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15 Aug 2008 - Future PvP Updates


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PKing is always fun, even when you lose! (Yes, even then!) It's sort of like a sport, in my opinion. I'm also excited about that new game that involves pures and skillers...

So, basically Earthysun is Jesus's only son.






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God no... #-o


Not only am I a second class runescape citizen thanks to HD but now I'm being kicked to the curb as worlds are going to be given to all those sad losers that we managed to get rid of last year.


Jagex says, "Welcome back e-thugs!". :thumbdown:


Thats a pretty idiotic. I loved pking, on soupy17 my main and my cute pure lolercats. First of all, i like how you say that you manged to get "rid of us". What exactly does this mean? You managed to get rid of someone who enjoyed other things than you? Are you actually implying that if someone likes somthing different than you, they are a loser? Seems like and unwise thing to say chap..


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No more just saying "well... we have bounty hunter?"




Even if you don't care for PvPing in RS (like myself) you should definitely recognize how good this is for a lot of people. Plus, it might bring people (like myself) into PvPing...






Alpha if you go pvp ill ill you :twisted:


Kidding ily.






OT: qrbgi3hg87nvt982vg842m4x7gbgbmgc43ki PKING IS COMING BACKr3htciun35ctg85tg




I cant wait to hop on lolercats, get on 1 def max mage, and find some losers afking at bandits, and slaughter them ^_^!!


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I laughed so hard at all the idiots on rants forum saying "jagex will never make pking back its better without it"








Anyway, new quest- Anyone tell me what the stone of Jas is?




It could involve that unopenable door under ardy...




Betcha max qp would be req for new quest- good thing I'm nearly there now :)

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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I laughed so hard at all the idiots on rants forum saying "jagex will never make wildy back its better without it"








Jagex didn't give the wildy back in it's former glory. You fail. And it is better without it.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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I laughed so hard at all the idiots on rants forum saying "jagex will never make wildy back its better without it"








Jagex didn't give the wildy back in it's former glory. You fail. And it is better without it.


I meant pking.


And whay it better w/o it?

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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I laughed so hard at all the idiots on rants forum saying "jagex will never make wildy back its better without it"








Jagex didn't give the wildy back in it's former glory. You fail. And it is better without it.


I meant pking.


And whay it better w/o it?




Less level 50s saying that can "pwn you" and being obnoxious. Still will be better when this update comes because they'll be almost completely confined to a few worlds.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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I laughed so hard at all the idiots on rants forum saying "jagex will never make wildy back its better without it"








Jagex didn't give the wildy back in it's former glory. You fail. And it is better without it.


I meant pking.


And whay it better w/o it?




Less level 50s saying that can "pwn you" and being obnoxious. Still will be better when this update comes because they'll be almost completely confined to a few worlds.


Well, the thing is, if they say they can pwn you, the new world means you can just kick their [wagon] :)


Theres still alot of people like that in RS anyway.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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I laughed so hard at all the idiots on rants forum saying "jagex will never make pking back its better without it"









I don't think I've ever read a thread about no pking coming back, considering that Jagex immediately and explicitly stated that they will be developing more pking minigames and we already have several of them... So no, nobody failed.




The only change here is that there will be freedom to choose and your reward will be based on the difficulty (like the old way, which is awesome and adds some real reason to participate). It allows pures and character build and strategy to come back. So that's cool... but let's just hope the rewards are adequate... which Jagex isn't so good at.

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God no... #-o


Not only am I a second class runescape citizen thanks to HD but now I'm being kicked to the curb as worlds are going to be given to all those sad losers that we managed to get rid of last year.


Jagex says, "Welcome back e-thugs!". :thumbdown:


This is the sort of thing I was talking about.


If you checked the "we want pking back" threads in rants you'll find some posts saying this sorta thing...




(obviously that quote was after it had been announced, so you get the idea)

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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I laughed so hard at all the idiots on rants forum saying "jagex will never make pking back its better without it"









I don't think I've ever read a thread about no pking coming back, considering that Jagex immediately and explicitly stated that they will be developing more pking minigames and we already have several of them... So no, nobody failed.




