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Fat or Skinny?


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I am a very fit 230 pounds. I wish to drop some muscle and a good deal of fat to get down to 190, which is perfect for my age/height.




Wrestle much? Good money..




No, I run way too much. The muscles in my legs make up 42% of my body mass. It's nice to have ridiculously attractive legs, but have a gut. So I am going to concentrate on upper body strength for a while. I want to drop the muscle in my legs because they are way too big. :(




PS: Most wrestlers would be like 290-300 pounds of muscle.


PPS: Reb, pull your pants up. :P


PPSS: Geez, I am the heaviest guy in the thread. Boo! Ya'll are too skinny. Be sexy like Bubsa. There's a guy who is not buff, but looks hella sexy in a thong.


PPPSS: I'm secure enough in my masculinity to post the above. Hellzbellz, I am looking in your direction.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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If it wasn't permanent, I would say skinny because it is a lot easier to put some weight back on than to lose it lol.




If it was permanent, then I would still say skinny because at least then you don't have to spend a fortune on big clothes, and have people stare at you in the street. ( I mean if you were REALLY REALLY fat.)


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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I'm 6 feet tall and weigh under 120 pounds. So maybe a little on the skinny side.




Naturally, most people would prefer to be skinny. A lot of folks find obesity to be a turn-off.




However, in the long run it's better to be overweight (to an extent) than underweight - old people with virtually no body fat have no chance of surviving a disease.

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Hmm, i dont know. I'd rather be none of your alternatives.


Too fat is not good, too skinny is not good.




Myself, i'm 6 feet tall (182cm) and about 180pounds (80-82kg). I work out a bit also, but i mean.. i'd rather be somewhere middle - Not fat, but not skinny either.




But i can understand how skinny people want to be bigger, and how fat people want to be smaller.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

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Je suis juste un cas désespérant

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Okay, every person on this thread is a teenager with absurdely, annoyingly fast metabolism. We get it.


And I love it! :mrgreen:




Is it just me, or are you a little plump or something?






Hell no.




Yes, I just grabbed a camera and posted a picture of my stomach. Sue me. Thought it'd be better than just saying "I'M NOT FAT!", oh well.




It's just, who didn't see this becoming another "post your measurements thread" o_O? (though I do not doubt any data posted, it's all the same teenage metabolism thing, me included)

You have one nipple higher than the other.




Let's keep quoting reb's nude pic.

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Okay, every person on this thread is a teenager with absurdely, annoyingly fast metabolism. We get it.


And I love it! :mrgreen:




Is it just me, or are you a little plump or something?






Hell no.




Yes, I just grabbed a camera and posted a picture of my stomach. Sue me. Thought it'd be better than just saying "I'M NOT FAT!", oh well.




It's just, who didn't see this becoming another "post your measurements thread" o_O? (though I do not doubt any data posted, it's all the same teenage metabolism thing, me included)

You have one nipple higher than the other.




Let's keep quoting reb's nude pic.


my thoughts exactly lol

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I'm skinny and underweight, I can suck in my stomach and see my ribs clearly. :P


I don't eat very much and have very small meals, but I do have normal diet. Last time I checked I weighed 8 stone, don't how much that is in pounds.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Anyways, I'm about 5 foot 4 and not even 100 lbs. (i think 45.45 kg for you metric folks?) and I'm fine with it, I would much rather stay like this than be humongous. now theres a word I haven't heard in a while...gotta use that more...


Yes! It's great to look like a concentration camp prisoner in an environment where there are so many comforts!


It's my metabolism, I'm like a freaking shrew.


Lenin, I'm like that too, I'm like 5 foot 2 @ about 90 pounds.




PaperClips, your posts recently have been extremely rude and make you sound like an arrogant 10 year old, you might as well leave now.

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im 5'5" 125 lbs and i little on the skinny side but im content :)


In the time of peace prepare for war-General Patton

Dsk805 lvl 139 6* mage

Blink182lover lvl 100 7* mage

Founder and Current clan leader of: PunkRock Lovers(rank#4)

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Oi -__-". Wonder if using hide tags woulda helped at all. Or just not responding at all >_>.




Wonder if a mod could just delete all the pics, kinda spamming up the thread -_-.




Pfft, they're high enough, pic just cuts off :-w .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I'm 6'4", 175lbs. Pretty evenly built, but I have a lot of stamina. This summer I took my bike to work, which was 24 miles a week. I ate a lot more but didn't really feel more tired or anything at the end of the day. I'm built to last :D




Right now I don't really work out. I spend 30 minutes on my bike each day traveling to and from classes, and once a week I take my bike down to the beach (about two miles from where I live) to go jogging in the sand for an hour. That's pretty much the only working out I do.

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PaperClips, your posts recently have been extremely rude and make you sound like an arrogant 10 year old, you might as well leave now.




Hahaha. Who are you? Speak for all of us do you?


Leave it out, kid.




Paperclips Makes this place joyful with his constant interuptions in serious topics with hilarious one liners that bring smiles to the faces of many

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Anyways, I'm about 5 foot 4 and not even 100 lbs. (i think 45.45 kg for you metric folks?) and I'm fine with it, I would much rather stay like this than be humongous. now theres a word I haven't heard in a while...gotta use that more...


Yes! It's great to look like a concentration camp prisoner in an environment where there are so many comforts!


It's my metabolism, I'm like a freaking shrew.




The same thing happens to me. I'm 5'7" 115 lbs and I eat like a freakin pig... no scratch that. I eat like a cow. When I go to school, and I eat lunch, my friends give the occasional "Damn you eat like a fat@$$!" comment.




Just so you can relate to how skinny that is, my waist is 30.25". Thats a size 27 waist jeans, and I wear a 30 length. I'm 14 btw.

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good question, hahah.


Being fat causes a lot of health problems, but you can stick up for yourself. Being skinny's healthier, obviously not too healthy but healthier, and if you were to try and get back to normal, you wouldn't have a load of excess skin if you were skinny to start with.


*shrugs* probably skinny, cos its the easiest to recover from.

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Nighthawk... that picture weirds me out... seriously.






Ok, lets look at the flipside.. advantages of being fat....




when the ice age comes (which it will) where will all you skinny people be? Frozen to death thats where! And fat people will reign supreme... for a little while anyway.. then they'll be skinny and die...

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