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Kent's guide to Slayer mastery! NEW SECTION!!!


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Hey there great guide, as a level 97 slayer (almost 98) i thought i would throw some input in.




1. You need to update the ring section, the 4+ str bonus is no way comparable with the awsomeness of having a slayer ring. I use summona, so this ring is extermely useful, I would only suggest besrker ring if your willing to hold the slayer ring in your inventory. I use every possible inventory space I get, I make sure I fill the inventory to full each slayer trip, even those guams add up. Sure, you might not see this as important, and in the end it is just personal preference.




2. I used to use bandos top, however when i hit lvl 137 i realised i was finishing all tasks with over 90hp in most cases anyway, i scraped the bandos top and i use fighter torso for nearly all tasks, except the 1s here i pray where i use prosy. I would recmend fighter torso above say a dharok plate if your maxed defence and have bunyip. This is once again preference.




3. You might also want to add excalibur two, i used to use a sgs to spec, but i find excalibur two a great alternative for tasks such as abbys etc, it is also alot cheaper.




Good Job




Feel free to add me ingame if you want to chat :D

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2. I used to use bandos top, however when i hit lvl 137 i realised i was finishing all tasks with over 90hp in most cases anyway, i scraped the bandos top and i use fighter torso for nearly all tasks, except the 1s here i pray where i use prosy. I would recmend fighter torso above say a dharok plate if your maxed defence and have bunyip. This is once again preference.


Well, if you happen to have a torso already for some reason, then sure, it's personal preference whether you want to spend some mils to upgrade it to Bandos, which is better in every stat. But it's definitely NOT worth getting a torso in the first place. Even if you happen to enjoy BA, which, granted, some do, you might as well upgrade your BA levels with your points instead. And for those people who luckily happen to enjoy BA, have enough defense/summoning/hp/etc to lessen the importance of defense bonuses and aren't interested in upgrading to the best equipment, well obviously they can do whatever they want, but I wouldn't "recommend" getting a torso.




The slayer ring is something you might do for convenience, and it is a pretty underrated item, but it counts more as transportation than equipment.




You're right that Excalibur is very useful, though.

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Thanks, both of you. For the rings sections, I guess Slayer ring could outweigh the Berzerker ring, but you could always carry the Slayer ring in your inventory.




Well, I pray on all my tasks, so I would use Bandos/Prossy... although I don't currently have them and I use borrows... :XD: For those who don't pray for whatever reason, yeah, torso could be used on some tasks, but as troacctid said it's not worth getting them in the first place.




And is the excalibur that good? I got it a few weeks back, but I haven't used it yet. I'd imagine it's a very weak version of the SGS for Slayer, because it replenishes prayer and more HP due to the high hits you could achieve on the weak Slayer monsters.




I'll take all your suggestions into consideration, thanks for the input. :)

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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Thanks, both of you. For the rings sections, I guess Slayer ring could outweigh the Berzerker ring, but you could always carry the Slayer ring in your inventory.




Well, I pray on all my tasks, so I would use Bandos/Prossy... although I don't currently have them and I use borrows... :XD: For those who don't pray for whatever reason, yeah, torso could be used on some tasks, but as troacctid said it's not worth getting them in the first place.




And is the excalibur that good? I got it a few weeks back, but I haven't used it yet. I'd imagine it's a very weak version of the SGS for Slayer, because it replenishes prayer and more HP due to the high hits you could achieve on the weak Slayer monsters.




I'll take all your suggestions into consideration, thanks for the input. :)


To be precise, Enhanced Excalibur uses 100% of the spec bar to heal 20 hp (in five increments of 4 hp) and boost your defence by about the same as a super defence potion. It's not as good as the SGS spec, but it can definitely function as a budget version of the SGS; after all, there's a certain threshold of wealth required for a Saradomin Godsword that's much higher than what you need for the Excalibur.




Basically, any time you would use the SGS spec for slayer tasks, you can use the Excalibur spec. They're near-identical in functionality. You could think of the SGS as an upgrade to the Enhanced Excalibur in the same way you might think of a Bandos Chestplate as an upgrade to a Guthan's Platebody: an optional luxury item that costs a lot of money and outperforms the basic option by a small margin. (Well, you've used the SGS more than I have, so you'll understand better what that margin is.)

