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All discussion here: Jan 2, 2006 - Rule 7 and Rule 9 Updated


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if your gonna use ss, dont tell anybody and nobody will know. jagex isnt out to get people who use ss, there out to save dumb people that dont download it from the right sight and get keylogged and then they ruin it for the rest of us. this really isnt such a big deal, because in the past ss has already been a program that you think you shouldnt use, but now that they have corrected the rules so you know you shouldnt use it. just dont tell anybody, and nobody will care, because its not something like macroeing that will ruin the game. they dont have detection software for ss, only for repetitive clicks of macroing programs. and again i dont think they even really care about 3rd party programs, they just want less "my account got haxed, do something about it" reports.

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if your gonna use ss, dont tell anybody and nobody will know. jagex isnt out to get people who use ss, there out to save dumb people that dont download it from the right sight and get keylogged and then they ruin it for the rest of us. this really isnt such a big deal, because in the past ss has already been a program that you think you shouldnt use, but now that they have corrected the rules so you know you shouldnt use it. just dont tell anybody, and nobody will care, because its not something like macroeing that will ruin the game. they dont have detection software for ss, only for repetitive clicks of macroing programs. and again i dont think they even really care about 3rd party programs, they just want less "my account got haxed, do something about it" reports.
so you agree it was just a bluff then?
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there main goal is not to punish ss users, but to save people from keyloggers, and the only way they can do that is through banning 3rd party programs like ss. plus haveing less stolen account reports means they save more money on costumer service
whats funny is they don't have a big cs they read reports that are like 3+ days old and they do have money <.<
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I agree with many people before me. SS was not a neccesity for RS. I was (<-- Past tense, as of this morning :anxious: ) a user of the program and thought it was great, but I had began to drift away from it. I have to admit that I was only using it for the IRC chat because I found the other clients a little troublesome to use. Now that it's been deemed illegal I don't think it will affect many people other than the chat system it provided.








I know I'll go download the mirc client now and get that cooking which I suggest to all other ex-SS users to do. This update doesn't have to be a big problem with anyone if people weren't so lazy as to download Firefox and a mirc client.

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TBH I wish Jagex would stop reforming rules and doing these useless mass bans and actually do somthing so that these things wouldn't need to happen. Mabye design a decently good client so people don't need to use SS? All the official client is is a browser that only connects to runescape.com. How about make some useful ingame tools? But no, all they feel they need to make a rule against these third party clients, and make no efforts to do somthing to where they are no longer nescicary.








Yes it would take just a little effort to compensate for the loss of SS utilities, but I really wish Jagex would move toward a more user-friendly client that wasn't exactly like IE or Firefox.












I tried SS and I found it very helpful. Screenshot utility, stat lookup, chat, tools... made it all easier. I uninstalled it and I didn't continue using it for fear of malware, but I DEFINATLY would use it if it or somthing similar was an official RS program. So please Jagex, don't just take away that amazing tool without replacing it with somthing similar that's 100% safe.

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Is it that hard to have a non-login RS program, or even the Rune Tips calculators open while playing?








Swift IRC is still available via mIRC, you really aren't going to lose much time switching tabs or windows (and if you fret about that...you are more Obsessive-Compulsive than I am).








And I have examined the Swift program myself, and had several of my friends who are programming whizzes look at it. While it may be safe now, we have all concluded that all it would take is a simple update to get a keylogger. Your next update? Your last.








All in all, it's a decent rule.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Don't particularly like this change, mainly because it screws up clan chatting for me, I can still use mirc I guess but everything was much more simple with SS, but oh well. :\








Thanks jagex. :roll:

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Even I used SS..Over half of runescape uses SS. Have you seen how many downloads it has on the Zybez site? its over 750,000 I think. It was an amazing program and I'm sad to see it go. I think ALOT of people are going to be complaining on the main site about this.








SS IS SAFE. I've scanned it and I scan it every update. I've never had any trouble with it. If you download it from the main Zybez website it is perfectly safe.








I think Jagex needs to make a client like SS. With simple world switching and all.




Exactly. I'll use it 'till I die. They won't catch me, banning hundreds of thousands is out of their league.



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]Even I used SS..Over half of runescape uses SS. Have you seen how many downloads it has on the Zybez site? its over 750,000 I think. It was an amazing program and I'm sad to see it go. I think ALOT of people are going to be complaining on the main site about this.








SS IS SAFE. I've scanned it and I scan it every update. I've never had any trouble with it. If you download it from the main Zybez website it is perfectly safe.








I think Jagex needs to make a client like SS. With simple world switching and all.








Scanning it does not do a single thing. Keyloggers can easily be hidden from scanners. And its people like you that end up posting random posts on the forum about "HEY I WAS SCAMMED AND HACKED RUNSCAPE U S4xxors!!!". Plus if you read the news update properly runescape said they are making an ingame chat interface used for clan chat and all that krap you guys do "ASAP". ASAP = AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE= I predict it to be in the next millinium LOL.


