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Potentiol Pest Control Change


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They cant change it ITS NOT bug abuse or anything.. and if you change it after 3 months of it being out.. Its unfair on some members because others went earlier than others..




This I agree with. Letting pest control be the way it is for 3 months, and then cutting the xp to 1/4 of what it currently is really isn't fair for many people. But then again, giving this much xp in the first place wasn't fair. I really don't understand what takes Jagex so long to fix these problems, waiting only makes the problem worse.

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if this happens..jagex cannot imagine the vast amount of rants..and I will be heading one. I was planning to get 94 mage at pc this summer, this will ruin everything.



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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I hope Jagex does nerf PC. It's pretty much killing any other forms of training.




My biggest beef with PC is that you can transfer experience to whatever skill you want (Meaning you don't have to mage to get mage experience, nor ranger to get range experience etc.); That and it's ridiculously easy.

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What?! :ohnoes: All this time I was wasting my time doing quests, thinking I'd go train at Pest Control (for the first time :-# ) next weekend! Just my luck... Then again, I never actually liked it so much, and it did seem too easy to get tons of exp... Maybe this will be a good thing. And maybe not... We'll find out in a day or two...

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They cant change it ITS NOT bug abuse or anything.. and if you change it after 3 months of it being out.. Its unfair on some members because others went earlier than others..




This I agree with. Letting pest control be the way it is for 3 months, and then cutting the xp to 1/4 of what it currently is really isn't fair for many people.

Yeah, jagex would never change something that has been working perfectly for months and call it a bug...Isn't that right Verac, crumble undead, charge, whips, and mauls? Right? #-o


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Whats IRC ?




How about a little search before asking stupid questions?




how about we stop flaming and answer a question?




IRC is a type of chatroom.








ontopic: i sure do hope it doesnt get the change,but if it does, i can understand why. it is way too over powered for its own good.




maybe they are going to cut the equation so normal combat skills are devided by 12, and prayer is divided by 24 o.O




i sure as hell hope not though.

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I got to agree with the previous poster, PC is completely ridiculous xp. I got my 99th ranging level faster than my 90th, and I spent about a third of the time. If Jagex doesn't change it, I'll still use it because otherwise I'll fall behind level-wise, but I seriously hope Jagex does something.

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They cant change it ITS NOT bug abuse or anything.. and if you change it after 3 months of it being out.. Its unfair on some members because others went earlier than others..




This I agree with. Letting pest control be the way it is for 3 months, and then cutting the xp to 1/4 of what it currently is really isn't fair for many people.

Yeah, jagex would never change something that has been working perfectly for months and call it a bug...Isn't that right Verac, crumble undead, charge, whips, and mauls? Right? #-o




EXACTLY what I was thinking. :anxious: :x :evil: -.- <.<

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Fake, seeing as it's just "Paul" and not "Mod Paul" Although there probably is a mod Paul but it's not the Paul.




Even if it is true, I don't use Pest Control anyway so it doesn't bother me.

Paul and Andrew never liked having "Mod" in front of there name, therefore, after you said this, he edited, its a fake.. Its "Paul" As it is "Andrew" for the mods..There is a Paul because its Andrews brother :roll:

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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Jagex will only cut in their own fingers if they NERF pestcontrol (cuz getting 25% xp only is nerfing anyway you look at it)




First they make a game thats ridiculously hard to win without killing the portals... I doubt very much that the Knight has stayed alive for 20 minutes in a row, it just cant be done...




So you have to kill the portals, and we all know how "easy" it is to kill those...




So you will get (as with what happened) a standardised Pest Control world, where everyone can be 99% sure that they have a full compliment of warriors goign at it...




But alas, all good things come to an end, and before you know it, the "Official Pest Control world" is invaded by people who want the points and their money, but they need to do 50 damage because of Jagex's adaptation to PC...




So what you get is an overwhelming flood of creature killers for their 50 damage, who dont kill the portal, and basicly causes everyone to lose the game. Which includes the more skilled people who actually win a game...




So this last group bands together, makes a forum (I HEART HEART), and has all good warriors in 1 world, which is kept secret for as long as possible.




