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Everything posted by wormy

  1. Sorta gets hints like when you train combat in the same 'area' you then cut a gem and a random pops out. I did not know that it was predictable though maybe I was moving in between areas too much. I would be curious to know if you could stand in the same spot arching/maging with a load of bones then systematically bury one after the 15 mins.
  2. instead of dropping after a full load of iron; get into a world of 1500+ and 2 rocks that you can click without moving(cicking the rock while moving causes you to mine slower) Mine both ores, then drop both ores. Similarly if you are in a smaller world under 1500 mine three ore then drop 3. This works best in alkarhid and rimington, less walking time. Now when you do the mine 2 drop 2 or mine 3 drop 3, fill up your inventory so that there is an empty 2-3 vertical column, this way you do not have to move the mouse as much. This is due to when you click 'drop' your mouse is already over the next ore that will be dropped. If you use mousekeys to drop your ore, than just continue doing that, as that is faster than the mine2d2, and m3d3 methods.
  3. cutting a gem would also probably work. As well as lighting a fire.
  4. 53 xp/superheat so its 2 gp/xp. With steel and mith it requires more banking and more moving of the mouse which slows it down. I heard that you can superheat something like 20 iron/gold with the superheat button in the second mage position because the superheated ores turned to bars go to the top of the inv. The diamond bolt method sounds sweeter though.
  5. Good stuff in there, 2 things to add though. 1. Another way to free up a space is to lend the item out and then leave it in the returned items box. 2. To free up 2 more spaces find an item that does not shift at all in price (basic runes work well) 'sell' these to the GE at max price, then either cancel the sale or keep them for sale to see if someone buys. If they do sell just buy some more at the mid(effective merchanting while freeing up bank space ftw)
  6. 1. get good at playing gop(1.8k token/hr) 2. play gop until about 70 rc, I usually craft on air, water,and fire. But you will probably want to skip air; if you have more than 20 essence in your inv craft on mind. Less than 20 skip mind and craft on water before the timer starts. Save the essence you get in water again same rule applies to earth over 20 craft, under 20 save for fire. Craft fire before spawns, save the rest for bodies. That is of course situational, if you manage to score a decent team getting 30+ orbs on altars and you over flow then you will want to craft on that altar. 3. When you hit 70 rc from gop you will have about 400k+ tokens, these you will use to get teletabs, I would recommended water runes, using falador tele as the return spell. The reason for waters is that you break even, cost of essence, cost of law rune with the waters that you make.
  7. also to add to darksonic arrange the magic book to teleports first, this puts the curse icon closer to the edge of the screen. Then position the screen so that the dummy/monster is in the lower right corner. If you are running hd you might be able to put the curse icon over the monster/dummy, click the curse, hit f7; click monster; hit f7; click curse; hit f7; hit monster. f7 is the quick command for spell book. For the max -magic bonus the set up is full armor with metal gauntlets fighting boots(optional), no ammy. Even with a staff you still fail every time, allowing you to cast the curse on the same monster, usually yielding quicker xp.
  8. How can the world exist with a lack of blood for the Blood God? I can see how the Chaos would be cut though, in vanilla DoW they were nearly SM clones, the berkserkers helped in WA, and they started to get their originalty by DC, but they were still kinda clones, but with much much better spoken lines. I know they sorta are 'clones' to the SM, but with the other factions playing very differently from each other, while the Chaos and SM felt similar in play style.
  9. I am sorry I do not know about p2p, but when I solo on f2p I average between 1.5k-2k tokens an hour, usually about 1.8k-2k. And for a minimum you get about 1 xp/token this is also a bit low, more like 1.5 xp/token, again for f2p.
  10. I hope they steer away from Dark Crusade/Soustorm style campain, while it was fun to controll the map. It got really old really quickly, that and not completing battles so you could have some sort of defense; so when the big bad sup'ed up enemy honor guard started to roll towards you, you wouldn't get swarmed rushed into oblivion
  11. guess it shows how un-reliable a wiki can be. anyways it looks like the number is 1308 atm http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=t ... rt=overall
  12. well I want to make a post as well. Might want to add that attracting near the altar does little to nothing in mind, earth, and most of water edit; it is also a good idea to explain why the 4 cardinal directions are the best. If you wanted to be sharp you could take a pic of an altar in low def mode then fill in the squares where you can 1 click an orb, by standing in NEWS. Then do the same as if you were standing off set.
