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Why are you so afraid of revenants?

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they should make them more harder and more pker alike would be morefun :P also revants drop dargon daggers i got 3 so far at revant orks on green drags


Ranged 101/99, Str 105/99, Att 105/99, Hp 106/99, Def 100/70, Magic 102/99

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Revenants are irritating to say the least. I was RC'ing the other day and got hammered on by an ork. I made it through the abyss with 5 hp to spare. As for scary factor, they have none. They are more like that big ol' zit that appears just before a date...painful and ugly.




SHHH, I am concentrating.....oh look, a paperclip!


Where was I again?

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after all these risks, what do you get for killing a revenant? usually, a bunch of coins. That doesnt nearly cover the cost of all the supplies you waste. I think better rewards are in order.


Fighting them has to be worthless. Think about it. If they had great drops, well-prepared people would be fighting them all the time, thereby preventing them from attacking rune miners and treasure trail hunters, and thus destroying the goal of making the wilderness dangerous.

"Noob" is an insult. "Noob" is overused. Be polite. Try to say "noob" less than once a day.

Thank you.

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Me and a group of friends went out to kill some. We did this in F2P because it's much safer (no teleblocks or poison)


revenants can tb, freeze and poison in f2p, so it's not that safe. I've been personally hit with two out of three, and there's no reason for me to believe the third isn't there.


I wouldn't say I'm exactly afraid of revenants myself; if I were, I wouldn't ever go out into the Wild again, but I am very wary of them, as they do hit high and the normal defences like Prayer and armor are little help.

Nope, they can't teleblock or poison, me and my friends didn't get tbed or poisoned once.




And if a F2p was poisoned, that wouldn't be fair because theres no cure for poison in F2p.




Trust me, they can. I've been killing them in f2p.

Well, we went hunting about 2 days after their release, so possibly they changed it.




It still confuses me why they would be foolish enough to put uncureable poison in f2p...






unless its a hint f2p will get herblore.. just like that 1 thread stated it might happen

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You guys think these are hard? Try going to final fantasy, and going near any dangerous monsters. In that game the monsters can actually run as fast as you, and some can even outrun you. And guess what? Their AI is 5x more than the ones in runescape. You can't even beat monsters that are a lower level than you without a team.

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after all these risks, what do you get for killing a revenant? usually, a bunch of coins. That doesnt nearly cover the cost of all the supplies you waste. I think better rewards are in order.


Fighting them has to be worthless. Think about it. If they had great drops, well-prepared people would be fighting them all the time, thereby preventing them from attacking rune miners and treasure trail hunters, and thus destroying the goal of making the wilderness dangerous.

Hmm... but lvl three miners didn't have to worry about PKers; their level may have been too low for an attack. The revenants don't bother with your level.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I got a wildy clue and while doing it, I got a pm from my friend who was near me saying 'rev vamp'. Next thing I knew he comes running from nowhere, gets hit and dies, then leaves me running for my life. I got hit a few 20+'s and a 30! I was eating lobbies aswell...


But, because I'm so leet, I ran like an athlete and escaped. Then I even finished the clue for around 200k worth of rewards. :)


I r teh leet rev escaper. So what I'm saying is- they don't scare me! 8-)

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I pulled the ardougne lever to go to the wildy agility place. I pulled it and before i had even clicked to move i had a revenant orc beside me...That kinda put me off them. They seem kinda strong but at least rcing via abyss is slightly more risk free.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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I was out trying them out for training, and I had a weak one attacking me.




it was "eating" alot and healing lots of health and it kept moving back, moving back, moving back, and then a lvl 105 orc teleblocked me and started sending spells my way.




Not only do these renevants act like clans, they can also lure!

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I've never seen a revenant hit more than 3 (and even then, only once). And this amazing "poison teleblock ice barrage magic" attack is more like the amazing "splat and does nothing" attack. Most of you complaining are lvl 70- in f2p, not a surprise.




Roflmao! Do you even know what you are talking about? What did you atk, and imp? #-o



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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after all these risks, what do you get for killing a revenant? usually, a bunch of coins. That doesnt nearly cover the cost of all the supplies you waste. I think better rewards are in order.


Fighting them has to be worthless. Think about it. If they had great drops, well-prepared people would be fighting them all the time, thereby preventing them from attacking rune miners and treasure trail hunters, and thus destroying the goal of making the wilderness dangerous.

Hmm... but lvl three miners didn't have to worry about PKers; their level may have been too low for an attack. The revenants don't bother with your level.




