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Poor treasure trail rewards.


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Anyone ever get double prizes?




Yeah I know, screenshot or it didn't happen:





This really gets down to the morals of cheating versus the morals of being forced to throw away your life [1000's of hours] to access content you enjoy

Isn't life about throwing away your life (a job) to access content you enjoy?

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Anyone ever get double prizes?




Yeah I know, screenshot or it didn't happen:












It's a Cat .>_>




Misc: Abyssal Whip x28 , Dark Bow x5, Beserker Ring x3, Warrior ring x1

Dragon: Dragon Platelegs x2 , Dragon Plateskirt x2, Dragon Boots x38, Dragon Med Helm x4, Shield left half x3

Godwars: Godsword shard x13, Bandos Hilt x3, Bandos Chestplate x6, Bandos Tassets x4, Bandos Boots x5, Saradomin Sword x1, Zamorakian Spear x1,. Armadyl Helm x2, Armadyl chestplate x2.

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i personally find doing clues profitable still




Wtf? there's a cat in your bottom left clue pic.




Either clues have been changed, or you put that in to show how easy it is to photo shop a good clue reward

Or these could have been done over months, maybe even years and are just the cream of the crop.




Or it's a Wolf Mask. lmao.





About clue scrolls I always do them, made millions from them. I find them fun, a break from slayer and a chance to get rich. I always think clue scrolls are worth doing because of the chance to get third age and a lot of rewards are worth good money.




Even average clues get me 100k+ rewards in rune items.

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It all comes down to luck, I got a Zammy helm from my clue yesterday, and today at the GE someone got a 3a platebody from their clue.




Edit: typo.

[hide=A funny conversation]Me:Have u wondered how my brassard, which leaves my chest bare, give about the same def as ur pile of rocks?


Friend:Maybe you are just good at blocking with your shoulder?

Me:Ahahahahaha[/hide]Rare drops: 4 D legs, 1 D skirt

Barrows items: 2 Verac's helms, 1 Dhorak's Greataxe, 1 Dhorak's platelegs, 2 Karil's leathertops, 1 Karil's crossbow, 1 Guthan's chainskirt


Quest cape achieved 28 Dec, 2009, lost with Nomad's Requiem, re-obtained on 19 Mar 2010.


Fire cape achieved 1 Nov 2010.

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i personally find doing clues profitable still




Wtf? there's a cat in your bottom left clue pic.




Either clues have been changed, or you put that in to show how easy it is to photo shop a good clue reward

Or these could have been done over months, maybe even years and are just the cream of the crop.






Those are all pretty recent actually.


I do every clue i get.


That's a cat mask btw


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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I stopped doing them just because of the quantity I had coming in. An average day of slaying would yield 5+ clue scrolls, and I'd much rather spend my time slaying than running to every corner of Gilenior just to make 10k.




So many things drop clues now it becomes a frequent interruption of whatever I am doing and I would rather spend my time leveling than chasing after a clue that most likely is not worth the chase. I agree with those who said clue scrolls should be less frequent and more challenging with better rewards. If they were, then I might actually do them.

"He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it."

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well i completely agree


for one treasure trail i have got like 30k they havent got much better


i dont do them all them time but i try and get one every now and then and hope for something decent but never get anything good :evil: i have never got god armour but i got trimmed green dhide once :lol:


but who knows maybe a 3rd age will be in a future one :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have to agree, the rewards are horrible for what you have to do, right now I'm doing a tree puzzle box and have been doing so for an hour and a half just to get to the last two being the wrong way round and it can't be done. :wall:


Even if it could I doubt I'd get more than 15k from this Level 3 clue, for a possible three hour plus clue.

"Celtic jerseys are not for second best, they dont shrink to fit inferior players." - Jock Stein

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Err, I solve sliding puzzles in a minute or so. Learned it from a guide in archive of wisdom.




But for clues: they are something fun to do, wheter you get something good or bad. I get about every 8th clue a "good" item, aka trimmed rune armour or so.

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Err, I solve sliding puzzles in a minute or so. Learned it from a guide in archive of wisdom.




