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Everything posted by warren211

  1. /thread. And an extra man point for you for not flaming him like he flamed Jagex. If it were me I'd go on a berserk rampage yelling something like "hahaha i was right, jagex was right, you were WRONG" etc etc.
  2. Hmm... i wonder how the rest effect would affect prices of purple sweets and energy pots. Obviously resting can't be so good as to heal 50%-100% in a few seconds, it would completely eliminate the point of energy pots and sweets and strange fruit. So I seriously doubt resting would be as good as everyone is anticipating, unless it is associated with the agility skill or only increases energy heal rate by a tiny bit.
  3. Hmm with the gnome cuisine prices reverted, does that make chocolate bombs the new slayer food again? They used to be at a price where they were cheater than lobs but healed more. Very useful. I'm gonna check their prices now.
  4. People who say "guesstimate". It's a stupid, redundant word. Also, people who add "-[wagon]" at the end of adjectives to sound ghetto. "Man that's a big-[wagon] car" "This is a smelly-[wagon] basement". I even met one kid at my school who was talking to his friends commenting on how crowded the hallway is. He wanted to use the word "jam-packed" but couldn't figure out where to put the "-[wagon]" so the poor full told his friends "ya'll, this is a jam-[wagon]-packed-[wagon]-hallway" :wall:
  5. Inb4 "Z0mg sailing! We'll be able to sail to the wilderness in a broken boat!" But yeah, maybe it might involve Rabid Jack. Where exactly was this boat located again?
  6. We should ask some of the runescape old timers what the first few days of runescape was like. Only problem is that Lightning, the tipiter who was the 2nd or 3rd player to join rs, quit just a few months ago. It would be interesting to ask her how the first few days of runescape went. Obviously everything was new then. Nobody knew what the best way to make money was, nobody knew what prices were fair for item selling. I guess it was just people trying different skills, telling friends what worked and what didn't, and eventually the norms of alching and other common moneymakers came to be. But if I'm not mistaken, mining and smithing used to be the best way to make cash way back in those days because the only thing everyone was concerned about was getting better armor and weapons. Adamant and rune were rather expensive back then. But yeah, I really wish someone like Lightning or another of the first few hundred players could tell us how the first month or so of runescape went. But npc working and the strongholds weren't even out then, right? And I'm not sure if randoms were really that common or if they existed, because they had those sleeping bag things.
  7. Pvp armor has and always be incredibly useful armor for it's insane bonuses. But economical? Depends on price fluctuations. If I'm not mistaken, Morrigan's items are around 200kish and they're actually starting to get bought. People are finally seeing their price as in the "worth every penny" stage. I'm sure if every pvp armor piece was under 400k in price, we'd see a HELL of a lot more statius/vesta pkers.
  8. Dorgesh-Kaan was a newer area compared to some completely unused areas like Nardah or places where the only use is a skilling resource like Port Phasmytus, Tirranwyn, etc. I think Jagex should have added to those places first before addind to an already new city.
  9. Ah, good memories of kindergarten. One day a girl in our class brought in Okie-Dokie brand popcorn. We decided to have a challenge to say Okie-Dokie to everything someone else asked. The chaos that ensued was the closest thing to epic that a group of kindergarteners could ever achieve.
  10. Well I think we're set for "multi-combat" boss monsters for the time being. The corp beast is so hard and inefficient to kill that not many people bother, and even the big clans who do rarely get a sigil drop. No, we won't be seeing many new bosses until people find a new way to solo/duo it and drop the prices down for sigils/spirit shields dramatically. It would be pretty stupid of Jagex to release a new tougher boss when there's already one that few bold adventurers dare to fight. As for "individual spawn" monsters, those may be jagex's new boss releases for a while until the corp beast becomes worthwhile to waste time on. I'd be interested to see how it turns out to release more bosses like the barrows brothers (whom I would think are not bosses at all).