  13. It is when you have anywhere between 1 person and the whole clan going entirely after the enemy clan's binders(in robes) and rangers(if they are allowed). This causes the sniped to put on their armor and stop binding. You also get in a few decent hits and also wasting their food in the process. If 'no sniping' is a rule then you mainly have to stick to your piles and not individually target the mages, of course you can call the mages as the next pile though.
  14. how is water faster than earth? read above. The earth altar tele puts you behind trees, which means you have to run an extra 20-25 squares to get to the altar. The distance from the portal to altar also seems to be a little bit longer. While the water tele always puts you within 3 squares of the altar. These extra squares waste run, meaning you get less runs in per hour. And is also magnified when you do not run. Well that was just my observation when I tried all three gloves with tele tabs. If you have tried it, then it looks like I made a number mistake somewhere, :oops: I did not have any idea what rc you are, sigs disabled because 100% of them are annoying space wasters. That is why I gave you all sorts of options. Some including fog, gop. Also in your original question (before the edit) was what is the fastest rc xp, so I gave you it. :) Now for you, would be earth rc gloves teleing to varrok on return trip.
  15. quickest rc exp by crafting runes would be water runes, with water gloves, with water altar tele tabs, and finally fally tele. If you want to walk than it is earth runes with earth gloves. The reason why earths are not the best when you tele both ways is because the earth tele tab puts you in a bad spot, so it takes longer to make the runes, and uses up more run in the process. Now the quickest non fog glove method would probably be body runes teleing both ways. Finally the fastest fastest method to raise rc is body tiaras teleing both ways.
  16. rune mining is very lonely though :( , but yes it does blow all other money making methods out of the water. I thought lobbbies were a bit slow on the gp side, yew cutting goes for about 60k/hr I find it the most relaxing though.
  17. I found the mid ones over the long run gave more gp and xp/hr, but required more clicking.
  18. falador tele is closer to the bank. and the altar tele puts you in an odd place actually making water runes faster xp and gp if you tele both ways.
  19. there is a fairly decent sized 50/50 cc... something along the lines of amyadawn. If you chill in 61 long enough during a busy setting you will see someone advertising.
  20. One Must Fall 2097 oo, I have only played the 3-d big brother that i heard was not as good. Though the dynamic music of omf battlegrounds was sweet. I am surprised there is no Mechwarrior, Tribes, or diablo love. For me the Earthsiege series only got to play the last 2. Earthsiege because one failed mission did not loose the war for humanity, you just battled more enemies in later missions. Also if you failed to protect certain bases that had weapon prototypes you never really got to see that weapon. And starsiege just because the level of customization is scary. The incredible machine, puzzle game where you are given different 'things' where you then try to get them to work to achieve some sort of goal, like get a ball over a wall using ramps, conveyor belts, motors, generators etc. Halflife1
  21. except at lvl 33 where you make quad airs and thus profit. Fastest f2p is earths.
  22. probably the skiller, the others are pretty generic/usless, even in RSC the 10/9 hp mage probably died a lot, i think my mage had 20ish with 20ish def as to not get 2 hit. Also to make the mage useful you would need to get hp, destroying the whole 9 hpness, or train with curse to just keep the 'cool' factor(and that is boring).
  23. In the long run you actually get more xp and gp from the workers than the soldiers, but alas they require clicking more. Just to say what everyone else has been saying spiders for ultimate fastest, fleshies for the second fastest and better for half paying attention.
  24. did you know that jaguar rhymes with something along the lines of [bleep]wire? I'm just sayin........ I always thought Anarchy was a stupid name. Why is it Anarchy, when there are ranks and applications, etc? At the very best, it should have been called Dictatorship, or Communism. That probably would have made them less terrible too. Ah! You have retained your phonics after all these years. I think "[bleep]war" sounds cooler, though. That might actually be a legitimate nickname ;) Luruption; what? As for terrible names, dragon wood has always been a thorn in my head.
  25. I wish I could have made some of those midnight runs, but alas work comes before runescape. Jags was weird in that weekdays were usually more active than weekends. Oh well back to ZF, from the single log I have... * worm pokes fisher huh? what? * worm runs away laughing * worm does as worm does best crwls in a dark space and hides ^^^brunsen was a rune pure lvl 70 something, got away from a pker only to get 3 hit by a bear.
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