The only change here is that there will be freedom to choose and your reward will be based on the difficulty (like the old way, which is awesome and adds some real reason to participate). It allows pures and character build and strategy to come back. So that's cool... but let's just hope the rewards are adequate... which Jagex isn't so good at.




This. I never heard anyone say "Jagex will never make pking back", and this isn't taking it back to the pre-december 10th updates. This is more like taking it back to the pre-2002 days.




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After more than 8 months...this is going to be really cool.




No doubt some pkers have an ego* when pking (what do you expect when direct competition comes into play), but saying only 'pures' reflect such attitudes is just so untrue.


*Some skillers also have this ego ("Hey I got better levels than you" type thing)




Anyway it's great to see Jagex is getting "old school" PvP back into the game, something I really enjoyed in the game.

"I'd rather bear the comments people say to insult ya, then to poison my skin and erase my culture " - Deep Foundation

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Lets take over fally, and then varrock!


The war is on. Tipit to win.


A tip.it mass raid would be awesome-


Imagine a group of like 100+ walking into Fally and Massacring everyone in there :)


Assuming Multi Areas are still multi.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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These updates made me, a guy who only pked one person ever, at lvl 63 with my Rune Baxe drool. I'm maxed so it should be pretty cool. Yes, I know my Summoning isn't 99, I'll avoid multi until I get Steel Titan. Aside from the epic new equipment, I think this is going to cause a huge chain reaction in the economy.




My initial thoughts were things like AGS, D Bow, and D Arrows going up. Well if D Arrows go up, then so do D Imps, making 83 Hunter more profitable. If Dark Bows go high enough, more people will fight Dark Beasts. If people train Magic en masse for this, Nats and Bloods will likely go up, restoring RC to its former glory. Super Sets will be widely in demand again putting Herblorists back in business. And so on and so forth.



4x Phat owner: Blue, Green, 2x Purple


3100+ GWD bosses soloed.

Solo GWD Drops:

5 Bandos Plates, 4 Bandos Boots, 3 Bandos Hilts, 2 Arma Helms, Arma Skirt, Arma Plate, 3 Arma Hilts, 4 Zammy Spears, Steam Staff, 15 Sara Swords, 6 Sara Hilts, 29 Shards.

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Monkfish rise more when pkers are around...


my soon-to-be 99 fishing is soo gonna be worth it ::'


(I better get Agility outta the way first)




I am very excited about the return of pking. I never pked but when It comes out I'll be there in lumbridge attacking spawners :P


hmm talking about spawners Will Jagex put safe houses anywhere to stop those ruining the fun? (no point playing if your gonna get molested on every spawn)

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Sorry to be the pickled onion in this fruit salad, but I'm a little worried. Sure, this update looks good and sounds good, but how will it taste? See, I'm still remembering the whole Summoning development diaries and hype. Remember what it was like right after its release? Exactly how far from the promised mark was it? Plus I remember the exciting new PvP update as well as the Duel Tournaments. And don't even get me started on the GE's release. Though I'm fairly certain this update will come out well, Jagex's track record worries me.




Anyhoo, though I'm not a PK'er I may try out these worlds to see how the resources fare, and how well I can exploit them. The two minigames look nice, though I nearly ruptured a lung when one was described as a real time strategy.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Lol, even I held a "pvp parade" yesterday about this =D I got a huge line of people on it.




If you guys like these updates, the perfect clothes for them are:




Skull banner (heraldry)


heraldry skull helmet


skull shield (heraldry)


khazard armor.




The updated khazard armor is AWESOME!!






Yeah, I do wonder what might be inside Falador, Yanille, and all those cities?

Death should not be taken as 'the end,' but a very effective way to cut down taxes.

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If they actually follow through and create PvP worlds where you can PK almost anywhere, then I submit that no one will give a flying rat's backside about any of the PvP minigames introduced since the Fall of the Wild.




As long as it's optional, I really don't care if they bring back PK or not. Let the e-bullies whale away at each other until they figure out better ways to deal with their frustrations. :D

PvP is not for me

In the 3rd Year of the Boycott
Real-world money saved since FT/W: Hundreds of Dollars
Real-world time saved since FT/W: Thousands of Hours

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