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checked the rsof often while TIF was down, but it isnt half as good <3


i guess i can get used to the new layout :P



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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As stated on a front page post a day or two ago, you can try to google your blog (use the forum topic id) and see if you can recover it. If it includes pictures, save it as an html page to get the pics downloaded to your computer as well.




I spent the weekend in mIRC, warming my hands over the chat fire with other diehard Tip.It-ers, lol. I'm glad everyone has pulled together over this. And frankly, my greatest happiness is that the website is intact, lol!


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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Another thing is that the profiles that were created in the two and a half months are gone too....




But on topic, playing runescape without these forums just wouldn't be the same. *shivers at the though* I would have to ask my friends for advice on stuff. =S

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Since I'm switching from an older forum I used to use, I just went back there for a bit until the forums were back.




But I'm glad TIF if back up and running. Still getting used to the layout though, it's confusing.

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This reminds me of that thread that was titled something along the lines of "where would you be without tipit" in which i replied something like "probably asking random people how to do quests and looking at RSOF trying to find interesting topics to talk about" lol =D I don't know where i'd be without tipit, any loss will be recovered with time, i don't care that i lost 250-ish post count, and i'm sure others don't either, as it's not that important. What's more important is that we'll be able to grow from this and come back stronger =D




I find it tragic that someone so high up in the rank department could just backstab us too - and not to mention make you guys lose tons of money in the process. Did they even think about us and what effects it would have on the community? Some things can be forgiven, but that was just... lets just say it's unforgivable. That person seriously needs their head pulled in.

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I remember when someone said that they're glad that tip.it, ever since D3N went down, had kept on going without any major issues for several years and they hope that it continues. 2 days later, this happens.

~ W ~



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I hate the new skin, any way of reverting it back to the simple one which wasnt so shiny and bright...?




I'm sure new skins will be up after the main bugs have been fixed, this is low down on the priority list at the moment.




And for those complaining about loss of posts - The Tip.It staff have lost a lot more information and have been hit harder than you can imagine, we've lost 3 months of very important information, while we understand that your blogs are important to most of you our options were VERY limited. Either do this or start afresh, we picked the option we thought was best.




I'd also like to remind everyone us mods are still moderating, so any rule breaking in this time will not be tolerated, so please do not spam - at this time more than any it's not very helpful to say the least!




Thanks - DarkDude98 - Tip.It Global Moderator


Thanks for the clearence on matters and i understand the behind the scenes work that goes into tipit so a 3 month rollback is pretty considerable.




still cant wait for some new flat matt skins

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i just played rs like normal and kept watch till they came back up. the forums look weird now imo, but ill get used to them, would be nice to have those blue breaks separating stickys from normal posts as well. and i noticed a glitch on the index, under general discussion, where the "introduce yourself to Tip.it!" link is supposed to be, its broken.




(and the guy who did this is one big jerk too.)

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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It may not be as pretty as it used to be, but for me pages load much quicker and smoother than they used to. There's going to be glitches, but I'm sure the staff at tip.it will sort them all out eventually.




It is a shame to lose 3 months worth of posts, but as someone already said, that's life. Thought all the staff did a sterling job to get back online so soon.




Bravo tip.it crew





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I have mostly chatted with friends during the time playing RS while the forums have been down. Usually I read the topics here in General and also I read blogs and rate this threads. It's great that the forums are back now :)



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I just cried untill TIF came back ...




Nah, but I never realised it was this hard to not be able to access TIF. Phpbb 3 has alot more options though, so I'm happy with the changes.

Retired High Leader of the Great Titans


DK: Dragon axe x55, Zerker x40, Warrior x44

GWD: Bandos hilt x2,Bandos plate x8,Bandos tassets x3, Bandos boots x 2, Armadyl helm x2, Armadyl hilt x1, Saradomin sword x3

Dragon drops: d chain x3, d left half x3, d legs x4, d skirt x2, d claws x6

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RSC is not actually bad. People call it 'immature' with people that don't type correctly... but that is untrue. The people that are quite mature and use correct grammar etc... It was fine, good to have it back.. but not really that bad.

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I had to resort to... the rsof. *gasp* *female scream* anyway, i'm glad the forum is back, even if i did lose 200 or so post count >.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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It could have been much worse. 3 or so days without the forums really is nothing to ensure that it still works in the long run.


I used the RSOF and TS while it was down. Considering I used them even before, RSOF'er comments are something to avoid around me.




3 months of posts gone, yet we can easily post them again. We can rewrite and perfect blogs and guides, remake some threads, and so on. We get a fresh start, and even with 3 months of posts gone, the forums and community still exist.


As the title says, it's a new era. Should we be complaining about what was lost, or should we be working to restore it?

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I like the new look of the forums here, its purrrrrty. But I think it could do with some work and perfection which i hope will come in time.




To be totally honest, i was at a loss without my beloved Tip.It boards, I had visited many of the other sites, and none even come close to the community here. I'm really glad that they have got it back up and working so soon and there should hopefully be a quick recovery of threads and activity. I really am looking forward to it.

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I...wow that period sucked; not only were the Tip.it forums gone, but I was muted too :S. And that quick chat thing is for narbs imo. I'm glad that I have full speaking rights and full forum to talk on again.




I hadn't realized that talking was such a big part of rs...ok well maybe I had; but not on the level I'd expected.

"...You're not supposed to die for your country, you're supposed to make those S.O.B.'s die for their country..."

~U.S. General Patton

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Read Runescapecommunity forums :P




Wow 99% of first posts are gone :!:




I'm not even gonna lie, I looked for a temporary forum and found RSC.




I also did my first barrows from a guide on there, not because it was better, but because it was 3am and I was looking for something to do!

Quality posting at its finest.

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To be honest, it was hard to go without it... Probably because I could not actually play Runescape for the past few days (Doesn't work on my grandparents' computer), and, when I can't get on there, I'm on here...


This new board style is definately gonna be something that'll take me a while to get used to, but it is a bit like the RSOF, so it shouldn't be too bad for most of us, right?

When I see people say it, I pronounce it "poon" in my head. Makes more sense to me. My friend said it in real life once and I almost kneed him in the family-maker.

$DO || ! $DO ; try
try: command not found

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