Yeah, I just figured out it still works like the "old" wilderness. I tried to attack a revenant goblin, but couldn't. :evil:




Anyway, i went out IN F2P with full equipment to hunt one of those down.


I was wearing




full green dhide


rune full helmet


addy arrows


maple short


addy arrows


85 ranged


80 def


71 pray




I first (after walking in the wild for about 15 min) encountered a lvl 68 vampire. Killed it quite easily, however i did eat 9 tunas in the run. It hits up to 20 I think.




Off to the big work, after another 15 min i encounter a lvl 105 orc (I'm lvl 105 too). This one is harder. I try to pray, but i dont know if it has any effect (using range pray and attacking from a distance = forcing him to use mage, which is ineffective against my dhide? (is this correct, do they adapt? NEED CONFIRMATION on that one).




Anyway, he hits up to 25. Not THAT often though. I thought I'd get owned a lot faster. Sometimes he doesn't even seem to be attacking me (is he eating?). His amount of hitpoints is impressive, even when he doesnt heal. His defence seems on the low end. I hit much more often on these guys, then on a lvl 105 in full rune.


In the end I run out of tunas/swordies. However, at that point he wasn't healing anymore, and was rebarred. So I guess it just was really close. If I would have had full invo of food, I think I would have had him.








These guys actually are like real pkers. (in terms of overal strength). Their combat lvl represent their real strength (for a f2per). What I mean is: if you encounter one of the same combat lvl, you will have a though fight, just like if you'd encounter a pker of the same lvl.




The strategy is different of course (they dont start off with dds specs etc...). For f2p, they also hit higher (or at least more frequent) than a real pker would. On the other end, you will also hit them more often. (their defence is quite low).




There are of course a lot more differences. A few of the obvious ones:




*no loot (important, normally if you'd KO someone, you'd get a fresh supply of food. With these guys, forget that. Kill one strong one, and you'll have to restock to kill another one).




*no trash talk






NOTE: For p2p'ers is it a bit different. Seeing as how I almost beat my opponent of the same lvl in f2p, I think p2p'ers shouldnt have too much problems, providing they bring the right (best) gear.

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I've never seen a revenant hit more than 3 (and even then, only once). And this amazing "poison teleblock ice barrage magic" attack is more like the amazing "splat and does nothing" attack. Most of you complaining are lvl 70- in f2p, not a surprise.






You've NEVER seen one hit higher than 3?!



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EDIT: I think the max hit in F2P is 24? Revanents are known to do 20s consistently...




im only 90 str and with pot i can do 30's in f2p






[spoiler=99's]99 strength achieved 5/27/09.

99 hitpoints achieved 9/30/09.(59,643)

99 attack achieved 11/08/09. (77,453)

99 defence achieved 1/31/10. (63,382)

99 range achieved ( sometime ago )




x15 whips

x53 d boots

x3 visages

x88 g mauls


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1. coz they are freaking safers!


2. coz they hit to high for their level


3. coz they hit fast!


4. coz they are teamers!




they wear suppose to replace PKERS not to upgrade em killers!


a lvl 28 goblin attacked me and it hitted 16 on me!




can a lvl 28 pure hit me that high? of course no

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I've just been on a trip to the wilderness to buy some team capes. :ohnoes:




The first time I was looking for the yellow dot of the cape seller William near the red dragons, and when I finally found it I used the last couple of % of run to get to him, only to find a giant orc coming over the hill. At this point I just accepted death but it walked right past me without attacking. I logged off and went to a different world, only to find a ghost which started maging me straight away. I ran about 10 seconds across the wilderness and it still followed me. Eventually I got away though.




Still can't find William and those revenents have scared the... out of me.

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I notice that nearly everyone saying how they "are not hard" and that you "just need food" pretty much have 90+ in every combat stat.




Sure, if you are lvl 120 they probably are not hard, however lvl 70s used to be able to finish lvl 3 clues. Not so now, chances are they'll be dead within 10 seconds of seeing a revanant. Personally while doing lvl 3 clues, I had never once been attacked by a pker, and the times I had been attacked by one, I actually had a fair chance of escaping.




The fact is, these things can hit through prayer like it isn't even there, they can change between ancient and regular magic at will, hit from twice the distance, Teleblock (something we no longer can do), use a poison that is stronger than P++, virtually never hit 0s, and most of all, they appear from nowhere (you could spot a Pker from miles away on the map).




Personally I really pity the F2P players, it's obvious just how little Jagex cares about them now. They couldn't even be bothered to think "Ah, F2P can't use ancient magic, potions, sharks, poison or decent armour. Better tone them down for F2P"

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