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How do YOU dance?/Dance experiences


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This topic is just asking how your personal dancing style is.


and I wanted to get more dance moves for my repertoire =)




I dance quite fast and lively, and will usually get the beat of the dance and go with it. I'll snap my fingers, clap my hands, and move in a fluid-ish motion. For some reason, I always seem to start dance battles...


Oh, yeah, And I will grind occasionally...




I am not so good with slower songs however. :oops:




At my last dance I went to, quite a few guys left already (for some reason) and I ended up with like 7 or 8 girls on me while dancing...


Another time me and my friend had a dance off and we did the lamest (and most funny) move we could think of. I mostly did Micheal Jackson moves, lol.




So what are y'alls dancing experiences or dance styles?


Ok... Im not that good. But I have an anchor!!!

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My dancing consists of random twitchings of body parts, jumping, kicking, punching, headbanging, spinning, hand motions, and sliding on my feet, none of which I do in public.


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I don't dance by myself. I've gone to plenty of high school dances with my date, and it usually consists of alternating between grinding and slow dancing depending on the song. Pretty much everyone does the same thing.


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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Call me old fashioned (which is odd since im only 18, not 80) but the only dances i know (or do) are old waltz's, because its easy and doesn't involve me thinking "What the hell do I do?". Besides that, I'd rather sit down with a drink then dance anyday.


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I only dance under three conditions:




1. It must be in complete solitude.


2. The piece of music must be up to my rhythmic standards.


3. I must to be in a state of inebriation.




As for the actual dancing, I am terrible. I am terrible in the William Hung way, where it would be entertaining to watch and I could probably make a career out of it but only because everyone thinks it's horrible.

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i love grinding




you cant pay me enough to make me watch myself dance, but i enjoy it. i only try to dance with a girl though. not really into the group dancing thing




i also like a few slow dances in a set. i hate DJs who think they're good. they remix too much [cabbage] that it's unbearable to listen to. those jamaican remixes good god...

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As one who has taken 8+ years of ballroom, Irish, Scottish, and tap dance, I like to pull out moves at school dances with quick footwork and it's fun to vary it up and teach people new dances. If I can find a beat, I can probably find a dance that's applicable.




Only downside? You're feet hurt so much afterwards...

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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This is called contradancing. Yes, yes, I know it does look boring; it's folk dancing tied in with french court moves. The real joy of it is the no-pressure situation when it comes to dance partners, since you're going to end up holding hands or do-si-doeing with pretty much everyone else on the dance floor. >.> You learn the moves while you're on the floor, they walk you through the set once or twice and just call out the steps from there.




There's no romantic implications, you simply walk out on to the floor and ask someone if they'd like to dance. Some people get really festive and wear pretty, long, skirts that look gorgeous when you twirl. There's a few gentlemen at my local contradance that actually wear kilts. :thumbsup: For the record, to do this dance, it is required that you are easygoing and not scared of dancing with a stranger, or else it is a recipe for disaster.




That's... about all the dancing I do. *blink*




Wikipedia says this about the music that you dance to:


"The most common contra dance repertoire is rooted in the Anglo-Celtic tradition as it developed in North America. Irish, Scottish, French Canadian, and Old-time tunes are common, and Klezmer tunes have also been used. The old-time repertoire includes very few of the jigs common in the others."

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they're quite aware of what they're going through.

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I hate grinding. It's just taking someone from behind with clothes on. It's not dancing, at all.




Other than that, I love to dance. All kinds of dances. I love to learn old ones, new ones, just moving with the music. I just love to dance.




Good exercise, way of life, awesome. Dancing. =]

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I'm decent at slow dancing, I fail at everything else though. That's ok though, because for every other song its either moshing, or jumping up and down for lulz/grinding. I can do the jumping part pretty well. Never tried grinding, too awkward-ish for me.

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Uhh, I can mosh, does that count? :?




I would have no idea what to do if someone told me to start dancing and then played a song. Unless it was Never Gonna Give You Up, I do a mean Astley.

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I just pop out some of "my" moves that everybody loves & grind or slow dance for the rest of the night, even though I feel grinding in clubs is a waste of time (some of my friends go on for hours.. I don't see the point). My moves consist of various stolen dances (I hope you didn't expect I'd come up with my own, lame ones), such as the string dance. Everyone thinks I invented it, when I really just stole it from Conan. I also do the running-on-spot, moonwalk (circular moonwalk, too), that crazy Australian shuffle & the knee-to-face jerk. They're crowd pleasers.

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The only place I even get close to dancing is in a pit.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

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I hate dancing. The only time I will dance is if a girl wants me to dance with her. Other than that, I tend to avoid the dancing area and just sit down and maybe have something to sip on. As for dancing when it's not a slow dance, I just shuffle my feet and move my arms like everyone else does.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I .. can't dance.


The only time when I would dance is when I'm mocking someone or a certain type of dance. :?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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i also like a few slow dances in a set. i hate DJs who think they're good. they remix too much [cabbage] that it's unbearable to listen to. those jamaican remixes good god...


I know. When I was out clubbing last weekend the music was that horrible, they kept switching through maybe 20 songs in 3 minutes with those damn sound effects every 2 seconds. drove me nuts. :wall:


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Grinding is kinda... meh. Its sex with cloths on, its just dirty and lame. I mean, if a girl comes up to a guy and they dance and she throws a grind or three in there thats pretty cool. But when guys just go up to complete strangers of women and start rubbing their pelvis on their butts... I don't know, its kinda sleezy.




Dancing to upbeat songs is fun though. To people that are self conscious of dancing: Just keep moving your legs and arms, thats really all there is to it. It might feel like everyone is watching you but they aren't, they're just dancing and doing the same thing you are \' I really didn't start dancing until a year ago or so. Once you get 2 drinks in you its a good time (i'm not saying dance while totally being plastered, thats not advised, lol)




Oh and if Flo Rider's "Right Round" plays, I am totally and completely obligated to dance to it. The first time I went out to dance my friend requested the song to dance to and it was one of the best nights of my life. Now if that song plays in a club, I will drop whatever the crap I was doing and get on the dance floor, like instantly. Its actually quite amusing. Last time it happened I was literally in the middle of ordering drinks (after waiting in line for 10 min) and the song came on. I was like "Ah finally. Yes, I will take three Rum and Co-- I just turned around and left mid sentence and was dancing before I hit the dance floor \'

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