  11. How did tossing out the Chosen Commander be a result of potential riots? Players were angry anyway that the quest was barely epic. They must have just thought they'd keep players entertained with a pre-planned update while they develop the more epic one. I'm not sure if it'll be a grandmaster or a "special" but I'm going to start training up my stats before I have to lose my quest cape...
  12. I hate skilling. The only reason my stats are all 50+ is for certain useful features or quest requirements (I have a quest cape). The only skill I really like to train is slayer, and thats pretty much all I ever do on runescape. My combat stats are rather unbalanced too. I used to have the same str, atk, and def level. Especially in f2p, I'd get laughed at when people saw my stats and told me to train my str. I've even been accused of hustling several times when I challenged them to a fight in pvp and told them my str level and stop being a def noob. They think nobody in the right mind would pk with my stats. So now I'm working to train my str. At one point I was 85 atk, 90 str, and 85 defence. Now I'm working to get my attack to 90 and keep my str at 90. Screw the mainstream. I'll train my stats to what I want. I'm a member now after a 5 month break, and the good thing about members is that regardless of your stats, you can find a way to take advantage of combat. For me I found my heart's desires satisfied in verac's armor: the insane accuracy of the armor on all monsters and players made up for my lack of str, and my attack level only helped that bonus. And the lesson here is that no matter what path you choose in rs, theres something for everyone. So tell those people to shut up if they tell you what to train.
  13. There's a few good ways to avoid getting wtfpwned in pvp. First, don't attack dharokers. There will seldom be a dharoker who's willing to skull, so don't take the risk of attacking them. They might just get lucky during a fight, consider dharok pking is all about lucky hits. And if there is a skulled dharoker, give that man a klondike bar for having the balls to risk that for a pk strategy purely based on luck. He deserves whattever pks he gets from such risks. I learned my lesson the hard way to always travel high pk spots especially varrock with protect melee on. The d claw'ers will completely leave you alone. Believe it or not, even travelling from varrock west bank to grand exchange, it's easy to get destroyed. And I think we all need to learn the difference between a rusher and a pjer. Rushing is usually d claws/ags, often combined with ice blitz. These guys usually go for the 1-2 hit pks. They will not pursue someone for several minutes unless they are absolutely sure you're a dead man walking. Pjers are players who jump on top of you in the middle or directly after a fight in the hopes to KO you at a low hp. Rushers can be pjers and pjers can be rushers, it's true. But those tb+entangle+verac guys? That's a pjer. And a very stupid one if he thinks you're oblivious to him following you for 15 mins. I think something should be done for pjing, but rushers? Nah. It takes some pretty high stats to get 2 hit ko's. Wanna know a secret to getting pjers (and sometimes rushers) away? 90% of all rushers/pjers who hang out in ge keep protect melee on to prevent from getting rushed themselves. D scimmy spec turns off pray for 5 seconds if it hits. A great pastime to get on a pjer's nerves is to come at him with a d scim, turn off his prayer, make him panic and run into the ge. This works best with d bow pjers with their low melee defence. Don't bother going at the bandos+ d claw rushers, they're not afraid of you're little scimmy. It would be great if d scim took only half the spec bar (it takes a little over half right?) because then you could use an ags/d claw spec right after. I can only imagine such a shock to a pjer... ice blitz+d scim spec+another ice blitz+ags spec=gf full void and possibly d bow.
  14. It's true, slayer is NOT the best way to train combat or earn money. But I still love the skill. I'm at 78 right now, working my way to 85 slowly. Perhaps the best reason for slayer's existence is to add a requirement to certain monsters. Just think, what would happen if abyssal demons didn't have a slayer requirement? Pures, noobs, high levels, mid levels, and everything in between would camp there. Abyssal whips would drop sharply. The same goes for dark beasts, anyone over 80 combat would be able to kill them with enough prayer pots. Adding a combat requirement just wouldn't help, there are way more players over 90 combat than there are players 80 combat and 50 slayer. The slayer requirement for monsters helps tightly control massive populations of monster hunters. The game basically is saying "You wanna kill abby demons for their whips? Kill several thousand monsters first to get the slayer level and then we'll see". A great system if you ask me. I just don't like the idea of weak people noobing up drops like g mauls, dark bows, and abby whips that are slayer-specific drops.