And they do well... rarely does a game last longer then a minute, which results in humongous ammounts of points (and xp) per hour...




And as soon as the resources run dry (aka, noobs found out and invade), these nomands move on...




Now jagex finds out that they get too much xp per hour, because they are well organised... And now they wanna reduce it to a fourth... And why? for something they DROVE us to do?




Jagex will cross the line if they actually proceed with the nerfing...


If higher levels can get 25% xp of what used to be... Lower levels get even less...




Another dead minigame because of their own doing... Well done






Want a solution to the problem? There are plenty, but few are good enough to be mentioned...




I've thought of something that will level the field between high and low levels, as well as make the games last longer so the XP/Points per hour will stop to cause huge rises in levels...




Here goes... Prepare yourself because it is as simple as it is brilliant:




Simply make the game end not when the portals are gone, but when all the remaining creatures are gone too... Inserting some sort of "mob-up" fase of the game...




When all portals an creatures are dead, AND you did your 50 damage, you get points and cash...


If you killed all portals (and did your 50 damage) but managed to not kill the creatures for 20 minutes and the knight survives, you just get a point...


If you just lasted 20 minutes, and did your 50 damage, but not all portals were killed, you only get cash...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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Fake, seeing as it's just "Paul" and not "Mod Paul" Although there probably is a mod Paul but it's not the Paul.




Even if it is true, I don't use Pest Control anyway so it doesn't bother me.




Actually you are WRONG :shame: :-w


There is infact a Paul


he and his brother Andrew Gower created Runescape! DUH!




I am pretty sure there is no "Mod Paul" as there is already a Paul




Paul is a pretty common name ...

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Ts, you summed it up great! Your idea sounds good but the only problem is with the last scenario. I don't think it'd be fair if they lasted twenty minutes of defending and only got cash. If a lower level group were to go at it and then simply guard the Knight as they couldn't really damage a portal, they'd be jipped out of points and playing for twenty minutes is well worth a point so long as you at least made an effort to hurt an enemy.

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Ts, you summed it up great! Your idea sounds good but the only problem is with the last scenario. I don't think it'd be fair if they lasted twenty minutes of defending and only got cash. If a lower level group were to go at it and then simply guard the Knight as they couldn't really damage a portal, they'd be jipped out of points and playing for twenty minutes is well worth a point so long as you at least made an effort to hurt an enemy.




Thank you... but however the rewards are listed and distributred, im sure jagex has capable people that can figure it out...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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==> No seriously, if you like FREE GP, XP and Dung tokens, as well as Community, Opportunity and above all FUN... <==

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I think we all knew that this update was going to happen, but of course now that it may happen, nobody wants to see it.




I gotta admit I really hope that they do not nerf it. It is really the most efficent way to train magic and ranged in Runescape. I mean melee is very easy to train, however magic and ranged are much slower.




If they are truly going to nerf the xp, like many people have said before me, they should increase the points given at each game.


Don't free Durial. Put this in your sig if you believe in justice.

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I personally saw Mod Chris L and Mod Ads at pest control. They weren't there for long, both played 1 game before they got piled and logged. Mod Chris L showed up in the morning, and Mod Ads later in the day. They stood on the dock and answered a few questions, and Mod Chris even said in a game of pest, "Pest control ownz" for us all to screenie. :P I surely hope they don't nerf pest, they gotta give us a break sometime from everything being so hard.

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Fake, seeing as it's just "Paul" and not "Mod Paul" Although there probably is a mod Paul but it's not the Paul.




Even if it is true, I don't use Pest Control anyway so it doesn't bother me.




Actually you are WRONG :shame: :-w


There is infact a Paul


he and his brother Andrew Gower created Runescape! DUH!




I am pretty sure there is no "Mod Paul" as there is already a Paul




Paul is a pretty common name ...

Lol, but there is indeed a Paul, not Mod Paul




I wish there was a Mod Bobby1167 :(

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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As sad as that is, I'm pretty sure every member of Affliction and Heart Unit saw this coming :x . I get 70k+ Mage exp an hour there, and not only is it free- we get payed to do it :o .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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