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Rowling Says Dumbledore Is Gay.


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[hide]Well, Malfoy always used Crabbe and Goyle as side-kicks, and it seemed he never really appreciated them, but when Crabbe dies, he's devastated. [/hide]

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Why does everyone automatically assume that every character in a book must be straight unless explicitly stated otherwise?




Because the majority of people are straight? Do you mean that when you read a book, you don't give any kind of personality traits to a character that aren't "explicitly stated"?






Bad analogy; you're switching around the sexes and sexuality.




I don't think it's a bad analogy, as the key in the analogy is that the person giving the lessons is sexually oriented towards the gender of the pupil.

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As if (some) Christians didn't hate it enough already....










I wonder if the guy who played Dumbledore in the movies knows he is gay.




I dont think Christians hate it any more than anybody else. And what does Dumbledore being gay have to do with christianity? You dont go to hell if you're gay incase you dont know. You just aren't supposed to think about gay things. Just like you're not supposed to lie.




Umm well I was referring to the uproar on Harry Potter books in schools. In case you didn't know, some Christians had a huge problem with "magic". Adding a homosexual to that does not improve the situation.




Oh, lol. Who the hell gets mad about a book that has magic in it? I dont see Christians getting mad about books with Dragons, since the world was made in 7 days; none of which include days with dragons. What about documentaries with dinosaur fossils that tell us that man didn't walk the earth 7 days after dinosaurs were created?

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Can't say I'm too surprised. I always wondered about Dumbledore's taste in fashion. In the films it's not so obvious, but in the books he's the equivalent of the gay fashion lover dressed in velvets in gaudy colours :D. It does give some more depth to the whole affair with Grindelwald.




The thing about "I wanted my book to be politically correct so I made Dumbledore gay" is a bit silly though. If that had been the case, she should have displayed it just a little bit more in the books. Merely implying homosexuality by the man's fashion sense is not bridging the gap for homosexuals, methinks.

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I've never even seen Harry potter :lol:




No, we don't. Which is why I didn't appreciate your USA comment.








I guess only non-ranking members have to abide by the rules huh




I'm sure Ginger didn't mean it in an insulting context, for all you know he could have genuinely been asking if the poster was from the USA, considering their spelling is different to Australia and England.




If this was the case, no rules were broken and the pair of you were over reacting a simple situation. =;



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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book sales must have gone badly if shes trying to get publicity this badly
yeah, 11 million on the first day is quite horrible inddeed.




back on topic:







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WTF? :shock: This just in! Harry Potter is gay too! Here is the link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYjUWSfj7fE




Seriously tho,


I was on youtube and there is already tons of videos of gay dumbledore. And lot of people seem so shocked about this. Seriously who gives a '*'. It doesn't change anything.


Maybe Rowling is just trying to irritate homophopic people. (besides the advertising ofcourse)

Reality is hundreds of times more beautiful and more interesting than delusions. Fairy tales just tend to be easier to follow than the wonderful intricacies of life.

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WTF? :shock: This just in! Harry Potter is gay too! Here is the link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYjUWSfj7fE









ROTFL! Thats so wrong!






Although I had already seen previous to this dastardly announcement, tons of vids showing that harry/ other major characters are gay. Like Harry/Cedric.








This is so stupid....Rowling, go to hell kay?


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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I understand that some people may be upset at JKR, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think this "revelation" may have been something she had planned for a long time. Look at this from the perspective of gay society. Gays are noted for what? (Note these are stereotypes) promiscuous sex and having STD's. Real great image to send to kids who may be confused about their sexuality. "Hey Johnny, If you're gay, when you grow up you are never going to accomplish anything and you'll probably die of AIDS." By making Dumbledore gay she has shown someone who is gay that has not only not died of AIDS, but he is one of the most accomplished people in his entire society. I see where people are coming from being upset at her for revealing something that was never even strongly hinted at in the books, but in doing so she has opened the door for young adults to become more comfortable with who they are. One thing I've often noticed in society is that there is a huge lack of gay role models outside of the entertainment industry. This move represents society's move towards acceptance of gays and it also is fairly representative of the fact that it is time for some of the successful people in the world to come out of the closet and become a role model for the gay youth of today.

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"Nothing hinted at it" well what do you want. Him to run around with rainbow flags campaiging for gay rights issues, him to start dating? Lets remember she did have a personality to retain, you know that of an old man. What context would it be appropriate to mention that in anyway? It's not like every gay person has to adhere to a stereotype just to make sure you know they're gay. She didn't announce it on her own anyway, someone asked her a question and she responded to it. Im sure she has more important things to do than to piss a few people off, and God knows she is rich enough to not require a few extra book sales.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Truly scintillating conversation. You contribute so much to the topic.




By making Dumbledore gay she has shown someone who is gay that has not only not died of AIDS,


Indeed, he was murdered. What does that tell the closeted gays of the community?




Oh, and does anybody know what J.K. stands for? I think Joana is one of them, but I pulled that out of my [wagon]


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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By making Dumbledore gay she has shown someone who is gay that has not only not died of AIDS


Indeed, he was murdered. What does that tell the closeted gays of the community?


Cmon, its a book, it's shows nothing because it's a fiction -.-



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In other news...




Elton John - The man who sang several songs for the Lion King, the popular animated movie, seen by millions of children all over the world, has himself revealed today that he had been gay for most of his life.




