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Tip.It Times Presents: Growing Pains


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Once again, a well-written and deep article. Thanks, The Editor!








P.S. The 'Did you know...' sections of the weekly Times is a great addition! Keep it up!








didnt you read what i posted? -.-

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All of that stuff you talked about is buisness mumbo-jumbo that most of us cannot understand very well or relate to.








yada yada yada. Business mumbo jumbo... That article didn't make much sense.








These are just from the first page, I didn't bother looking on the other pages. It's posts like this that make Jagex go, "Blah, blah blah. See, nobody even knows what's going on because they're too stupid, I'm sure there is nobody intelligent on these forums."








Read last weeks article topic if you want to see a good discussion.








I thought that this was a very good article, no complaints. If you were one of the kiddies who didn't get it, don't be even dumber by announcing it to everyone.








I found it sort of funny when you mentioned the pear shaped business thing. I sure hope that doesn't happen to Jagex, I like playing RuneScape...








I'll be out of college by the time this hits the level of Club Penguin.








Hopefully, I am too! :|


^^ Spreadin' da wurd ^^

I'm old skool baby ;) *looks at join date*

Current amount of years playing Runescape: 5.5 On TIF: 5

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All of that stuff you talked about is buisness mumbo-jumbo that most of us cannot understand very well or relate to.








yada yada yada. Business mumbo jumbo... That article didn't make much sense.








These are just from the first page, I didn't bother looking on the other pages. It's posts like this that make Jagex go, "Blah, blah blah. See, nobody even knows what's going on because they're too stupid, I'm sure there is nobody intelligent on these forums."








Read last weeks article topic if you want to see a good discussion.








I thought that this was a very good article, no complaints. If you were one of the kiddies who didn't get it, don't be even dumber by announcing it to everyone.








I found it sort of funny when you mentioned the pear shaped business thing. I sure hope that doesn't happen to Jagex, I like playing RuneScape...








I'll be out of college by the time this hits the level of Club Penguin.








Hopefully, I am too! :|








im not gonna pretend i knew everything the editor was saying but i got the general drift, you should be so mean to people who dont know as much as you its not like they put up there hands to be less informed. so in future be a little less rude :shame:








EDIT: just looking over that you said im sure theres nobody inteleigent on these forums, that includes you mate :-w

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yah i agree the decisions in the next few months will decide where it goes..i personally hope it aims in the 14-23 range...........cause i don't like a bunch of childish updates and be embarassed to tell my friends i accually play runescape alot.








i must agree with you .. i'm hoping they go to the more mature audience because the recent updates have been based to the younger players.... and im finding them too easy...

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yah i agree the decisions in the next few months will decide where it goes..i personally hope it aims in the 14-23 range...........cause i don't like a bunch of childish updates and be embarassed to tell my friends i accually play runescape alot.








i must agree with you .. i'm hoping they go to the more mature audience because the recent updates have been based to the younger players.... and im finding them too easy...








lol at my school if you say you play runescape your a lauhing stock <.<

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Very well put. I think customer support is starting to run the show a bit more. The changing of the rules was a big no no in my opinion. They should have also made a larger deal about it... I didn't know about the rule 7 change for at least 3 days (friend told me, I personally don't browse Runescape forums often). The quests have started to lose my interest because they are way too childish. Hopefully they start to make better decisions with their content and updates.

~Drunk mage is as good as a sober one~

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ya if you didn't understand that "mumbo jumbo" you should read over it a few times, there's something you've missed. Amazing article, very factual. One of my faves for sure!








If Runescape gets any more tilted towards younger audiences I think I'll probably have to quit. I already feel a little weird playing sometimes and I'm 15.








Hope they continue the great updates and have the game advance graphically, as well as having more communication support. This will keep those loyal players with them (in my opinion..)




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ya if you didn't understand that "mumbo jumbo" you should read over it a few times, there's something you've missed. Amazing article, very factual. One of my faves for sure!








If Runescape gets any more tilted towards younger audiences I think I'll probably have to quit. I already feel a little weird playing sometimes and I'm 15.








Hope they continue the great updates and have the game advance graphically, as well as having more communication support. This will keep those loyal players with them (in my opinion..)








if someone didnt understand the first time why do you think theyll understand twice?

