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Will anyone be left to play RS in 5 years?


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-When did the ESRB rate the game? I've never seen anything from the ESRB concerning Runescape, considering that Jagex has no obligation to have the game rated by the ESRB as it's not sold in stores or in a boxed form, or even advertised other than the internet.




-Taking one update and pulling the most extreme negative repercussion that'll never happen out of it. Takes your argument and dips it into the toilet (if you don't mind a Jim Gaf[bleep]in reference)




-...They're trying to ban them, not kill them. And if you looked on the wider spectrum, they did that just this week. They destroyed a main method of transferring money undetected.




-I wasn't affected by the duel update. Since you said "all", your argument gets thrown out.




It may have destroyed a main method of transferring money, but it has also destroyed the Duel Arena itself.


Actually, JaGex advertised Runescape through Scholastic...


And everyone may have left RS in five years. MIGHT HAVE. (But it's not true. If RS isn't too nooby and scammer-infested, then I'll still be here.)

Avatar by Unoalexi!

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I'll still be here - trying to get to 99 in each skill the hard way :lol: , ie. not buying them.




Seriously as has been said elsewhere, for every person that quits there are another 3 who will join. These new members will not know about the old Duelling Arena (or any of the other things Jagex has "killed") and be quite happy to play the game in the state they find it. It will only be us "oldies" who will remember and can then say "I remember when....".

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One thing that Runescape will NOT run out of is crybabies. Jagex looks at this game as a business, and they want to create as good a game as possible for everyone, not just the few whose entire game experience revolves around staking. So they lose a few fanatic stakers, what they are looking at are the hundreds of thousands of people who will start playing in the future. They know that people will only play this game for a period of time, and move on. So it is just plain stupid to avoid making improvements just because some of the current players, many of whom will not even be here in 2 years, donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t like it.




The people who whine because some change is not to their liking need to just grow up a little bit. It is impossible to make any change to anything of substance that does not inconvenience someone. The whiners will learn this when they actually get, you know, a real job, and learn it is not possible to satisfy everyone.





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I HATE how people think one "update" kills Runescape...I keep saying that "people want the game to be played the way they want it." To be honest...these people are idiots. Who cares about a bad update just live with it and if you like good! The only people that will cause Runescape down fall is the idiots that think that a update messes the game up.

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One thing that Runescape will NOT run out of is crybabies. Jagex looks at this game as a business, and they want to create as good a game as possible for everyone, not just the few whose entire game experience revolves around staking. So they lose a few fanatic stakers, what they are looking at are the hundreds of thousands of people who will start playing in the future. They know that people will only play this game for a period of time, and move on. So it is just plain stupid to avoid making improvements just because some of the current players, many of whom will not even be here in 2 years, donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t like it.




The people who whine because some change is not to their liking need to just grow up a little bit. It is impossible to make any change to anything of substance that does not inconvenience someone. The whiners will learn this when they actually get, you know, a real job, and learn it is not possible to satisfy everyone.





I agree. You can satisfy some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. If the whiners quit, so be it. Those who try will learn how to cope. But I can sympathize with stakers. That has gotta hurt.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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One thing that Runescape will NOT run out of is crybabies. Jagex looks at this game as a business, and they want to create as good a game as possible for everyone, not just the few whose entire game experience revolves around staking. So they lose a few fanatic stakers, what they are looking at are the hundreds of thousands of people who will start playing in the future. They know that people will only play this game for a period of time, and move on. So it is just plain stupid to avoid making improvements just because some of the current players, many of whom will not even be here in 2 years, donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t like it.




The people who whine because some change is not to their liking need to just grow up a little bit. It is impossible to make any change to anything of substance that does not inconvenience someone. The whiners will learn this when they actually get, you know, a real job, and learn it is not possible to satisfy everyone.






Then quit shunning the whiners and start debating with the people who actually have a point about the update being a terrible move.




I have yet to understand, or even once be shown why, people seem to hate RWIT. Not even considering the morality of it, which is debatable but irrelevant to the point, what about it makes any player willing to give up staking to diminish it's effects almost not at all [for the sake of argumentation, considering they actually stake]? As has been stated in the past, not only was the duel arena mostly utilized for more personal RWIT, but it is only one of a near infinite number of methods for RWIT.




So, what made this trade-off make sense? Admittedly I have almost nothing against RWIT, but even so I wouldn't mind Duel Arena being destroyed if it meant the end of it. But to destroy staking, a major aspect of the game then, now, and no longer for the future, to not even dent the opposition? It's ludicrous to say the least.




If Jagex is to justify such a trade-off, then it is a justification of all such trade-offs. Would you be willing to get rid of not just the duel arena, but every mini-game in exchange for multiple individual, yet still wholistically ineffectual, "assaults on RWIT"? If you can not, then what right do you have to say Jagex has in taking the first step towards that path? Where do you draw the line? Honestly, is it all really worth it in the end?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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These arguments are never really thought out particularly well. It's a case of a few people being pissed off by a change to the game mechanics immediately after said change? So what? Chances are the complaining will die out in the next couple of months.




The fact is, it's one simple change to gameplay. Okay, this month there have been (or will be) three, and some are quite significant. But it's naive and ignorant to think that these alterations are going to destroy the game. Yeah, they might alienate some people - some of the self-righteouss "THEY DON'T DESERVE MY MONEY FOR CHANGING THE GAME AND FORCING ME TO SEEK ALTERNATE METHODS OF SUCCESS" might up and quit altogether. But ultimately, the game must always be constantly evolving. Regular stakers comprise of, what ... %1 of the RS population? That's just a guess, but in the big scheme of things they are obviously a minority. The fact is, people will move on - people will change their gaming habits and move on, because it has to be a two-way relationship; the game adapts to its players and the players adapt to the game.