  15. I stopped training agility a while back after I got it's requirements/reccomendations for quests. The only reason I levelled to 65 was from quest rewards and a tiny bit of training out of boredom. Really the only worthwhile way to train agil is wildy course+ agil brawlers. But honestly, 60khp/hr? Agility isn't even worthwhile to train anymore unless you really use taverley dungeon frequently and need the high-level obstacles. A great skill to have for a bit faster run regeneration, but far from being worth training. Several agility courses are deserted because the xp is just not worthwhile.
  16. BlackKing-You must be the one who's new to runescape, because he was referring to the discontinued item known as a toy warship (or was it called sailboat?) that was available in RSC. I didn't bother quoting you because several have done so already. Anyway, I'm thinking Jagex might do something different for april fool's this year than a fake hype item. Perhaps adding something to the mainpage itself saying sailing was released. One year they did a whole thing on cabbages. That was fun.
  17. Why does the video guide say the method is legal, then describes how you can attack them while afk? I hope you know afk'ing is against the rules. You should probably put a big huge banner in the guide telling people not to afk and warn them more about the dangers of ork stackers. Great guide nevertheless, but you need to speak out about the bad sides of a new technique just as much as you speak out about the good sides.
  18. This is excellent news. I really hope Jagex doesn't announce this on the main page. The last thing we need is RSOF noobs invading us, taking advantage of the special attention fansites are now getting, and/or come here thinking it will automatically make them p mods.
  19. Some hackers just like to mess with stuff. Your friend should be thankful that a) he got to keep his account, B) his stuff wasn't all party room'd for the hacker's enjoyment. No severe damage was done besides him maybe losing a few mil if his stuff was sold for less than he originally bought it. But if it were me I'd much rather lose 10-20mil than lose every valueble item I own or my account itself. There are only a few ways to get hacked. Sometimes the victim is stupid or careless. Sometimes it's a normally cautious player who gets caught offgaurd and gets a keylogger. Very few accounts are hacked by hackers sitting there guessing the password and PIN. Most of the time when this happens its either you have an easy pass/PIN or someone you know betrayed you or stole your pass. Hackers aren't a threat if you use some common sense and caution.
  20. I'm still pretty ticklish and am almost through with puberty so I guess I have a year to go or so. I used to think that tickling myself would help me build my resistance to other people tickling me, but it never worked.
  21. I think that unless the nations's safety and security are absolutely at stake (not as in "these guys might be a threat" but "these guys have 3 missiles aimed right at us"), there shouldn't be a draft at all. And if there were, then there should be a priority system set up. In a married couple, only the father can get drafted. If a woman lives alone, she can get drafted. If either a man or woman is a single parent, they cannot get drafted because their children would be alone. Although this might lead to problems with people divorcing their spouses and taking the kids just to avoid the draft.
  22. Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall: On topic: I doubt it's legal to record him so don't bother doing it. If you try to use it as evidence he'll simply get a scolding and you'll get knee-deep in some serious crap. Perhaps consult your friend's history teacher? Maybe she knows the man and might be able to clear things up for you, or for him.
  23. I don't really like the pjing but thankfully you only had 1 or two of them in your vid. People need to chill out about rushing though. If you can 1-2 hit someone who is just walking by, why not? It's not like he's not risking anything. Everyone should know by now that walking around pvp unprepared to be jumped is suicide because, believe it or not, there ARE people who would like to kill you quickly! 8/10 for the video. Great work.
  24. 9/10 for insane risk and spending on the vesta armor, the balls to attack dharokers who don't risk much and can easily get a powerful pwn hit on you, and the fact that you didn't quit pking forever after a sad loser with an ags spec pj took you out.
  25. *gasp* you got KILLED after killing someone who wasn't your target? No... Why don't you leave -- oh wait, you couldn't. Because of your penalty. Sucks for you then, you know the risk. I don't see how he's a no-honor pker because he killed a guy who couldn't escape.
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