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My laptop blows these days so I haven't really been on much. Might switch my TIF experience to my mobile just so I can keep up with everyone (I do intend to read that story Noxx...soon). done :)


Broke up with my girlfriend after 4th of July. Like an hour after the fireworks were over. Okay technically she dumped me, but then when she called me 9 hours later the next morning asking to get back together I basically told her to piss off.


Now I've got a date planned with that (i didn't realize hot mom would be censored when abbreviated) from a while back that happened to also conveniently become single last week. SkypeOnFacebook is my new best friend.


Oh, and I fired a kid last night and I had to deal with his mom coming in to work today teary eyed basically begging me to reconsider. That was awkward as all sin.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Living a pretty weird life these days. It's good in the worst way possible and terrible in the best way possible.


But [bleep] it, right? Only really bad side is that I'm sucking down the cancer sticks pretty hard again. But once again, that's good in the worst way possibly. I'll kick it someday.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Oh, and I fired a kid last night and I had to deal with his mom coming in to work today teary eyed basically begging me to reconsider. That was awkward as all sin.

Oh boy. What gives parents that this is a good idea?



Working as delivery man for 7 months now, driving for almost three years, I got my first roadkill today. Bugs was in the clear when he decided to abort the crossing and head back.


Then the Bunny God twisted my fate and made me drive up that road three times later that day.

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"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Oh, and I fired a kid last night and I had to deal with his mom coming in to work today teary eyed basically begging me to reconsider. That was awkward as all sin.

Oh boy. What gives parents that this is a good idea?


I hate parents who intrude on their children's work life, mine included.


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today I found out my cat is a cold blooded killer, I let him out and he instantly caught a bird and killed it, then another bird flew over him and started going crazy (must have been the mother or something) and my cat caught and killed that one :\


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I can't sleep tonight. I sleep for two hours and wake up for some reason.


It's the Bunny God. It wants revenge and I know it...

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Thinking I might pass on the pics. Bloods okay, views inside bodies perhaps a little less so when I can avoid it. I really don't do eye injuries though, I'd be quite okay with making it through life without seeing more pictures of eyes with things in them, or not in the head, and without seeing it in person.

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today I found out my cat is a cold blooded killer, I let him out and he instantly caught a bird and killed it, then another bird flew over him and started going crazy (must have been the mother or something) and my cat caught and killed that one :\


I woke up this morning and found one of my cats left a dead rabbit in my room as a "gift". Now I am reconsidering about leaving my window open ever again since most my cats have this rather unsavory habit.


Although I never had any cats that went on a visible killing spree such as that, and one of the felines I had was bringing home bats frequently.


EDIT: Whoops, accidental triple post. Can some mod delete the other two?

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I broke my kindle :(


Currently looking for a replacement...I'd like to get one from another company so I can borrow library e-books...but the Amazon Shop is by far superior to all alternatives, both in books available and in ease of shopping. I can't decide which of those two is more important to me


My parents and brother each have a Kindle and they borrow library e-books all the time. Maybe it's your library?


Hot and annoying here, and I need to do actual work but was caught up in hysterical blog posts and then did the unit quiz for my online chem... More boring British lectures coming up next.


US vs. Europe :( No library in europe supports Amazon books (And I doubt Amazon is keen to change this, considering you can borrow books with Prime...)


Anyhow, I've contacted Amazon CS, and I get a discount for sending my broken Kindle in (Even though there's no guarantee on it anymore). That means I'm getting a refurbished Kindle Paperwhite with the usual guarantee for 91€ (compared to 114€ for a refurbished Kindle without the discount or 129 € for a new one)


Excited!!! :thumbsup:

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Nice! It's always nice to hear things like this from big companies like Amazon when they could have just as easily hidden behind the fact that the warranty had expired, said "too bad" and charged you full price.



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Today I had to recalibrate an entire station that was done (by me, no less) not two months ago. This was because a woman who didn't know the size of her gas tank threw a huge fit yesterday and was screaming up and down to anyone who would listen that she put in 5L more than the tank's capacity (fyi - she thought it was 80L, and a quick call by the site to the local dealer revealed it was 90L not including the fill pipe) and was threatening to report them to W&M and have the station shut down.


This turned a one hour service call on a day where there wasn't much to do, so I was probably going home early, into an all day job. Sometimes I really love stupid people. :grin:



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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I am alive.

In Norway.

With shitty internet.

With no people in the 20-mile radius. Just me, my 2 brothers and my mum.

And it is [bleep]ing boring.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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I think I saw a horror movie that started that way once...Don't listen to the voices, Prets! :P


Kaida, what do you do for a living, if I may ask?


Gas station maintenance. Basically, I fix gas pumps. It's a good job and I really enjoy it...when I'm not dealing with idiots that is. :lol:

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THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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I am alive.

In Norway.

With shitty internet.

With no people in the 20-mile radius. Just me, my 2 brothers and my mum.

And it is [bleep]ing boring.

get used to it. I lived like that for months on end and managed to retain (some of) my sanity.


Bought LittleBigPlanet2 and Skyrim for my neglected PS3 since EB are doing a bunch of sales and whatnot, as well as a 2nd controller after having my PS3 for 2 years.


I also need to get into Study-mode later today and get this damn assignment finished.


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Saw World War Z today. As the black gentleman behind me said at the end - "man, that shit was soft"


Couldn't have said it better myself. There were some cool scenes, but overall I wanted more.


Set off some left over bottle rockets after the movie. Not much "life progress" to report I suppose.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Time for an update on my life I guess. Don't expect anything too special though. My family from Canada is visiting right now, and we travelled to Southern France together, so that's where I'm at now. The weather on the first day was great but since it's been storming everyday which sucks because the house we rented is pretty awesome, it even has a pool, but it's not much use in this weather. We go back to Belgium on Saturday, and then my friends and I leave to Dour Festival on Wednesday, which we've been looking forward to for months.

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This is my 10th [bleep]ing summer of solitude.




So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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