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Does playing runescape affect vision??


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Well after looking at that "where would your life be without rs? etc etc" post, i noticed that a lot of people blame the fact that they wear glasses on runescape.




As for me, RS doesn't affect my social life whatsoever, but i'm gonna be honest and say that my vision has BLOWN ever since i started playing runescape. I have a -1.5 perscription for my contacts and could not see what i need to see everyday without glasses or contacts.




I honestly don't play too much, I never no-life, and i usually just go on for a few hours a day after school and stuff. Yet still, my eyes are permanently bloodshot (I think they might have been like that before rs though), and like i said, my distance vision is just terrible. So either staring at my comp screen too much affected my eyes, or just growing up (over like a 6 year span of knowing about rs) my eyes just naturally got worse...)




So word on the street is playing RS messes with your vision...what do you think??

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I haven't bothered to think about this since I switched to a digital monitor nearly a decade ago. -.-


Too much of anything isn't good, but there's no reason to blame RS for anything you can think of. This is like the topic talking whether or not RS is bad for the health of pregnant mothers, since when was RS a craving? :lol:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

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I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


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If watching television for prolonged amounts of time can damage your eyesight, and if watching a computer screen (any type) for prolonged amounts of time can damage your eyesight, then I don't see how RS can't damage your eyes.




Of course, if one plays/uses the computer in moderation, i.e. no more than 4 hours a day, or 24 hours in a week, then the damage would probably be minimal enough to not need glasses.

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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If you play in a dark room or sit too close to the screen, or go on the computer for prolonged periods of time, yes, it will affect your vision. But it's perfectly possible to play the game without doing these things.




However, astigmatism is so common that it's likely that people who do wear glasses due to their computer/TV screen would have ended up wearing glasses a few years later anyway.

~ W ~



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TBH Unless your moronic and sit miles from the screen or with your face pressed against it rs ain't gonna affect your eyesight any more than reading or tv or well anything will.


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It depends on you screen. If you haven't already, get an LCD and set the refresh rate on maximum.






It affects your vision in the same way as playing any other game for several hour a day does.




Yes if you're playing RSHD. The low detail mode makes much more damage, because of the small size.

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Nope, but then again I've always had it on the highest graphics I can as big as I can with the highest framerate I can have without my computer crashing. I also do little things every so often so it's not the same thing for 2 hours. I still have awesome vision. \'


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OT: I have played for about a year and a half now and I still have 20/20 vision after having my eye test to get my license :P




Maybe it's just different for different people, but I still wouldn't recommend placing your pupils on the screen...

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Same for me really. My eyesight has deteriated since I joined Rs.


I've got a +3.50 in my right eye, and +2.00 in my left.


However, Runescape isn't fully to blame as I have a condition known as "conical cornea".




Sitting at my pc for 4+ hours a day doesn't help ;)

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Staring at ANYTHING close to your face for a while will make your eyes get tired. And, if they don't have a chance to rest in between, they can be damaged. I have -3.50 in one eye, and -3.00 in the other. Although my dad wears glasses, my eyes seemed to degrade a lot faster during months that I was playing RuneScape (and other games) lots. Like I said before, RuneScape does not directly affect your vision, it it only the constant staring at the computer screen. On the official RuneScape website, it says that every few hours you should close your eyes for a few minutes, or look out a window to allow your eyes to rest.




-~-In Some Skil-~-

He rolls backwards?

Does that mean he rolls up a hill?

That's pretty win.

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Its probably due to the mix of computer work and Runescape+other online activities that I have seen a recent decrease in my vision. It seems a bit blurry at times, but other than that, I usually can see perfectly well.

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I'm still at 20/20 with about 2 years of runescape under my belt with plenty of no lifing. I sit very far from the computer and look away every 30 minutes for 15 seconds.

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As many people have maybe mentioned, most eye degradation (at least nearsightedness) is genetic and unavoidable, which is why some people sit at a computer for years and maintain perfect vision and others go blind.




HOWEVER, there is an easy step to take to make it easier on your eyes- every half hour or hour while you're playing, take a few minutes to go to the nearest window and look at things far away. This allows the muscles in your eye to relax (the muscle squeezes your eye to let it focus on close things) and will help keep your eyes healthy.




Obviously Runescape doesn't do anything different to your eyes than any other computer use- just remember to take a break every once in a while and you'll be fine.






On that note, I think i'll take a break and go outside to play some frisbee.

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Well i nolifed this game for a year and a half while i worked a night shift, like 50 hours a week of straight runescape. Now i have to wear this makeshift ring on my main mouse finger because i have tendinitis in my clicking finger. If i dont wear the ring it feels like someone is stabbing the tip of my finger with a red hot knife after about 2 min.




This game does cause permanent damage. Although, it also could be the straw that broke the camels back, i did play like 18 hours a day of everquest for a few years, before that it was diablo. either way im a [developmentally delayed].

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