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Some thing need to be done, I would say andrew and paul left a few years ago becuase now the mods never come to my partys, talk to the players or even know what they are doing.








I don't think the mature attitude is connected the the jagex staff that much, i've put the blame on alot of things:








Over population - Servers being over crowded and people not sticking to there homeworlds








Fansites - :-w Jagex tryes to compete with fansites now and I fell they take the adventure out of the game, where as if you do not folow guide you get left behind








High level community - We seem to have breaken away from the newplayers, normaly becuase some low lvl players can be.. you know.




Tho more and more high level noobs are coming in not know what they are doing.








Rule breakers - There are some people who don't play for fun now, they go around trading accounts, useing bots and think they are realy cook (werid, maybe it's the same people who needed cheat for every game when I was 8)








Parents - Partents go around spareding rumors and breaking the rules themselves and then maoning when the child gets banned.








and jagex customes support is not great either.








(Sorry for the spelling)







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Some thing need to be done, I would say andrew and paul left a few years ago becuase now the mods never come to my partys, talk to the players or even know what they are doing.








Erm....Go onto a quest guide on the rs website and you'll see a clickable list of all the people of people who helped with it. Andrew and Paul Gower are there, unless there are others. And jagex mods are EMPLOYED to do that job, fix things, not chat to players. Please think about what you say.

I Quit. You should too.

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Why is it always the younger players fault. Ofcourse they are different, but that doesn't make them bad players. Ofcourse some of them are morrons, but don't say older players aren't (met one yesterday who was 18 -.- ).




And so what they target to younger people? Even if they would pay for only half a year, they still bring in some money. And they still help runescape grow. (Note I do think they have to be 13+, kids is a totally different story.)








I have to agree what's said earlier, this game shouldn't try to compete with the other popular ones (WoW being the most ofcourse). I've always said Runescape should be different then those, because it's otherwise 'just another game'. So even if they are more focused on younger players, it may be the best for the company indeed. And yes, maybe some of the older players would stop playing, but from the company view, that's not a bad thing.




And why is it wrong to look at the company side of it? I mean, we live in a capitalistic country after all.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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An excellent article, but I choose to disagree... Ofcourse there will be challenges, but the future is not as grim as the Editor has decided to paint it.








As for the game being geared to a younger audience... do people mean by the updates or something else... the last time I played rs it didn't seem that way to me at all, unless something dramatic has happened in the three months that I havn't played due to med school.




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the did you know thing is lame i never learn anything there all basic facts :roll:








I'm sorry you feel that way, but do not assume that just because YOU know something, that everyone else knows it too. We have new players reading the Times as well, and I'm certain many of those people did not know about the CTRL + click trick.








Calling something "lame" because you personally didn't learn anything is not the kind of feedback that is constructive.








And please, if all you can think of to post is flaming comments about our Editor and the others that use our forums, we'd rather you'd not post at all.

Remember, the SEARCH button is your friend. Use it!

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this is in fact the first article that made me look on the forums for reactions on articles, and i totally agree with the editor(whichever one it is).




to be honest, i dont really care about who owns RuneScape, but indeed it is focused on younger kids these days.




If you know that Andrew made RuneScape at first just as a test, and it was more focused on older players, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if they would start up a new MMORPG, at least for the 15+ players who are a bit getting bored of RuneScape, to have a total start over (RuneScape is a good game because it has pretty good graphics for working on such a bad PC as mine, and most important, it is available FREE).

check mysite of RuneScape

check my ZMI-Guide on the Tip.it Forums

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I didnt know the CTRL+click trick though Ive been playing for 3 years :oops:








Unless Jagex radically changes the game I will keep playing because the things I like still exist and are still enjoyable. If you don't like something you don't have to do it either, for example the quests from Cold War and beyond I haven't done yet. Also, if you dont like younger players you can always ignore them.


With love to one, friendship to many, and good will to all.

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Nice article! I don't know too much about business but it all made sense and I've never thought of it that way before. This has given me a new way of thinking about this stuff lol.












Yea if Paul and Andrew just got up and left i wouldn't be suprised either. If they did, I would just wait for them to release there new game \'

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Why is it always the younger players fault. Ofcourse they are different, but that doesn't make them bad players. Ofcourse some of them are morrons, but don't say older players aren't (met one yesterday who was 18 -.- ).