But for clues: they are something fun to do, wheter you get something good or bad. I get about every 8th clue a "good" item, aka trimmed rune armour or so.


+1, the clues actually helped me become proficient at slider puzzles (Monkey Madness took forever). It's usually one of the things I do in between slayer tasks if I have them, and thus become like herb runs and MTK (And don't take too much longer either tbh).



99 Strength since 6/02/10 99 Attack since 9/19/10 99 Constitution since 10/03/10 99 Defense since 3/14/11

99 Slayer since 8/30/11 99 Summoning since 9/10/11 99 Ranged since 09/18/11 99 Magic since 11/12/11

99 Prayer since 11/15/11 99 Herblore since 3/29/12 99 Firemaking since 5/15/12 99 Smithing since 10/04/12

99 Crafting since 9/16/13 99 Agility since 9/23/13 99 Dungeoneering since 1/1/14 99 Fishing since 2/4/14

99 Mining since 2/28/14 99 Farming since 6/04/14 99 Cooking since 6/11/14 99 Runecrafting since 10/10/14

9 Fletching since 11/11/14 99 Thieving since 11/14/14 99 Woodcutting since 11/20/14 99 Construction since 12/03/14

99 Divination since 2/22/15 99 Hunter since 2/23/15 99 Invention since 01/20/17 99 Archaeology since 5/14/22
Quest Point Cape since 08/20/09
Maxed since 2/23/15 Fire Cape since 02/27/13
Slayer: 3 Leaf-Bladed Swords, 8 Black Masks, 2 Hexcrests, 26 Granite Mauls, 5 Focus Sights, 32 Abyssal Whips, 9 Dark Bows, 1 Whip Vine, 3 Staffs of Light, 15 Polypore Sticks

Dragon: 9 Draconic Visages, 7 Shield Left Halves, 20 Dragon Boots, 40 Dragon Med Helms, 8 Dragon Platelegs, 6 Dragon Spears, 20 Dragon Daggers, 5 Dragon Plateskirts, 1 Dragon Chainbody, 63 Off-hand Dragon Throwing Axes, 19 Dragon Longswords, 27 Dragon Maces, 1 Dragon Ward
Treasure Trails: Saradomin Full Helm, Ranger Boots, Rune Body (t), Saradomin Vambraces, Various God Pages
Misc:1 Onyx,1 Ahrim's Hood, 1 Guthan's Chainskirt, 1 Demon Slayer Boots

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Was bursting for Magic xp at rock lobsters, killed a dag that was attacking me result:




It all comes down to luck really, that is my best clue EVER, including all my level-3 ones also - I camped H.A.M. cultists for a clue comp in my Skilling Clan and ended up getting Black Kite (g) and Magic Amulet (t) a few weeks back. It all comes down to luck, as well as having low expectations :lol: I go into my clues thinking "Time to get some free rune/adamantite/black armour" ;)

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I agree wholeheartedly. I love doing the Trails (although I've yet to get a puzzle, which I enjoy) but the rewards are getting on my nerves. I expect to at least get 10k, (honestly shouldn't it be at least 20k for a level 2 clue?!) but in the end I'm lucky to get 1k.




Honestly, my worst level 2 clue ever takes the cake. I got a willow shortbow and 2 firelighters.


When I get my reward, I close my eyes due to the sudden sinking feeling in my stomach. It's killing me.


Follower of Guthix

The quill is a miracle, for it drinks darkness and sheds light.


Oh right, by the way, I'm a girl. No more calling me a guy you lot~

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It's all about luck. In all the clues I did this month, atleast 60% were worth over 200k with just a couple being below 50k. Still I wish I would get a reward with ranger boots, I'm too stingy to buy em lol.




My advice: When doing a clue expect to get nothing, that way you will always do better than expected. :D






Thanks to Goldwolflord, megadedhed, willmcdermot, Biabf, jak722, born2die, Mediumwell, xxxShade, Random, speedofsound, edtheripper, and Alduron for the awesome sig

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In my opinion, clues are simply too cluttered.




