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Whats happened to tip it?


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I'm not spending as much time as I used to on these forums, but I must agree with you. The forums has gone more boring, and more strict. And that's sad.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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You're right. I don't play runescape anymore but I browse these forums occasionally. I rarely post anymore because the moderation is to extreme. I remember back in '05 this forum being full of friends, posting threads which, were not in the right forums per-say but were viewed hundreds of times and responded too. I feel that TIF is more of a business than a game fan site. There are to many mods, and they are to strict. But thats just my opinion.




Also the wanna-be mods are just annoying. Tip: Just stop, you're not going to be given moderator powers because you spam "this thread should be moved" 50 times a day on various threads, you will be modded on the fact that you post intellectual and informative posts.

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I wonder how many of the people sat here, being critical of the moderating team on Tip.It actually applied for the Mod Trainee posts? :-w




In other words, how many of you are actually willing to try being a mod for a day or two, and then you can be in a position where you can truly make a judgement on their work?

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I wonder how many of the people sat here, being critical of the moderating team on Tip.It actually applied for the Mod Trainee posts? :-w




In other words, how many of you are actually willing to try being a mod for a day or two, and then you can be in a position where you can truly make a judgement on their work?




1) You just forgot that the ones who signed up for it wanted to be one didnt you?




In other words you're merely saying "only the ones who tried it can speak negative of the way things are done".




2) The mods who posted here seem to have forgot that its not about making the job easier for yourselves. I say this as the locking of many posts was justified with "stickies being easier".




3) The forums are very well controlled I think. For others who haven't been around as long you might be interested in knowing that tip.it has been hacked several times, shut down totally. Spammed with tens upon thousands (literally) of messages. All accounts deleted etc etc. Is tip.it really worse than it was? I don't think so.


And some dude said he thinks its gone really really downhill since may 2007 when he joined.. well you haven't even given it time to start improving yet have you?




4) your all lucky i dont post 1 post per minute like i used to i was the only Dragon Slayer (highest post rank)on old tipit forums and that means serious spam 8-)

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If people would consider other people's possible feelings, we might have a better community. Like I always think/say:






If you don't like it, get the hell out of here. :) Nobody is forcing you to come here, and we don't want your bullcrap negative posts.

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1) You just forgot that the ones who signed up for it wanted to be one didnt you?




In other words you're merely saying "only the ones who tried it can speak negative of the way things are done".


You make that sound like my attitude is wrong. That's actually near enough exactly what I'm saying. You should always walk a mile in someone else's shoes before judging them. As -devoted- mentioned before, I'd have thought this week's Tip.It Times would have opened people's eyes to that key skill.

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Well before I even say anything else, I would like to state that Tip It is and always has been my favorite fan site and forums. Way back when it was the very first RS fan site, Tip It was the only resource for information. All the cool players posted here! Obviously I joined up as soon as I heard of Tip It and I haven't left the forums, ever.




I do note a certain lack of... robustness. Topis and posts just aren't lively or interesting anymore.




I don't blame it on the moderators or "Tip IT fascists" as critics refer to them but the forums have become a bit boring nowadays. :?




However, the forums are *our* forums. If we want them to improve we have to make our own topics and posts more interesting, that's all there is to it. My personal hypothesis is that Tip It has become boring because RS itself has become boring. :P No recent "big events" that get people really excited.

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That has changed severely. This feels like we're all being holed up in boxes as if we do not post in the correct sticky, topic or thread we will be shot hung and quartered. Note: Sarcasm.




Want to know why? Because we have all these [cabbage]ty posts "Your favorite color/NPC/Monster/Place/Hairstyle?" and it's destroying general chat. Give all those [developmentally delayed]s their own sub-forums and give us back our forum so we can make appropriate, discussion-worthy threads instead of that junk.

























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I think one problem is that there are too many stickies. Most discussible topics are covered by a sticky, where they are smothered by multiple posts and not many readers.






Some peoples important thread like quitting or whatever,


will not be seen by many people in sticky.


which to them is a BAD thing

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meh, it happens on every forum, once it grows big enough, everyone becomes uptight. The moment you step out of the line every body freaks out and votes banishment.







That has changed severely. This feels like we're all being holed up in boxes as if we do not post in the correct sticky, topic or thread we will be shot hung and quartered. Note: Sarcasm.




Want to know why? Because we have all these [cabbage] posts "Your favorite color/NPC/Monster/Place/Hairstyle?" and it's destroying general chat. Give all those [developmentally delayed] their own sub-forums and give us back our forum so we can make appropriate, discussion-worthy threads instead of that junk.

I don't think you get his point. He's talking about the response everybody gives everytime someone does something that doesn't follow the rules.




or maybe i dont get it, w/e

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1) You just forgot that the ones who signed up for it wanted to be one didnt you?




In other words you're merely saying "only the ones who tried it can speak negative of the way things are done".