And so what they target to younger people? Even if they would pay for only half a year, they still bring in some money. And they still help runescape grow. (Note I do think they have to be 13+, kids is a totally different story.)











The game changed from a fairly mature game to a kids game. Logically, the older people won't be very happy with that.




If you have been playing since RS1 you will have noticed a big shift in the game from fairly "mature" to childish. Not that everything was fine in RS1... but there is certainly a big difference.

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the did you know thing is lame i never learn anything there all basic facts :roll:








I'm sorry you feel that way, but do not assume that just because YOU know something, that everyone else knows it too. We have new players reading the Times as well, and I'm certain many of those people did not know about the CTRL + click trick.








Calling something "lame" because you personally didn't learn anything is not the kind of feedback that is constructive.








And please, if all you can think of to post is flaming comments about our Editor and the others that use our forums, we'd rather you'd not post at all.








Kiara, calm down a bit. If he thinks it's a little slow, he should be able to say so. After all, I believe it was already used in a "Did You Know?" and it's clearly stated in the Getting Around guide. He didn't seem to say anything that was a direct flame either. IMHO his posts were very annoying, but nothing that broke the rules.








As for the subject at hand, I'd like to clarify that when most people say "younger players" they mean under 13. I can remember I was even dumber than I am now at that age, but I was still smart enough to figure out that there's no way Jagex could catch me for saying I was 13+. However it does vary from person to person, and a 12 year old friend of mine has recently started playing and he's a quite admirable noob. Let's face it though: This is a rare circumstance. The majority of kids that age still operate on the, "ME ME ME!" train of thought. Inevitably, they create threads saying, "Make more whips!", "Nerf the dds!", and, "Make more P hats!" Unfortunately, there's been a deluge of these players, and it's starting to influence Jagex. Although I'm a fan of penguins, I'll flip if I see one more penguin throw-away quest or one more weapon stronger than a granite maul, given out for free. Jagex might not mind it's high lvl players leaving though... It'll make newbies feel like they're accomplishing something and continue joining.








P.S. Really, there was nothing hard to understand in the article.








P.P.S. If you need an obscure fact for a did you know, check out what Jagex did to the Barrelchest Anchor. It turns into 230k gp when you die! You could change that whacky weapon into cash!








P.P.P.S. Zarfay, your spelling and grammar is horrific.








P.P.P.P.S. If I said anything bad... Zamorak made me do it!


Look at my evidence of geekdom... MWAHAHAHA!

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The article overall was superb, but I have one thing to say:








IMHO, I think Jagex decided to tailor to the younger players' needs as soon as they agreed to have the game on Miniclip, not just recently. Like someone else said, (Can't be bothered to find it, too many posts to sort through) RuneScape will eventually be another CLub Penguin. (Which will stink.) I just hope I've moved on in life before that happens.



| . . . . Pure F2P . . . .|


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Good read, thanks for publishing it.








I do feel that RuneScape is too commercialized these days. RuneScape has lost a lot of Andrew's personal touch; he is now operating Jagex from a business point of view.








In competition, Jagex disallows the discussions of other MMOs on the forums. IMO, that is very narrow-minded. Jagex is implying that those who think other games are better than RuneScape should be lined up against a wall and shot. No, censoring other games will not help the competition.








In comparision, many other companies, such as 3D Realms and Wicked Lasers, allow the discussion of competitors' products.








Jagex also no longer participates in community involvement. I guess this is to prevent acusations of favoritism.








1. Jagex no longer lists fan sites for security reasons, although some see this as a move to depart from the community.








2. Player achievements: Jagex used to use system messages to announce achievements and player events, such as the wedding of Ladymedusa and M_Oldfield. (http://ladymedusamoldfield.50megs.com)








3. Jagex used to publically welcome new staff, but no longer does so.








4. Jagex announced the real life wedding of Lady Pooh and Topcat0711, as well as that of Pugxsi and Jenstarr. However, these were removed, presumably because it conflicts with Jagex's now existing rule 13. The passing of Siw39 was announced, but was also removed.








Since RS has grown so much, Jagex can't really do these things without being unfair. :(





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

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