One angry former man had this to say about the matter: "I felt betrayed! All those years, I listened to the man, and now he tells us he's gay?!"




Another fan also had this to say: "As a mother, I don't understand how he could lie to us like that! My kids likes his songs, and now I think they will end up gay as well!"




Some fans however, had tamer reactions to the news.




"Oh, really? Wow I never knew that. Good for him I guess... now if you'll excuse me, I have to go class now." Says a student from Harvard University.




"Woop-deeee-fricking-dooo! So what about it? The Lion King was a kick-[wagon] hardcore movie! Did you the fight between Simba and his evil uncle? That was awwwwesome dude!" Says another fan.




No matter what people say, this reporter has to agree.




The Lion King really did Kick major [wagon]!

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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In other news...




Elton John - The man who sang several songs for the Lion King, the popular animated movie, seen by millions of children all over the world, has himself revealed today that he had been gay for most of his life.




One angry former man had this to say about the matter: "I felt betrayed! All those years, I listened to the man, and now he tells us he's gay?!"




Another fan also had this to say: "As a mother, I don't understand how he could lie to us like that! My kids likes his songs, and now I think they will end up gay as well!"




Some fans however, had tamer reactions to the news.




"Oh, really? Wow I never knew that. Good for him I guess... now if you'll excuse me, I have to go class now." Says a student from Harvard University.




"Woop-deeee-fricking-dooo! So what about it? The Lion King was a kick-[wagon] hardcore movie! Did you the fight between Simba and his evil uncle? That was awwwwesome dude!" Says another fan.




No matter what people say, this reporter has to agree.




The Lion King really did Kick major [wagon]!




That is old-old, very old.

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I'm surprised people really are saying she used that statement as advertisement. Do you actually believe that someone un-interested on the books will say: "oh, so a major character is gay? I'm so going to buy that book now!"


Come on, it doesn't really affect anything, does it? ...Unless you're a homophobic that feels "betrayed" because Dumbledore was your role-model.

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The fact that it was announce because fans were curious should have made it clear that she only said it because it pertains to the story... -.-




She's set for life as far everyone is concerned, and she knows it.




She's not out to milk the series for what its worth. :-k

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Can't say I'm too surprised. I always wondered about Dumbledore's taste in fashion. In the films it's not so obvious, but in the books he's the equivalent of the gay fashion lover dressed in velvets in gaudy colours :D. It does give some more depth to the whole affair with Grindelwald.




The thing about "I wanted my book to be politically correct so I made Dumbledore gay" is a bit silly though. If that had been the case, she should have displayed it just a little bit more in the books. Merely implying homosexuality by the man's fashion sense is not bridging the gap for homosexuals, methinks.




Oh common! They are wizards. They dress in robes. The little extra fancy wouldn't have made me think that he's gay. I mean, i didn't even notice any extra fancy, because not only was he a wizard, he was Dumbledore - the "Yes i know i'm going to get killed, but to the prepared mind death is just the next big adventure anyway. So that's no big deal." Dumbledore. As such he is fancy anyway.




Besides.. standing next to a half giant with a pink umbrella, who wants a dragon as a pet and often cries like a baby, he does look pretty ordinary actually.




On the other hand, if somebody said one of the characters in Harry Potter is gay, who is it? Dumbledore would probably be the most likely to be. So i have to agree. That isn't a too big revelation, because it fits. I don't think it would fit any other character in the book.




What's amazing though, is that she knows details about her characters that have next to no significance to the story. That's probably why the characters are that lively.




EDIT: Thinking on it, you are right Sumpta. Everybody but Dumbledore dresses in plain, black robes.






I always thought he trusted Snape a little too much...no, I'm being serious, I somewhat suspected it. Still outright funny to read it, somehow.




Snape is a geek, but he is definitely not gay. Besides he was in love with Harrys mother.




That being said, I didn't know Sir Ian McKellen was gay :-k .




Well, he is.




Wow, that's crunchy. Very surprising, I could undersand Lupin, Sirius, Severus, Ron, Harry, Lucius, Draco, and all of the others, but Dumbledore, of all people? Wow :XD:




Lucius and Draco are snobs, not gay. (Although Lucius.. )




Already said, why Snape definitely isn't gay.




There is really nothing that would indicate Lupin or Sirius to be gay.




Harry obviously likes girls and Ron is about as straigth as somebody can be (just picture what would happen, if Ron and Hermione were to spend an extended period of time alone together....)




One fan asked whether Albus Dumbledore, the head of the famed Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, had ever loved anyone. Rowling smiled. "Dumbledore is gay, actually," replied Rowling as the audience errupted in surprise.




What does Dumbledore being homosexual have to do with him loving somebody? Or does she think that homosexuals can't love someone. What does it matter anyway, the books are finished and she never hinted on something, she can just make up whatever she wants, and obviously saying Dumbledore is the best shocker imaginable.




True, that wasn't the answer to the question, but my guess is that she knew Dumbledore to be gay all along,she really wanted to drop the bomb to get this off her chest and this was as good an opportunity to do so as it gets.

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By making Dumbledore gay she has shown someone who is gay that has not only not died of AIDS,


Indeed, he was murdered. What does that tell the closeted gays of the community?




[hide=My response to Above Quote (SPOILER ALERT)]He was not murdered. Him being killed by Snape was a planned death, because Dumbledore asked Snape to do it. If you had read the last book you would know it.[/hide]

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