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is it possible to not sleep at all?


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There's an American guy who got the flu once. After he recovered he found out he couldn't get back to sleep. I believe he still can't sleep, and he got that flu something like 45 years ago. He's had medical exams and the doctors' say he is in fine physical shape, nothing out of order.


Holy crap! There's a Barenaked Ladies song called "Who Needs Sleep?" and a part that says, "This guy's been awake since the second world war". I never understood that part, and while WWII is an obvious leap from 45 years, I finally get it.




And this reminds me of that "I am not going to sleep" thread that some troll posted 5 times a while back.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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My record is stuck at 40 hours with no sleep. Me and a few of my friends though it would be a fantastic idea to try on a weekend. From 10am saturday morning until early morning monday we got no sleep, tea/'energy' drinks and plenty of food were at hand. After 24 hours passed we were feeling pretty drowsy - as you might expect - but nothing hugely wrong. We went out for the day, feeling ourselves losing consciousness with each step we took and got back in the evening to while away into the night with some computer games. Then it hit the fan. From late night sunday to the early monday we could physically see ourselves deteriorating, embodied by our game playing skills. Concentration was out the window, our reactions made sloths look athletic and co-ordination was shot to pieces. FPS turned to who could actually hit rather than who could get the most kills. Fun, but I dont recommend it. You start to see some spots after a while which is pretty cool.

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The longest i've gone without sleep is 48 hours, but I genuinely couldn't keep my eyes open.


I think if you keep taking caffeine to stay awake, and essentially trick the brain, I think some serious medical conditions can follow :\




My best friend she just stayed up for 48+ from tuesday at like 8am to what ever time she finally went to sleep last night probably like 11pm. Of course she popped Adderall each of those days.. I tried to stay up with her each day without Adderall but I passed out in her bed at like 7am on wednesday, and again on thursday i passed out on her bed at 1am. Probably the worst idea every because we had to get up at 7am to go take are physical geo. final, horrible idea on my part ha.

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Well if it were possible, why would you want to deprive yourself of sleep?




It's so peaceful.




If there were no major side effects (fatigue, hallucinations, etc.) I would do it. Think of how much time you would save.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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They did a test once on mice/guinea pigs/rats (one of the three), and they deprived them of sleep completely.




They ended up eating each other.

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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Training for the marines requires you to stay awake for a full week's time.




Technically that's true for the Navy SEAL group, and the special forces of most NATO countries use a similar rigorous training routines.. But they do usually get 15-30 minutes of sleep in chunks as a reward for completing certain parts of the training, so it's not 'really' a straight week without sleep.




It does test a man (or woman) to his extreme limits, a lot of recruits fall off in that stage of the training when they have to dive & fetch objects, swim to a target in certain time limits, walk around in soaking wet clothes, deprived of sleep and proper nutrition etc., I definitely couldn't do it without months of preparation & I respect those guys a lot.




It takes a lot more than some brute killing machine with no emotions to go through with the training, it demands extreme concentration, willpower and mental fortitude. Probably 99% of the general population isn't ready for that kind of training.

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Went a week on red bull and cappucino once...Was nothing like Rayne's catatonic breakdown,but yeah I was really "off" during that period.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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most i've gone is 50 hours or so. house marthon ftw......the last 4 or 5 episodes were actually a blur but i saw them before.




Wasn't there an article some time back about the guy who died at his computer from playing for 5 or so days straight??




i'll see if i can find it


[spoiler=click you know you wanna]
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine! if you had this childhood and loved it put this in your signature!

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Said person was weak.Only the strong should live.5 days is nothing.My 7 days is nothing.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Actually, no it is not. When we sleep, we get what is known as REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement). IT is this very important part of sleep that we need to survive. REM sleep is what allows your brain to sort out information from the day, as well helps to relax you.




you will die without REM sleep because your brain will become dysfunctional, and you can literally go insane.




I remember reading an article about how a few scientists conducted an experiment on cats where they would keep the cats awake for a long time, but if the cats accidentally dozed off the scientists would wake them up right before they entered REM sleep. The cats later died of "unknown causes."

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Said person was weak.Only the strong should live.5 days is nothing.My 7 days is nothing.




Weak.. Why would that be considered weak? I think its stupid that you stayed awake for 7 days, which I honestly doubt if you were drinking red bull. I also think it is "weak" to abuse your body like that, their is nothing positive from doing so.

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Actually, no it is not. When we sleep, we get what is known as REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement). IT is this very important part of sleep that we need to survive. REM sleep is what allows your brain to sort out information from the day, as well helps to relax you.




you will die without REM sleep because your brain will become dysfunctional, and you can literally go insane.




I remember reading an article about how a few scientists conducted an experiment on cats where they would keep the cats awake for a long time, but if the cats accidentally dozed off the scientists would wake them up right before they entered REM sleep. The cats later died of "unknown causes."






That would explain why sleep deprivation is used as a torture device, hmm.

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Reminded me of the movie Cashback


This guy doesn't sleep for days because of a breakup. I found the plot a little weird but it was an ok movie




On topic : I can never stay awake more than 6am the most I've ever gotten to 24 hours

If you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

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Just reading this thread makes me feel tired. :|


I went for 32 or so hours once, felt like such crap at the end that I just went to sleep. Sure, try it once, but you'll see why it's not so smart after that. And you'll value sleep a lot more.


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Their is this guy, Randy Gardner. He holds the world record for longest period without sleep (11 days), NOT using any kind of stimulants.




Here's a link to wikipedia if you want to read more about it.



Click on the link to read my blog http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=775524


Robots will never be above humans because we made them. That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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Longest without red bull or caffeine was I think 48 hours,at my grand mother's funeral.Its sort of custom to stay up and accompany her.My uncles did the whole week without caffeine or anything,though.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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After days without sleep, you think you're a bee. (Source: The Simpsons)






A while ago, I always had the idea of doing some 'fun' stuff.


If my parents are on a holiday, I'm going to play video games all night long.


I thought it would be fun.


Atleast, untill there was the class party.


We held a party with the class (it was a success) to earn money to celebrate the end of the schoolyear.


I woke up friday morning and went to bed saturday night (stayed up for around 40 hours).


After those two days, I never thought of doing an all-nighter of games.


I felt horrible. It felt like I was really dirty, I didn't feel comfortable.


I talked really slow (when I was on the phone, they thought I was drunk or something).


I couldn't think clearly, really, no fun at all.




So, no sleep at all?


I think it's pretty much impossible.


No sleep for a long time?


It's very hard when you don't use any 'aides', and I think it's different for everyone.


You have people who onlyneed five hours of sleep every night.


Others need ten.

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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