You seem to forget that Runescape has over million paying members. Add this to the number of F2Pers, and you've got a pretty large player base. The game will continue developing, continue improving, both technically, aesthetically and conceptually, and chances are, the membership base will grow. Unless MechScape turns out to take over Runescape in the next couple of years (which I don't see happening), Runescape will continue to thrive. Hell, even when (if) it's released, Runescape will soldier on. You just have to deal with the change.

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People hate real world trading because it encourages gold miners to hog the best spots, and it allows people to buy game stuff with real dollars, distorting their accomplishments. Is that so hard to understand? Geeeeeee.




And if anyone thinks that there are an almost infinite number of ways to do real world trading, they are delusional. I can think of these ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ




1) Staking


2) Player to player trading


3) Drop trading


4) Wilderness




There may be more, but I only got to four out of infinity before I gave out. If there were an infinite number, I should have gotten a few more donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t you think?




( I am not addressing this reply to any one person because I would be tempted to tell them how childish, illogical and self-serving their silly arguments were. )




It is not a question of getting rid of large parts of the game to stop the gold miners. It is a question of getting rid of, or more correctly, changing, small parts of the game to stop the gold miners. With just a few more adjustments, real world trading will become very difficult, and increasingly easy to detect.




Some of us are very fiercely holding on to the idea that ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åthis is my game and it must continue the way I want it to,ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Ok, I am sick of thinking this game is childish because they are making updates to stop cheaters and make the game more decent for players. On the other hand, I agree that this duel arena update is unnecessary, and will only lead to more breaks against runescape law. Has anyone ever heard of the saying(or something close to this), "I would rather let 100 wrongdoers go, then let one innocent man be punished." Well this update is punishing the people who are innocent and made money through staking that was legit according to jagex for so long! Yet, this small aspect is removed by jagex causing them to revolt. There is always alternate methods if jagex really cares about the game. In the end, even though we should always have hope and try to remove cheaters, there is a limit. As with fighting in real life, there is a limit to how far you can take it. Innocent people should NOT be punished.

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These arguments are never really thought out particularly well. It's a case of a few people being pissed off by a change to the game mechanics immediately after said change? So what? Chances are the complaining will die out in the next couple of months.




The fact is, it's one simple change to gameplay. Okay, this month there have been (or will be) three, and some are quite significant. But it's naive and ignorant to think that these alterations are going to destroy the game. Yeah, they might alienate some people - some of the self-righteouss "THEY DON'T DESERVE MY MONEY FOR CHANGING THE GAME AND FORCING ME TO SEEK ALTERNATE METHODS OF SUCCESS" might up and quit altogether. But ultimately, the game must always be constantly evolving. Regular stakers comprise of, what ... %1 of the RS population? That's just a guess, but in the big scheme of things they are obviously a minority. The fact is, people will move on - people will change their gaming habits and move on, because it has to be a two-way relationship; the game adapts to its players and the players adapt to the game.




You seem to forget that Runescape has over million paying members. Add this to the number of F2Pers, and you've got a pretty large player base. The game will continue developing, continue improving, both technically, aesthetically and conceptually, and chances are, the membership base will grow. Unless MechScape turns out to take over Runescape in the next couple of years (which I don't see happening), Runescape will continue to thrive. Hell, even when (if) it's released, Runescape will soldier on. You just have to deal with the change.




I doubt that its even 1% that are die hard stakers, myself i have only gone to the duel arena 5 times in 2 years, i only have 1 person that i know of on my almost full friends list that goes. and also i would liked to state, i'm betting 90% of people be a mem their first month do not know what the duel arena is or let alone use it, so even if it was totally destroyed (i mean gone) around 95+% of players would not notice and of those 5% that did less than 10% would quit because of it, a drop in the bucket for jagex.




Jagex didnt really destroy staking at all. If you want to stake that much money i'm sure you would be willing to wait a lil while to get it. I really think that this update has helped alot, damaged a key piece of gold farmers trading equipment and helps make the game better and more fair for everyone else.

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  • 2 weeks later...
In my opinion, I forsee Runescape dying off or being supported by a much smaller (like only about 100,000 players or so) die-hard fanbase in the coming years. Jagex is clearly aiming RS at the younger generations (miniclip, fantasy setting, etc) and while the general Runescape populace (who live primarily in western countries, such as USA, Britain, Australia) are ageing (a demoographic statistic), less and less people aged about 15 or under (the largest age group which plays RS) will be playing this game, and as technology advances, the graphics of Runescape will be severely outdated and the 7-13 year olds will switch instead to more graphically-intense online games.




So, I see a severe downturn in the numbers of players in RS, should Jagex keep pumping out controversial updates such as the complete nerf of staking. However, most likely, I'm completely wrong, and I hope that RS will stay popular forever. :)




i totaly agree with the last part of ur reply, plus even if the first part is correct ill be part of that die hard 100 000 players lol...cz im sad rofl.



By Kingcomet =)

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The reason why I quit runescape wasnt because of the graphics (all though they are terrible) or the updates. I quit because the majority of players are immature and ignorant little kids who talk trash every second.




Ive since gone on to much more mature games which you actually have to pay for, but am still waiting for Runescape 3.


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