Join the movement^

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Even I used SS..Over half of runescape uses SS. Have you seen how many downloads it has on the Zybez site? its over 750,000 I think. It was an amazing program and I'm sad to see it go. I think ALOT of people are going to be complaining on the main site about this.








SS IS SAFE. I've scanned it and I scan it every update. I've never had any trouble with it. If you download it from the main Zybez website it is perfectly safe.








I think Jagex needs to make a client like SS. With simple world switching and all.




Exactly. I'll use it 'till I die. They won't catch me, banning hundreds of thousands is out of their league.








Watch them lol








They really dont have problems with mass bans lol
















I find them entertianing so yes keep it up and make sure u tell everyone u use it all the time while ur in game :D

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Quite why Jagex can't just provide an easy link to get onto world 2 even when it's full is beyond me. I don't see why refreshing a page for 20 minutes should be part of a game.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Just curious, what was "SS?" It just let you open up the screen for worlds that are full? You can do that easily without one, just find out what the URL is and put it into an HTML document....








Otherwise, what other features did it have? I never heard of the thing in my 2 years....

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ok i have got rid of ss and now im back on normal sever... its not too bad, better to be safe then sorry, i doint really care personall but i think going back to the old one will be fine... in the update, is jagex saying hes going to improve the chat system... i didnt quite get that part


Even on my death bed, I'll bare-hand that bloody shark.

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Quite why Jagex can't just provide an easy link to get onto world 2 even when it's full is beyond me. I don't see why refreshing a page for 20 minutes should be part of a game.








I guess they do that to prevent server lag and crashes.








Im guessing with ss gone world 2 will have less strain put on it also.








U really have to wonder how meny people with ss would spam the long in waiting for people to lag out or time out. Also with ss gone it will be more likly that ull not have to refresh as much to get into world 2.

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Even I used SS..Over half of runescape uses SS. Have you seen how many downloads it has on the Zybez site? its over 750,000 I think. It was an amazing program and I'm sad to see it go. I think ALOT of people are going to be complaining on the main site about this.








SS IS SAFE. I've scanned it and I scan it every update. I've never had any trouble with it. If you download it from the main Zybez website it is perfectly safe.








I think Jagex needs to make a client like SS. With simple world switching and all.




Exactly. I'll use it 'till I die. They won't catch me, banning hundreds of thousands is out of their league.








I'm with you. They'll never stop me.

lulz @ rs

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Am I the only one here that thinks it's good that it's stricly against the rules? :shock:








I personally think it's unfair that someone with that program can move to world 2 faster than someone using fire fox.








This isn't big but still, I'm asking, why should it be allowed? I mean world 2 is suppose to be able to get into by refressing the RS page.

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i got a presumtion that if the people of runescape keep on rioting like they are... world 81 27 etc.... that jagex will acctually try and make a comprimise with one of these third party clients... likey ss, make it offcial, and have it as the new link, jagex is only trying to protect runescape users... strider, the creator of ss will likely be apart of this merge, they will likely make an apropriate world switcher like ss as an official client...








theres that,




~boy power45


Even on my death bed, I'll bare-hand that bloody shark.

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Wait a sec...








Internet Explorer - Not made by Jagex = 3rd Party Client.




Mozilla Firefox - Not made by Jagex = 3rd Party Client.








So now they're going to ban me because I use Firefox?








Screw You Jagex...

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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i got a presumtion that if the people of runescape keep on rioting like they are... world 81 27 etc.... that jagex will acctually try and make a comprimise with one of these third party clients... likey ss, make it offcial, and have it as the new link, jagex is only trying to protect runescape users... strider, the creator of ss will likely be apart of this merge, they will likely make an apropriate world switcher like ss as an official client...








theres that,




~boy power45








Naa if anything they will give the people black marks for spaming chat lol

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Wait a sec...








Internet Explorer - Not made by Jagex = 3rd Party Client.




Mozilla Firefox - Not made by Jagex = 3rd Party Client.








So now they're going to ban me because I use Firefox?








Screw You Jagex...








-.- If u read what they said its directed at world switchers and the products contained there in.








This dont include Internet browsers or Req chat systems Irc,Msn,Icq,ect..

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i got a presumtion that if the people of runescape keep on rioting like they are... world 81 27 etc.... that jagex will acctually try and make a comprimise with one of these third party clients... likey ss, make it offcial, and have it as the new link, jagex is only trying to protect runescape users... strider, the creator of ss will likely be apart of this merge, they will likely make an apropriate world switcher like ss as an official client...








theres that,




~boy power45








Naa if anything they will give the people black marks for spaming chat lol








really?... ok then


Even on my death bed, I'll bare-hand that bloody shark.

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but this has put so much strain on jagex... apparently there have already been over 1000 bans for people going out of control and taking it qut of proportion... abusing people, mods jagex... stuff like that, and in the prcess of trying to ban so many people its alreay straining the servers and updates loading system...


Even on my death bed, I'll bare-hand that bloody shark.

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