You make that sound like my attitude is wrong. That's actually near enough exactly what I'm saying. You should always walk a mile in someone else's shoes before judging them. As -devoted- mentioned before, I'd have thought this week's Tip.It Times would have opened people's eyes to that key skill.




I know what your point is, but its pretty double standard, seeing as its yourself, and other mods who decide who gets in.




And don't tell me that you'll allow every username in this forum to "try to be a mod for 1 day"-. because thats what you're suggesting we try, before we decide to post negative feedback.




But by all means give everyone mod access for 24 hours and we'll see who's right.

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1) You just forgot that the ones who signed up for it wanted to be one didnt you?




In other words you're merely saying "only the ones who tried it can speak negative of the way things are done".


You make that sound like my attitude is wrong. That's actually near enough exactly what I'm saying. You should always walk a mile in someone else's shoes before judging them. As -devoted- mentioned before, I'd have thought this week's Tip.It Times would have opened people's eyes to that key skill.




I know what your point is, but its pretty double standard, seeing as its yourself, and other mods who decide who gets in.




And don't tell me that you'll allow every username in this forum to "try to be a mod for 1 day"-. because thats what you're suggesting we try, before we decide to post negative feedback.




But by all means give everyone mod access for 24 hours and we'll see who's right.


Myself and other mods have no power in deciding who becomes a moderator or not. That's a decision for the admins. My role is on the Tip.It main site - I've nothing to do with the forums except having the same purpose as you have; being a normal poster. I point you towards the Staff List, which explains all our roles.




Explain to me the point about double standards too. For me to be committing myself to double standards, I'd have to judging the mods without prior experience. I don't have that experience, so I don't judge them, and I never have judged them. That just wouldn't be appropriate at all - I don't see them judging my work on the main site, so why should I judge theirs? I'm a bit confused about that point really.




It was also a rhetorical question. I was just curious to know how many forum users criticising the mods would actually be prepared to work the many hours they put into the forums every week, cleaning it up, themselves.




If you wish to continue this, I'm more than happy to through the PM system. Otherwise, this is leading the topic astray from its main point, so I'll stop posting here.

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I post this as a longtime user, because after all, are mods not users first moderators second ?




I Think tip.it is slowly but surely coming out of a rut it entered years ago for various reasons.


Old timers know my view and perspectives, and I can say tip.it has risen greatly from how far it fell long ago...




I will say this as a user, the current staff is much better than it has been in years, and should be capable of bringing tip.it back to its glory days. This forum is what we both staff and users make of it.




I think improvements can be worked on by users and staff for the greater good to make us #1,




I have used tip.it since Late 2001 or early 2002. I have seen it as the greatest ran runescape forum, to a forum that was ran downhill and many old timers like fook could say was poorly ran. I for one love reading this post because I like seeing peoples criticisms and compliments

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

Abraham Lincoln

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Im fully aware that moderators are human. But so are we, im sure even some of the moderators feel this community has become more restrictive.




Of course many may argue the organization has significantly improved but it is definitely more restrictive. Why make a forum that is focused on gaming this restrictive...? :(




People like to post topics without being spammed at and reported for "posting in the wrong thread or stickies" heck a lot of good topics end up in stickies. Lets face it a LOT of these stickies are just trash cans. When theres too many of one topic people think


"hmm hey i got an idea lets drop it in a sticky cos then it wont clutter general discussion and people wont think its spam!!"




I noticed tip.it had a lot more rules etc when i was still actively posting but nowadays it has become much stricter on posting. The result of this is that a lot of good reads are overlooked, players that are newer, unknown or have low post count or skipped when looking for interesting reads.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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im sure even some of the moderators feel this community has become more restrictive.


Really I think the total opposite, when remembering back over the past few years.




I think Das says it well "I think improvements can be worked on by users and staff for the greater good"


We are all trying to make a good forum for everyone here.

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IMA report ye :twisted: (nah, jk)




But i agree with you on one part, if you post something that doesn't belong somewhere, it quickly gets locked or reported. But on a different opinion, the stickys help from the forums being clogged with all similar topics, like clue rewards, or scammed rants, so they are helpful, in ways, and not in some.

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I've been here for years now and nothing seems different to me. Is it really fair to make an assumption this fast? I mean if you compare one day to another at the other extreme, you can have a huge difference. Get readjusted to here and you'll find everything's fine.

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I know this post is long but would you really want a trite 2 sentence reply about something like this?






This topic caught my attention as I was browsing the board; I was glad to see a topic of some merit when I looked inside (a pleasant surprise for General).




I was more pleased to see that Sith had posted. His ideas for the forum are in line with what I would like to see happen for the most part. I always enjoyed his ideas for the community when we would discuss things. (On a sidenote I don't think the community realizes what a good guy they lost in him when it came to promoting a fun and engaging forum.)




Personally I can't stand the all-in-one stickies. There are some that are a necessity or just work better that way, but many of them I think kill of any chance of a discussion. I know I'm certainly not going to read through a welcome or farewell sticky. Then you have the matter of trying to carry a conversation with random posts regarding other things popping up. It's hard enough to keep things straight in regular threads; it is why forums generally discourage offtopicness. What could be more off topic than having 5 different aspects of a conversation going on at once?