In the beginning how many items were even available in clue rewards? armour, weapons, trimmed armour. DONE. (plus ranger boots, mage boots and a few other trinkets) now we have nails, planks, bolts, dhide, armor, runes, firelighters, prize shirts, emote enhancers, masks, canes, top hats, and more.




there's simply too much selection, and the varying value of the available parts makes clues too widespread on profits to make them desireable.




What should be done? well, there are many solutions, two that i have off the top of my head are:




1: Cull the Herd- jagex should go through and trim out items that are obviously undesirable (flatpacks anyone?) and in addition, increase the amount of certain items (bolts, gold, runes, even actual lower grade items like daggers)




2: Expand!- Add a fourth tier of clues, and shuffle around who drops what. personally I think the current level spread is weird, monsters level 55 (jellies i think) to 700 all drop level 3 clues. A fourth tier for monsters around and above level 200 or so would be a great idea, as it would let you KNOW that getting a clue drop from a boss monster, or just a high level monster is a guarantee of a worthy reward. In the level 4 clues, you can expect an obvious increase in chances to get 'good items' aswell as the introduction of new and interesting items.




While i know we all would love option 2, option 1 is much more likely to happen. thats my two cents! cheers :thumbsup:

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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Back in the past, you had a good chance of getting something fancy, and almost always the reward of the clue was at least above 100k.




Apologies for bad English, I'm not native.




Didn't read the rest of the thread but NO you didn't get a good chance of 'something fancy'


Lvl 3 clues have been giving out just as much junk as they always have.




And your English is very good :) well done

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actually lazlazor, if you'd read the post above you, you'd notice that no; clues DONT give the same amount of junk as before, there are FAR more items in clue scrolls now than before, and significantly less chance of the most valuable items (which coincidentally are the items that have ALWAYS been there, but now are much rarer due to the amount of crap in clues)




edit- and yes i do realize you said you didnt read the thread, but maybe you should before posting in the future

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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Personally, I would like to see something like the achievement diaries in clues. Maybe the clue would have you cook 5 sharks, or kill a Skeletal Wyvern, or become the champion of the fight pits.




Also more items such as...




Non-tradable special summoning pouches.


Special Pets.


Take out current flatpacks, and add new TT specific ones.


Bonus hair cut options/clothes options from varrock and fally.(new styles)


Dragon grapple for shortcuts (that can't break)




6-in-1 gardening tool that takes up one inventory space. (spade, trowel, dibbler, etc...)


Enhanced herb seeds that give off more herbs.






The current clue rewards are way to useless for the time put in to get them. Most of the rewards are sold for cash, but none of them really help you out; they are all for personal enjoyment.

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Last lvl 3 clue i did, had 3 high wilderness clues (with chart, watch, sextant), 2 puzzles and 2 double agents and all i got was a rune longsword 20 rune nails and 4 blue firelighters.




the best lvl 3 clue i did was my first one inwhich i got Zammy d'hide top, and a saradomin kite. (which i had backed up my files to prove that)




Lately my lvl 2 clues are better loot wise that my lvl 3's.


I dunno if its luck or what but man, there (clues) are hardly worth doing anymore.

I don't know which mod did this. I don't know why they did it. If they're looking for money, I can tell them I don't have any as I'm a student. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over 4 years of RuneScape. Skills that I have worked hard for and people like them can't take them away. If they give me my particles back now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for them, I will not pursue them. But if they don't, I will look for them, I will find them, and they won't like what'll happen

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if jagex makes the clues be worth more, by more valuable items what do you think would happen to the items?


if a 200k reward is added more frequently then there will be lots more of that item and the price will go down so you will end up in the same situation as you have right now



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Did my first level 3 clue in probably 3 weeks last night. Got a guthix d'hide top. Before I was doing clues just as I got them. From now on, I think I'll let clues sit in my bank and due them when I feel like it. It's more fun that way, and seems to be more rewarding.

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I also would like to see clues be more rare with better rewards. I almost always do mine, but they're so frequent that there's no adventure to it. I have everything memorized. I zip through them rather quickly because I remember everything, and the rewards frequently are pretty lame. Last one I did (yesterday) was ok though: sara dhide body, guthix vams, full rune helm, rune legs and black dhide legs -- about 1M altogether.

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