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Ringing up my ISP and harassing them tomorrow. Cant connect to online games, Steam drops out every minute, DL speed is at a 1/3rd AND I've only used about 25GB/100GB, so something's freak'n wrong. Nerves are kicking in until I get the dreaded Deny or Date with Apple job.


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Ringing up my ISP and harassing them tomorrow. Cant connect to online games, Steam drops out every minute, DL speed is at a 1/3rd AND I've only used about 25GB/100GB, so something's freak'n wrong. Nerves are kicking in until I get the dreaded Deny or Date with Apple job.


Lol meh I didn't even ring my ISP when I had that issue, I just changed ISPs and never regretted making the change.

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There happened to be a seasonal position available at a nearby Gamestop so I went ahead and applied. Now I just wait to see if my name doesn't sabotage me yet again...

Hitler S. (Satan) Gaykiller?

Nope. My parents decided to be "creative" with my name and as a result, I'm now the only Q'Vontes (You just pronounced it wrong) in the world. The name gives a person a much different impression of who I really am...


How do you pronouce that? I'm saying Que-vough-tuhs in my head



It's not as bad as a girl I know named Abcde, pronounced "Absidy".



I was surprised that I actually pronounced your name right...



Last night was a lot of fun. I took 2.5 mg of xanax about 35 minutes before my girlfriend got off of school. I figured, if I can write her an amazing love letter while I'm drunk, surely something good can come from me being high around her (Two nights ago she said we weren't going to have any more sex until she got birth control pills).


I don't remember a whole lot of the night, but I do remember the fact that she didn't keep her word. Then I woke up this morning with a text from her saying "I had no idea anyone could do that with their tongue". I wish I could remember more of the night, but atleast I remember the really fun parts.


Edit: Girlfriend started her period today. No longer any worry about pregnancy or anything like that. All of that nervousness that I had before is completely gone. :grin:

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Today, I went to Daytona with my girlfriend and realized how pathetic of a living environment our town is. I am certainly moving somewhere more eventful when I have enough money.

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Get to miss the whole day of school tomorrow because of a canoe trip. :thumbup:

Sure it's still school, but it beats sitting in a classroom all day.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Wait, what? Link? Another TMZ stunt?

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Next month they'll release the Steve Jobs: S.


But in all seriousness, this is pretty sad. I suppose it was his time though.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I have a gastro virus, but I seem to be recovering already which is good, apparently they can last a week.


Good news is I'm on standby this week, so while I can't drink I can hope a storm brings down a power line or something and earn me some decent money.

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It took my dad five [bleep]ing hours to get an repairman to fix our cables from AT&T. Five. [bleep]ing. Hours.


AT&T is the worst company out there. Period.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Five hours? We'd be lucky to have cable fixed in a few days.



Am I the only one that seems to hate Africa and all these sponsor advertisements etc? It's been going on for as long as I can remember, is it really that difficult to get a civilization to move forward into the 21st century? Not to sound harsh but it's no more better then Dull Bludgers.


(Im talking way before this drought thing hit)


EDIT: To be more clear, I see all this money getting poured in to try and help them but I haven't seen a single change in 20 years.


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Five hours? We'd be lucky to have cable fixed in a few days.

Oh no, just to contact the service to begin asking for a repairman. I don't know how long until its fully repaired.


Either way, its terrible service when their competitors (Verizon) fixes things in a day and answers/replies our calls within the hour.


The internet is important for my dads job so it really strains us all.



@Tim: its because charity doesnt help the entire system. Give them bottled water today and next week they still don't have a well. Bigger example: why give them schools when you don't need an education for a sweatshop or there aren't educated jobs in their country?


Its a cheap way for the fortunate to feel 'good' about themselves. Even with the entire GDP of USA we can't build infrastructure for the majority of Africa and provide jobs.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Damn, Eggs, I was looking forward to seeing you on Teen Mom.



Haha, sorry to disapoint.



So my dad needed some help organising some things for an up coming lawsuit. Had to put together all of the info from his websites so the lawyers of the guy sueing could go through them (had to go to every single page of every single website he has and hit "view source" then copy that info and paste it into documents, then go through all of the activity on the sites and organise that into documents).


Hope their lawyers have fun reading through over 600 pages of code (literally over 600 pages, by the time we were done there was over 70,000 lines of text that they get to print out to bring into court, wonder how much that'll cost them in paper and ink) trying to find the info they need. Started helping him at 10 p.m. and just got done with all of it at 3 a.m.


(No, I won't discuss what the lawsuit is about until it's all over and done with).

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Happy Birthday!


Meh, still waiting for the order tracking page (for my new laptop) to update. Payment went through yesterday, but page still is at payment processing... Should be saying shipped by now. Usually all takes 1h to go through, but it's been days now.

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