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Thanks, both of you. For the rings sections, I guess Slayer ring could outweigh the Berzerker ring, but you could always carry the Slayer ring in your inventory.




Well, I pray on all my tasks, so I would use Bandos/Prossy... although I don't currently have them and I use borrows... :XD: For those who don't pray for whatever reason, yeah, torso could be used on some tasks, but as troacctid said it's not worth getting them in the first place.




And is the excalibur that good? I got it a few weeks back, but I haven't used it yet. I'd imagine it's a very weak version of the SGS for Slayer, because it replenishes prayer and more HP due to the high hits you could achieve on the weak Slayer monsters.




I'll take all your suggestions into consideration, thanks for the input. :)






Yeah I find excalibur 2 is invaluable when slaying.


Here are some features comparing SGS with excalibur 2:








SGS spec is 50%, excalibur two is 100%






SGS cost 49.7m, exclibur 2 requires completion of seers hard diary and some minor quest, it costs 500gp




Healing:SGS heals, minimum 10hp, thus it's healing is equal to or better than excalibur 2 if both sgs specs are used






SGS gives prayer with the spec, excalibur 2 gives a defence bonus instead




Conclusion: Both are different items and have there own different uses. SGS is great cause it can be used a a main weapon, and it has a great prayer bonus.


Whilst i am comparing apples to oranges, I sold my sgs and use a whip and excalbiur 2 combo, it is a great poor man's alternative.










In regards to the ring:


Yeah personal preference is all it comes down too. I am happy to sacrifice 4str bonus for an extra irit or ruby, trust me, after 750 tasks they really add up :P






I asked you a question on your summoning guide, cheers, would be really helpful :D




Feel free to add me ingame if you want to chat :D

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I gotta say i stopped reading your slayer guide, so i'll never find out if its good or not. I know its a fan guide but.... man, are you BIASED. Im gonna stop myself before i flame, but i have one major comment. Magic defense is not useless, especially not to a slayer. Too many slayer monsters have mage-based melee attacks for this to be true.

Brought to you by the word: Collusion (price fixing).

Its what Merchant clans do to ruin the economy for personal gain.

Balance out the GE! Skill Kill and Merch for YOURSELF.


May Guthix bring you balance.

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I gotta say i stopped reading your slayer guide, so i'll never find out if its good or not. I know its a fan guide but.... man, are you BIASED. Im gonna stop myself before i flame, but i have one major comment. Magic defense is not useless, especially not to a slayer. Too many slayer monsters have mage-based melee attacks for this to be true.


Simply saying that won't help, will it? Tell me where the bias is and I'll revise it.




edit: Do you mean God copes? If so, they are pretty useless, except when you NEED magic defense for something. I'm considering removing all rankings on equipment because most people can't use common sense to figure stuff like that out.




Are you just on a bandwagon saying I'm biased or is there anything else you'd like to comment on?




I edited that part just for you. There is no real situation it's better in slayer. Name one, and I'll revise it. I hope you're not going to say inferno mages, bloodvelds, or the like, because a Fire cape or trimmed cape is better.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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I gotta say i stopped reading your slayer guide, so i'll never find out if its good or not. I know its a fan guide but.... man, are you BIASED. Im gonna stop myself before i flame, but i have one major comment. Magic defense is not useless, especially not to a slayer. Too many slayer monsters have mage-based melee attacks for this to be true.


Simply saying that won't help, will it? Tell me where the bias is and I'll revise it.




edit: Do you mean God copes? If so, they are pretty useless, except when you NEED magic defense for something. I'm considering removing all rankings on equipment because most people can't use common sense to figure stuff like that out.




Are you just on a bandwagon saying I'm biased or is there anything else you'd like to comment on?




I edited that part just for you. There is no real situation it's better in slayer. Name one, and I'll revise it. I hope you're not going to say inferno mages, bloodvelds, or the like, because a Fire cape or trimmed cape is better.




All guides are 'biased'


This guide makes a few assumptions, like you are fairly high leveled, but magic defense is often second priority if you look at it mathematically.

