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Everything posted by Golvellius

  1. 2 weeks... obviously they been preparing. Well I prepared over the weekend for this.
  2. Now this is what I call efficiency! :thumbup:
  3. How do people take money out irl? Melt pennies to make copper? I can't think of another way... Lrn2economics You've got a bright future ahead living paycheck to paycheck. So never learn to save. NEVER.
  4. WOW... if your going to copy WOW then copy it all the way. That means drops should be non-tradeable. This is like a gift to the non-players and is going to be RWT money for 2011+.
  5. Before trying to apply this article to runescape you should move ahead two articles in the chain to "How far should I go to win?". If you read that you'll quickly see that he mentions WOW and mmorpgs as being fundamentally flawed games that rely on the player to divine the will and rules of the game. So in essence he is saying that these games aren't the ones that "professionals" play. He needs games with clearly defined rules and moves like... ping pong. Which is good, because he is talentless hack that homes in on imbalances/bugs in a game and writes it off as "blame the devs and you're all scrubs if you complain about me". If its useless then why do all the "pros" bind primal plates? You seem like your main goal in RS is to max out and get as much exp as efficiently as possible, which is fine. But that's not everyone's goal, hell I've been playing over 5 years and I'm just about to get my first 99. I just never cared about xp or getting high stats, I did whatever was fun the day I logged in regardless of how efficient it was. Different play styles, different goals nice soapbox you've got there could you please answer me these three questions: when you dungeoneer, 1. do you try to die, or avoid dying? 2. do you try to succeed, or fail at killing the boss? 3. do you prefer to get more experience, or less experience? i think after you've answered them i'm sure you'll be able to understand what green is saying. I think he is just saying what somebody told him to. But, I can imagine his answers. 1.) Doesn't matter, 20 minute dungeon 2.) Doesn't matter, 20 minute dungeon, DONT MAKE ANY ARMOUR, GO HEAD FIRST WITH WRATH ON, DROP THE GGS ON TOP OF THE SUCKER. 3.) Doesn't matter, 20 minute dungeon, HAVE SOMEBODY FARM POTS THE WHOLE GAME JUST DON'T MAKE ARMOUR CAUSE THEY STUPID.
  6. Messing with clowns.

    1. Golvellius


      Why so serious about efficiency?

    2. Riemis
  7. Don't know him from Adam. But I got you down, Jimi.
  8. No way, I have been waiting for a map key for forever. I wonder when they snuck that in there. A map key will still be better in my opinion. Coordinates would be the best since I'd never have to waste much time bring up and closing that silly map.
  9. Says who? Jagex may fidgit with interface. Maybe one day you'll be able to figure out who you are on the map without having to be alone at home. (coordinates please) Jagex may add a timer so the skippers can skip harder. (skip-o-meter from 20 minutes to 2 hour oddessy) And for a pipe dream, Jagex may even release a % npc killed so I can figure out what my bonus with be. (-13% to 10%). But, the best chance for meaningful change was right after the release. And we got mediums... Now its out of sight, out of mind.
  10. I'll do what I did in the old days. When I get bored ill go out with 1 item, either a dds or cbow and find somebody or group of somebodies who think they are special and I'll just start attacking them. Die. Come back find them and attack again. Die. Come back. Die. Come back. Etc. The joy is obviously seeing the things they write to me before they log. :thumbup:
  11. Maul or CLS for Nex if/when you can melee. Why? It will a multitude of special attacks which will force you to either change styles/prayers and move around. So a slower weapon will make up for the down time of contantly making adjustments. I think what you saw in dungeoneering and soon to be this is that the days of just running up and smacking something to death or picking it off from a safe spot are over. Also, this thing won't be dropping feathers like a chicken. ;)
  12. Midevil japanese samurai helmet on the mage. Looks sweet. I want one thats pure red with the crescent of a moon on it.
  13. No one will ever be more famous than zezima. I was sad to not see his name on the high level players forum list. I can only imagine that he asked not to be on it.
  14. Its cheaper now than when it was actually useful. You know when they nerfed it to hell so you no longer kept your stats after death in safe PVP.
  15. Now that Golvellius has condemned it, we know for sure it's effective, since Golvellius is unerringly wrong about everything. Fast free laws could come back by the sheer power of nostalgia. I could be wrong about that. But ZMI ess runner crafting, no way. You would have to make up numbers like you find a certain person's spreadsheet to convince anybody that its even decent.
  16. Game has changed to much on members for things to return like they were. I think fast free laws is forever dead. However, fast free airs on f2p might make a comeback since there is no ZMI. As for ZMI... 14 open spaces at ZMI would be like 28 open spaces at the law altar. So nobody is going to train that way because its just not better. Really, you'd be better off with fast free bloods if you could find noobs that could make it there but can't make that crazy kind of cash your offering. Finally, if you wanted to spend unlimited cash for marginal gains then have people run you supplies to make law tiaras. (assuming you can buy enough tiaras and law talismans to make it work)
  17. Golvellius


    Sounds like somebody got what they deserved. You know, somebody once told me that I moved to slow. So when we got a mime room, I did them a favor and quit. Doubt they were able to finish the dungeon. :lol:
  18. Actually, superheating mithril or steel bars and selling isn't a bad deal. Just don't let them tell them that it has anything to do with efficiency. Or you'll end up getting more [developmentally delayed]ed advice like this from the clowns.
  19. Whole worlds dedicated to thuggery wasn't enough. (i won't even call pking PVP) A whole minigame with high scores that was set in the wildy wasn't enough. Its quite simple why. The quiters, the whiners, the yes voters, THE CLOWNS, they all need EASY PKS. They need people in the wildy who don't fight back. They need green dragon killers who carrry little food. They need abyssal crafters who can't fight back. They need treasure trailers who venture into places they can't get out of so fast. They need little kids who don't know any better with lots of hard earned gp to wonder accross the wildy ditch. They need gimmicks and bugs to put skulls on people with only 3 items. Alll I got to say is that jagex better increase memory allocation for their rants forum if they go through with this stupidy. I remember the rants forum pre 2007 and it was nothing but OMFG STOP RUNNING STOP BRINGING 3 ITEMS AND LET ME PK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. You gave up fishing/cooking. You never made armour to begin with. Now your into making pots. LOL
  21. CLS Attack: Slash Aggresive: Slash Controlled: Stab Defensive: Slash Crapier Attack: Stab Nobody uses anything else because they need the increased accuracy on chickens.
  22. No to wildy. No to free trade. No to your clown kind. I will one item you. Happy now?
  23. and Is it clear enough why they are [developmentally delayed]ed or do we have to start calling you CEO mark gerhard?
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