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Random Event - Maze


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Is there some sort of mechanism for the random maze to go off.




I was trading a ton of ores, probably 50 trades in 15-30 minutes on world 1. After which, I proceeded to tele to Varrock from Fally. However I got sent to the maze.




At first no problem, Just had to tell my buyer that i'd be delayed. However, this happened not once, but three times in a row. Everytime after a ton of trades, if i tried to tele from fally to varrock, i'd be stopped and sent to the maze.




I know this is a small thing, but does this happen to other people? It slightly irritates me, because It delays me from getting the goods to my buyers.

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I know a while ago that if you had a full inventory you'd be 99% guarenteed to get a mime or a maze, no idea if this has been changed now as it was just after the evens had come out. A lot of people just went around with an inventory full of stuff just to get mazes/mimes.

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I wouldnt complain, even if you were trying to sell something, because the maze is the only random with a decent reward.




Yeah, you can get some nice loot from mazes :)


Although, when you're in the middle of a trade...


It might be a little irritating indeed, and 3 times in a row is even worse.

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Alot of trades make you look like a macro so when you tele they give you a random. But I <3: the maxe fr33 death and cha0s runes :)

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I got a maze yesterday just from chatting/dancing. I think it's a time-based random.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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It is most definitely a triggered random when you teleport.




I get a random almost all of the time when I teleport... you try it. Don't teleport for 30+ minutes and then telly, I guarantee you will get a random. Like... chop 100 yews and then telly. RANDOM EVENT!




Kill 50 ankous and teleport. RANDOM EVENT!




If you click a lot of command options - not walk here, but attack x npc or chop x tree etc., then you will get a random when you teleport. guaranteed.

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I have a similar problem, but mine is with Leo the lazy undertaker. I mean, come on! How many macroers are out there that kill, collect, and bury bones? Jesus. Every 100 buried big bones or so, I get Leo. It's gotten so bad that I rarely train Prayer anymore. And what do I do every time I get his pointless junk? Drop it. Just out of spite. (and it's stupid as hell).

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Random events are triggered after 15 minuted of continuously doing the same thing. So if you stand in one spot for 15 mins and not do anything, then you tele/alch/anything really you will likely get a random event.




You should be happy you got 3 mazes...once I got 2 in a row, and because I have the maze memorized I ended up with over 200k in loot. All that from just 30 mins of killing ankous :D

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To all of you characters who stated I am wrong, re-read what I said. I did not in any way state that was the way things were, but rather gave my opinion. I even said in the sentence "In my opinion.."




How can you say something like this:








It is very easy to predict when you will get a random by doing something over and over again such as killing a monster and then burying a bone youll most likely get a random.




You said you will likely get a random, meaning you can not trigger it at will. This would falsify your statement. Quite simply, you can't state my opinion as wrong because you can't even support your own.




It would be different it I said "Random events are random, end of story, they are not triggered."




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


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I have also had times when I have got loads of the same random in like one hour. The last time was when I was merchanting gold armours at Varrock in world 3. I got like 4 molly events in a row! I missed a lot of good deals there :(


But I still think randoms are random.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I remember the first time I got the maze random event, almost a month after I had started Runescape. I was trading with someone West Varrock bank and had just negotiated a fantastic deal. However, right as I opened up the trade window to complete the transaction, the Mysterious Old Man appeared and whisked me away, much to my consternation, especially considering how good the deal was. What shocked me the most, though, was that the trade window remained open! Quickly I placed my goods in the window, hit the accept button, and received the cash I had desperately wanted.




Thus, we were able to complete the trade with me in the maze and he in West Varrock. :-s I wonder if they've fixed that yet, or if anyone else has had a similar experience..

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I even said in the sentence "In my opinion.."




In my opinion, 10 dogs weigh more than the same dogs and 20 other dogs together...


99+ all 23rd March 2012 - 2496 total 13th June 2012.

9000+ dragon drops! Including draconic visage, d chains, d spears, d2h, d claws, d meds, d legs, d skirts... d bones, d hides :)?


I want jagex to put resource dungeons and dungeoneering skill doors to dungeoneering floors so I can dungeon and get dungeoneering xp while I dg so I don't have to dg to get dg exp, but I can dg while I dg :)?

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I have noticed that randoms seemed to get stored up. You can be fletching for a while in a bank - or any repetitive event - and the random kicks in as soon as you try to teleport.




There must be an event flag checked prior to the teleport event is processed.

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