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25th hour - 7.5/10




very good cast (edward norton, rosario dawson, philip seymour hoffman),


the ending kind of confused me at first - I had to go back and rewatch it again to understand what his final decision was.




my favorite scene is a pretty pointless one, but nonetheless very funny. It starts @ around 2:20




I kinda wish the whole movie was about Barry Pepper's character.








regarding Gran Torino -


yes it should still be in theaters.


and yes that scene was rather heartbreaking :-#

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Just watched:








Interesting movie and was pretty good overall. I'd recommend it.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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There must be something behind it. The day that Sumpta comes back from the forum, I receive my Classic Comedies Collection, which contains some of her favorite movies (if I am correct). So I was inspired. To see Bringing up Baby. Which is one of the funniest movies ever. Just about every second of this film is funny. Cary Grant is amazing, but Katherine Hepburn is the real hero of this movie. She's such a Devil, but a Devil you can't help but love. What's also special is that there is not a single kiss in this 'romantic' comedy and that the traditional roles are flipped. Anyway, I love it.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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There must be something behind it. The day that Sumpta comes back from the forum, I receive my Classic Comedies Collection, which contains some of her favorite movies (if I am correct). So I was inspired. To see Bringing up Baby. Which is one of the funniest movies ever. Just about every second of this film is funny. Cary Grant is amazing, but Katherine Hepburn is the real hero of this movie. She's such a Devil, but a Devil you can't help but love. What's also special is that there is not a single kiss in this 'romantic' comedy and that the traditional roles are flipped. Anyway, I love it.




Awww! Any Katharine Hepburn-Cary Grant film is fantastic, but Bringing up Baby must be one of the funniest films of all time. I've seen it like 5 times already, and I still fall off the couch laughing every single time. "Oh look David, I was born on the side of a hill!" The Katharine-haters out there should all be forced to watch her 'prison break' scene...

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There are Hepburn-Haters? Why!? There's so much to quote from Bringing up Baby, it's hard to choose something. One of the funniest things was Grant opening the door in Hepburns negligé though. "Why are you were these clothes??" "Because I went GAY all of a sudden!". haha.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Ha, yeah, I think I have already described my reaction to that moment in the film earlier on this thread. It was the very embarassing time when I snorted out loud in the cinema. And not by any means ladylike... The whole cinema was laughing at me, rather than because of the film ::'.




By the way, it's really funny how Hepburn-Grant have this tremendous chemistry, yet they hardly ever kiss. In the Philadelphia Story, you only see a "photo" of their kissing at the very end, and even then it's barely a kiss. In Holiday, you get a fade-out when their lips meet, again at the very end. Very impressive, such a pity they didn't work on more films together.




Edit: oh and yeah. Hepburn was pretty much box office poison in her time. Bringing up Baby flopped, heaven knows why. And today a lot of people hate her for her infamous Bryn Mawr accent. I really don't get it...

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Yea, I read that Bringing up Baby flopped, Hawks was fired from RKO and Hepburn became box-office poison (thanks to this movie, I think). Today it's hard to understand why this movie flopped. But I think audiences must've had a lot of problems with it back then. It a pretty unconventional movie. There's not much explained, they just go and go, there is an overal chaos that doesn't permit you to lay back and be entertained. You've got to stay focused, otherwise you miss a lot of stuff. Now that I think of it, Hawks mus've been a major influence on Robert Altman. There's also some stuff that must've been miles ahead of it's time, using the word gay in this context wasn't done before (in movies at least), and how marriage is portrayed in the beginning of the movie makes you raise an eyebrow as well.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I went to see 'My Bloody Valentine 3D' yesterday. Probably one of the crappest films I've ever seen, but it was quite a laugh watching a film in 3D and I know have my very own pair of 3D specs. 8-)

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Speaking of My Bloody Valentine, it seems like just about every holiday has some kind of stabbing. Maybe there's be an Easter horror flick someday.




Manos: The Hands of Fate (F----)




It is a very shocking movie because you wonder how the director could get away with creating this crap. Ah well, it was the 60s and probably 2/3 of the cast were chasing that white rabbit.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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I finally got to see some Oscar contenders:




The Wrestler - I knew two things going into this movie, it was directed by Darren Aronofsky and it was about a wrestler (I gathered that from the title ;) ). Seeing as how I loved everything else DA has directed I was pretty excited to see this. It was good of course, the story just didn't interest me. Don't see myself watching this over and over like Aronofsky's other movies.




Slumdog Millionaire - While the title explains exactly what the movie was about, I didn't get it until after the movie started. So going into this one I knew only one thing about it, Danny Boyle directing. I've really liked most of his other stuff so I was looking forward to this one too, and it didn't disappoint. I liked everything about this movie.




The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Saw the previews for this but didn't really look for it until I found out David Fincher was directing. It was pretty good, long but this first time through it kept me entertained the whole time. Don't know if it would a second time though.



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Has anyone seen Taken? I just wanted to know if it was any good...




Like Carlo said, it's an action movie and is trying to do that and nothing else, and it succeeds. With the exception of the main girl being miscast I would say it's a great movie. I've liked all of Luc Besson's movies so far though, so it is kind of a given that I would like it.



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Has anyone seen Taken? I just wanted to know if it was any good...




Like Carlo said, it's an action movie and is trying to do that and nothing else, and it succeeds. With the exception of the main girl being miscast I would say it's a great movie. I've liked all of Luc Besson's movies so far though, so it is kind of a given that I would like it.


i loved that movie, it was a 10/10


thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig

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