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So confused... I quit a game with 117ers and got a level after jumping down the slide?




Somehow I got ~6k experience from a dungeon I quit... Did I break something or am I just uninformed? :blink:


You still get experience based on the amount of rooms you explored or something I think. You just don't get any tokens.


Just a measure I assume so if someone disconnected or such then they still get some experience rather than having their entire time wasted.

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Cleaned the guy.


Come support my max total goal here.


Briobe122's 10-step guide to staking:

1. Get cleaned

2. Vow to never stake ever again! (very important)

3. welfare tds and get claws

4. kill glacors til i get boots

5. bandos ffa or more tds til i have around 50m

6. realize that it is far too hard to rebuild using steps 3, 4, and 5

7. give up the vow to never stake again

8. go back staking and make your bank back

9. if you failed at step #8, Go back to step #1

10. if you succeed at step #8, you will eventually feel the need to make money for rich people stuff, have a bad day of staking, then get cleaned anyways

Pain is just weakness leaving the body.

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HYT dunging:







Slayer; it's just what I do.
Thanks Hugger 88 for the awesome siggy!

Click show if you want to see achievements.

Achievments: Maxed/Comp'd 7th of August 2012. 120 Dungeoneering sometime early december 2011. 99 Slayer achieved October 22nd, 2010. 99 Prayer achieved September 99 18th 2010. Summoning achieved September 14th 2010. 99 Defence achieved May 8th 2010. 99 Constituton achieved April 24th 2010. 99 Attack achieved on January 29th 2010 at 8:00 PM. Questpoint Cape on August 30th 2009.99 Strength (11:47 P.M. August 17 2009).

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May I ask how you got it? :P

99 Magic?

85-94 I Mostly stunned with Magic Brawls and Sc Helms, after i got 94 i mainly got 94-97 Barraging and Venging while Pking/Staking. Then at 97 I decided to just go for 99, used up a few Magic brawls and Sc helms (got about 1m xp in like 3hrs). Then at 500Kxp i used a few effigys, then BAM 99 :).

Took me ages even though i could've gotten within a few days over the past 10-12 monthes lol.



"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American."Daniel Webster


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We better do this when I come on tonight... Looks so fun ahahah.


And Gratsies!





Reacting impulsively and saying what's on your mind feels oh so good.. for a little, until you realize you just started WWIII.

2672nd person to reach 2496 total.
Thanks to Wicked for the awesome siggy :D

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It's over.... It's finally over! Did not enjoy this skill at all but I couldn't leave it at 98 =P


Now for effigy-opening 97 smithing =D



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Uber fail. The guy next to him in the in the helm of nezzy/orange clan cloak was literally talking to this guy about his gold purchase lol. At least 20 people reported both of them.



Bet Jagex won't even do anything about it.

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all from TDs..100%




9m worth


"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

"An imperfect man can do great deeds, and a great man imperfect ones.

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Uber fail. The guy next to him in the in the helm of nezzy/orange clan cloak was literally talking to this guy about his gold purchase lol. At least 20 people reported both of them.



Bet Jagex won't even do anything about it.


The level 3 is probably just a mule anyway, so it won't matter. But the guy buying the gold is probably screwed.

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2250 kills lol





Your head seems a little small for all those feathers.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Uber fail. The guy next to him in the in the helm of nezzy/orange clan cloak was literally talking to this guy about his gold purchase lol. At least 20 people reported both of them.



Bet Jagex won't even do anything about it.


The level 3 is probably just a mule anyway, so it won't matter. But the guy buying the gold is probably screwed.

Ye he is screwed no doubt.

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