Now taking this and putting it into action gives us another problem. We now have posts that people don't want to read floating around the board. "Five goodbye posts on one page of general? This will not do." The users here can't seem to come to grips with the fact that you aren't supposed to like or approve of every post that does not fit your particular vision of what should go in a board. I sincerely wish that people who didn't like a certain topic would just not post on it; yet I could probably find 15 examples of people doing in on the first page of general.




Some users (perhaps due to immaturity, who knows) cannot rest until they have voiced their opinion on why a topic should not be there, or even better that "no one cares". I would think a topic no one cared about wouldn't need that pointed out. :? If someone well known were to post a farewell people would come out in droves to bid them a fond farewell. If someone that isn't know does it then there is a problem. I've seen so many topics locked because of people spamming it with how stupid it is. A lot of these topics aren't really that bad, but the constant spam forces them to be locked (for better or worse). The part that annoys me is that users know they can force a lock if they persist long enough.




So where does this leave us? We can start doing something about the people who reply, but then we're back to being overly harsh and Draconian. As Sith said, ideas are easy to come up with but the implementation is hard.




A perfect example of this kind of thing happened recently. We tried to merge and condense many boards that had obsolete or similar purposes, and General F2P and General P2P were merged during it. Now some of the greatest cries were about not wanting to read topics they didn't want to. (Again, we have the option to ignore those topics.) Next, we had the predictions that the board's traffic would be too much, and there would be too much turnover on topics. (Oddly, this was part of the goal as explained in Sith's earlier post. People also overlooked the ability to click on page 2.) This of course didn't happen.




Shortly after the merge, we had the complaints about the quality of General. The perceived threat to quality threads was "this or that" and opinion poll topics. This resulted in our very own Questionnaire Subforum, which has done nothing more than move them out of the sight of those who only want to see things they value as topics here. The argument went that these garbage topics made it impossible for "real" topics to last in General.




My view was that the opinion topics were not the problem and the subforum was fixing something that wouldn't bring about the change everyone wants. So now we have General free, for the most part, of those "horrible" spam topics. So what's left must be a wonder to behold. Now at this point I say to myself, "I don't really see a marked increase in quality threads." I'm not saying there aren't any; that would be stupid to assert. The problem is deeper than having question topics posted. It's the fact that during complaints about the lack of good topics in General, I didn't see as many people posting "good" topics as were complaining about the lack of them.




So the question for the users now is, "What is my responsibility?" Well for starters, if people really think there is a lack of decent discussion topics in General, then why aren't you making them? This is where I leave off when I think about these things. Trying to go any further would involve a fundamental change in how this forum's userbase operates. This is the part that gets discouraging because we (Admins and staff in this case) can try just about as many options as are feasible, but we will still have a sizable part of the users who hate it.




The problems that are directly the area of staff, such as amount of stickies, are things we should do something about if so many find the forum not to be fun. However for the ones who say General lacks "life" I'll be cheesy and use a quote: "Be the change that you want to see in the world." Find interesting things and start making topics regularly.


571st to 99 Fm Nov. 4 '06 - 315th to 99 Crafting Mar. 3 '07 - 3410th to 99 Fishing Sept. 18 '07

26378th to 99 Cooking Oct. 16 '07 -.- 99 Thieving Dec. 29 '07 - 1343rd to 99 Farming June 5 '08

1807th to 99 Agility Nov. 8 '08 - 3094th to 99 Smithing Feb. 14 '09

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Allow me to introduce myself. And no please dont move it to the introduce yourself sticky as this is what im gonna talk about. Im flameguy3 ingame and ive just come back to runescape after trying to recover my password a couple times over the past 2 days. Some of you may remember me as the person who did The Spartan Invasion. Others may remember me for just bein a great guy over all :D




I used to love tip.it a community where everyone could just post topics not caring what others thought knowing that there would always be a good discussion.




That has changed severely. This feels like we're all being holed up in boxes as if we do not post in the correct sticky, topic or thread we will be shot hung and quartered. Note: Sarcasm.




It makes tip.it more like a giant machine rather than a community its become like some kind of dictatorship... And if this gets moved it just further proves my point.




Im not in any way saying that Tip.it is bad, in fact its a good community but it was better back then, then it is now.




I have to agree with you here. Why Tip.it is falling downward, I cannot say, maybe its the few WBMs and the insurge of new players on this forum . Needless to say, the community hasn't turned into the RSOF yet.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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I agree with you man.




Tip.it isn't nearly as great as i remember it being when i first joined.


Plus, in the General Discussion if 1 person has a good idea and post it, 23 other people post threads exactly like it except "a different view on blah blah" ect


its getting rediculous all the stickies that people never look at anymore.


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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You know I find it kind of funny that a lot of people complaining here have only been a member for about a year and a lot of them themselves have been in trouble for doing things that make the forum worse to browse.

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