Thoroughly retired, may still write now and again

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Hi Kent, was just wondering if you were planning on finishing the Dark Beast and Warped Terrorbird sections? The Tbird section would be especially useful to me, as I can imagine you will find a great method for 88+ Summoners there. Thanks again for the awesome guide, it is realy helping me to get the best out of Slaying. :)

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Should greater demons still be blocked, now that you can find greaters in wildy volcano (which is really close to bank)?


Aren't those spread out though? With other monsters, stronger than wild dogs, roaming the same area?




Greaters are a great assignment for anyone 127+ anyway, if you bring 200 air runes and 200 minds the crowds don't matter at all, you can air strike a greater before someone runs up to it 99% of the time. Disturbingly enough, no one I've ever met there has been smart enough to do something similar.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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With the introduction of greater demons in the wilderness volcano, aren't they much better to kill for people of all levels now? I visited it for the new song there, but it seemed that if you found a good spawn with 2 greaters, you could kill them efficiently regardless of your level. It needs to be tested, but they may be much better now for people of all levels, especially people under lvl 127.

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i don't understand why everyone is flaming you for being biased.




its a guide. You know what you are doing and you have 99 Slayer. Doesn't that license you to be biased?




if i want to know what KENT thinks about tasks, then i'm gonna read Kent's guide.






There was just a couple little bloopers i saw. At the end of the skip/cancel/block section, the tasks you skip, you gave rather positive notes about a couple of them (warped terrorbirds is the one that stands out in my memory).




I like that you just arrange the tasks by alphabetical order, instead of by slayer master, then alpha.




I would like to see you talk about a few alternate places to kill some of the more popular monsters.






I would also like to see a Recommended Quest section (ie Smoking Kills, Fairy tale Pt 2 (rings) etc)


I think I'll do Baby Blacks :P
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Not every one is flaming him, and he only has 91 slayer.


Yeah, this is what most people keep telling me. They keep saying make a guide after 99. I never understood this mentality, because when I ask most 99 slayers what's the best shield for Slayer, they usually say DFS. :?: LVL =/= knowledge for the most part...

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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For the safespot section, you may want to link to the Guide to Advanced Monster Blocking.




For Scarabites, you should also consider the ones in the swamp west of the Agility Pyramid. It's much safer. The best place is in the NE corner so you can use the Scarabas statue as cover when they are aggressive. It's very fast.




They have different drops than the ones in the Contact dungeon. They drop no charms, but I think they have better drops overall. In a task of just 50, I got 181k of drops there. I used 12 pineapple pizzas w/ SGS (forgot Bunyip). One of the drops was 45 law runes, in just one kill.




You can cannon there as well. No lightsource required.




There is desert heat, but I think it can be prevented if you stand next to the swampy part of the area (next to a laker).




Beware the Giant Locusts (not the Scarabites riding locusts, but the locusts without a rider) do not count as Scarabites.

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small fix:




summoning -> combat familiars ->


3rd: Wolpertingers (92, 220 Combat)


Max: 210


Hitpoints: 651


Experience: Magic


Time: 62


Size: Small


Notes: THESE DON'T HIT HIGHER THAN STEEL TITANS. THEY DON'T. The reason why they sometimes are more accurate is because some monsters are weaker to mage then they are to melee or range. Remember, smaller size means that they will dance less, which makes this preferable in some spots, especially if its small size and magic based attacks come in handy. (Black demons for one)




I could find so many uses for this if it were true :twisted:


[hide=drops]10 black masks, 39 dragon boots, 21 whip, 9 dark bow, 7 dragon legs, 8 mauls, 3 dragon left half, 2 dragon spear, 2 hexcrest, 1 kbd heads, 10 dragon med, 2 R ammy, 2 granite legs, 1 bandos boots , 1 bandos hilt , 1 bandos chestplate, 1 saradomin sword(ls), 2 dragon claws(ls)(solo)[/hide]

[hide=Viralaether's guide to Mac use]1) take your mac

2) drop it off your roof

3) ??????

4) Profit![/hide]1/7/9 quest cape ||| 5/6/9 all diaries ||| 7/14/9 300 rank MA ||| 4998th to 99 summoning on 2/27/10

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few notes




burthrope | burthorpe


Pokémon -> Pocket Monsters .: Plural of Pokémon is Pokémon (No 's')


Karamthuhlu | Karamthulhu




Jade Vine section?




Attack delay | Extra hide tag




Suqua | Suqahs

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