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Music and Studying


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Well I couldn't find anything on search so I made this.




I have found several studies where music is a distraction to studying because of multi-tasking. This decreases the depth of which material is analyzed and comprehended.




However, other studies show music prolongs the attention span of which people will continuing studying, by using music as a pleasure device.




So do you think studying with music is better or without?


Outside information is welcomed :D

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Summary: Experiences match up with studies: I work faster without music, but have less drive to continue working for extended periods of time when I don't have distractions. Only when it is physically impossible for me to find [electronic] distractions, like if I stay after school to finish some homework, do I find that I have enough drive to finish my homework at a good pace.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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depends. My math teacher quietly plays ambient, light, or classical music while she's teaching the lesson. Its actually pretty cool, once she played the lord of the rings soundtrack. And its not distracting at all.




But then if I try to study with music that has lyrics, or is overly heavy and loud, or just too catchy, it can be distracting.

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It's a conflicting study because of today's culture. When someone listens to music now, it will be either pop, rock, country, screamo, or any thing else with repetitive beats or lyrics.




What you want to study with is light music that has a changing rhythm, almost next to no lyrics, and if possible, classical music :P


Sig by Ikurai

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For each test I study for, I listen to a different album on loop, not too loud. Then on the evening and morning before the test, I listen to that album again. It may just be superstition, but I guess it could be a limited form of Pavlovian conditioning...

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It's a win-lose situation for me.




I get motivated to study when I listen to music because I've conditioned myself that music is associated with hard work.




However I can't remember jack unless my music is switched off.




I've deferred for 12 months anyway so meh.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Listining to music when studying for me is a MUST. Otherwise i just go off track and go and do something completely different and end up forgetting what i was supposed to be doing in the first place.

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I got into the habit of putting on some Andy Mckee (instrumental acoustic guitar) everytime I was doing homework. Might look into some Sunn O)))) for my next lot :D .


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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It's a great study tool - when used correctly. In my opinion, that's when you're having a break/reflection period. To put it this way, I like to work for 45 minutes with no music, then a 15 minute break with music to replenish me and get ready again. It does wonders, you know, on the rare occassion I actually do work :oops:

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180 bpm and max volume is how I like my music, so I never study while listening music.


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Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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For each test I study for, I listen to a different album on loop, not too loud. Then on the evening and morning before the test, I listen to that album again. It may just be superstition, but I guess it could be a limited form of Pavlovian conditioning...




Thats actually a good idea. The problem with music and studying is that your brain takes in both, so amongst all the music in your brain is where your homework is stored as well. By listening to that album the morning before, you help yourself remember. Thats awesome!


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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For each test I study for, I listen to a different album on loop, not too loud. Then on the evening and morning before the test, I listen to that album again. It may just be superstition, but I guess it could be a limited form of Pavlovian conditioning...




Thats actually a good idea. The problem with music and studying is that your brain takes in both, so amongst all the music in your brain is where your homework is stored as well. By listening to that album the morning before, you help yourself remember. Thats awesome!




Reminds me of that episode in The Chipmunks when Alvin and Simon make Theodore eat all his favourite food while teaching him stuff.


General Custard!

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I actually study better with music playing. Without it I get bored and end up just doodling on my papers during class or putting my homework away and not doing it. When I move out on my own, I'm honestly thinking of wiring speakers into every room of my house so I always have music playing..

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Music is a must-have for me. Any will do, as long as it's has a nice rythm and feel to it (John Mayer, my fave study artist) If I were to be put in a library without my mp3 player you'd probably hear me singing instead ::'




My Textiles teacher always puts in music in class. I find it very helpful as it's a laid-back lesson and I always draw (or sow) in beat with music :D

Ultra Unholy,

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i study far better if im listening to blink 182 sum 41 zerbrahead and some other punk bands and im not distracted even a little bit :)


In the time of peace prepare for war-General Patton

Dsk805 lvl 139 6* mage

Blink182lover lvl 100 7* mage

Founder and Current clan leader of: PunkRock Lovers(rank#4)

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i study far better if im listening to blink 182 sum 41 zerbrahead and some other punk bands and im not distracted even a little bit :)


I find that hard to believe.




Studying longer and studying more efficiently are two different things.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I can't take in info while listening to music with lyrics. Aka, i study history, vocab, eng stuff without music. I can't read with music either. Its like reading and following a conversation at the same time.




But music is fine for me for calc, chem, physics, etc... since im not taking in info...




Wasn't there a study on this? They concluded that music w/o lyrics helped concentration, which further proved that classical music was good while studying

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