dude they take 1337 speak to the max. I was just walking in full sara through varrock a level 30 came up to me and started to beg so bad. He's saying 0mG can I plZ have UR Sera AMoar Pl0XX. this is so funny but sad. Why can't the people just make there own money and get their own saradomin armor Jeez.








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I was mage training on the lesser in the wizards tower when a lvl 18 noob comes along..




Noob: Teleport me in there


Me: What, Are you joking?


Noob: No teleport me in there


Me I wont do that for 2 reasons, 1 you'd die and 2 there is no such spell


Noob:I wouldnt die!!! I'd kill that ****


Me: there's no such spell, cant be done.


Noob: yes there is I killed one in Varrock, now teleport me in there.


Me: There is no lesser demon in varrock


Noob: Hahaha N00b!!! yes there is and I killed it with silverlight!!!


Me: that's completely different, that was for a quest


Noob: so?


Me: you couldn't kill one normally


Noob: Omg Yes I cud, you're just scared




I'm getting fed up, so I tell him how to get to the lessers in Karmaja.




2mins later a get a pm...




Noob: I'm reporting you for item scamming


Me: Why?


Noob: you tricked me to going to karmaja and bnow I lost my stuff


Noob: Give me money or i'll report you again.






And ignore...


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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Before you know it, you'll be reported for "hacking" (as in hitting the tree with an axe) a tree :lol:




Some guy reported me for mining gold. Apparantely I was "hacking" RuneScape. The same guy came around and reported me for chopping down a tree. Again for "hacking". I'd swear he's been stalking me....


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