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Removal of new high level potions in PvP

The Observer

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(I suppose we should have expected some sort of nerf sooner or later.)




(They really could have just made them tradable and ruin a different aspect of their update, and people would still be happy.)




(Have people even considered the relevant data beyond the knee-jerk reaction? Have they tested how additionally effective the potions actually are compared to a super set in PvP?)




(I could make similar arguments about how pures easily get away with masking their combat levels without ruining their effectiveness, or how other people who have trained different aspects of the combat triangle than me, or are equally hybrided in all three styles, have a significant advantage over other people of similar combat level, and that we should totally ban using different combat styles or pures from PvP if we were to take this all the way through.)




(Or in fact, that we actually let people compete at all when they should clearly not use strategy or anything to get ahead of each other in a game, and that we should all be level 99's because WE'RE SPECIAL.)




(God forbid that we have any sort of wealth accumulation or trading or leveling whatsoever in a MMORPG. We shouldn't even play, since we know that we're all leet on the inside, and that we should just get on with our lives knowing that we can do whatever we want without actually doing it.)


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(I suppose we should have expected some sort of nerf sooner or later.)




(They really could have just made them tradable and ruin a different aspect of their update, and people would still be happy.)




(Have people even considered the relevant data beyond the knee-jerk reaction? Have they tested how additionally effective the potions actually are compared to a super set in PvP?)




(I could make similar arguments about how pures easily get away with masking their combat levels without ruining their effectiveness, or how other people who have trained different aspects of the combat triangle than me, or are equally hybrided in all three styles, have a significant advantage over other people of similar combat level, and that we should totally ban using different combat styles or pures from PvP if we were to take this all the way through.)




(Or in fact, that we actually let people compete at all when they should clearly not use strategy or anything to get ahead of each other in a game, and that we should all be level 99's because WE'RE SPECIAL.)




(God forbid that we have any sort of wealth accumulation or trading or leveling whatsoever in a MMORPG. We shouldn't even play, since we know that we're all leet on the inside, and that we should just get on with our lives knowing that we can do whatever we want without actually doing it.)



To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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To be honest, this is pathetic.

Jagex receives praise from most people, and then decided to cave in the the kids who only do one thing in the game. They turned a great update that most hoped to be the start of "more great updates" and turned it into trash. I understand that the potions can still be used elsewhere, but it was the concept of the herblore potions that was a good thing: the concept that ALL skills should help OTHER skills in some way. (In this case, a combat skill to a grinding skill.)


To all those people that whined in the RSOF, grow up, and realize that there are a total of 24 skills in the game, not just 8. (The combat skills.) If you choose to only train the 8, then thats your own fault.

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If PvPers are a fairly small minority (if the polls are to be believed)....


Why don't we just get rid of it entirely? I mean, is it worth it to have an entire section of a game dedicated to a bunch of *bleep*?


I mean, I like bashing in the other guy's head and him trying to do the same to me just as much as the next guy (who happens to be the same guy, go figure), but I don't think I want it to affect the entire game (namely, the game economy) if it's all going towards boosting some jerk's ego in a one-sided fight leaning towards the person who's done the least to deserve it.


I hold some modicum of respect for the guy who beats me hands down in a fight that he's clearly prepared to destroy me in, despite his repeated insults, jeers, taunts, and vague racial/sexual slurs, but to the guy who cries because he's not winning because he hasn't actually put any real effort into trying should stick to playing single player games with massive lists of cheat codes.


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I am generally a proponent of Jagex's updates, but this was a terrible idea. The whole point of the potion update was to provide a tangible benefit to people who have spent tens of millions and hours upon hours to achieve a high level in a very difficult skill. For the record this is something which I have not done.


This update removes a massive amount of the reward. Sure slaying 5% faster is nice, but there is no satisfaction in that. In the minigames where a lot is at take, such as bounty hunter, I can understand the nerf to an extent. I still think it is unnecessary because so few people have it... I am disappointed Jagex has given in to the complaints of a bunch of people whose idea of RS is to get 99 strength and then PK, balance be damned.


In regard to fun minigames such as Fight Pits, the nerf is completely inexcusable. Whether you like it or not, a huge part of RS is being able to show off what you have accomplished (hence the value of rares, spirit shields, and the still-going skilling frenzy initiated by capes of achievement). I can think of nothing more pleasing after the monstrous achievement of 96 herblore than going and ******* up some players with 125 attack and strength. Jagex, however, has made this impossible. The herblore update is now a boost to xp/hour and gp/hour in certain activities, and nothing more.

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Alright, let's start correlating effort with reward now, to reward those people who are devoted to our game. Well, hold on, it might become a disadvantage to the people who are unwilling to put the effort into obtaining our high level content. That's true, and we can't have people unhappy. Maybe if we keep them in, but restrict them from any PvP games, then people will still be happy. Brillant!


You can tell it's a terrible update by the fact that people posting on the first page of the thread aren't trying to get the trivial first post, and posting nonsensal things that do not in anyway reflect their true opinion like "Woot!" and "GJ", but rather negative feedback right from the start.

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I still would like an explanation of why wealth (read: time invested into this game) should be allowed to effect PvP, quests (read: time invested into training specific skills) should be allowed to effect PvP, but herblore (read: time invested into this game, training a specific skill) can not be allowed to affect PvP.


I want to know why my hard-earned herblore can not give me untradable, minor stat bonuses, while someone else's cooking (requirement for RFD) is allowed to give them stat bonuses, another's thieving (requirement for Desert Treasure) is allowed to give them a whole set of magical attacks that are in general vastly superior for PvP combat.

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Following player feedback, we have decided that the new Dragon Claws/Godswords are having too much of an effect on PVP combat. Considering that making them requires a questing/fighting bosses/having defense in non-combat, players felt they had to enjoy all the features of the game/raise money/having defense to be able to use these swords/PJ, before they could effectively fight players of a similar combat level to themselves. It was not our intention to suddenly make PVP gameplay less accessible for the majority of players who had previously been enjoying it.


As such, for now, the Dragon Claws/Godswords will be disabled in the following areas:

PvP Worlds (and Bounty/Bounty+1 variants)

Castle Wars

Clan Wars

Duel Arena

Soul Wars

TzHaar Fight Pit


We do still believe that these weapons should be a fitting reward for those who quest/kill monsters/have defense levels, so their effects remain unchanged when fighting NPCs outside of the areas listed above. They will still prove to be very useful when fighting NPCs for example, dungeon and quest bosses, Slayer assignments, Pest Control, TzHaar Fight Cave, Barrows, etc. The weapons also still have requirements. If they were to become available at level one, anyone could buy them, so they wouldnt be so much of a reward for those who have quested/leveled up/defence.



Fixed Jagex's post for them.

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Following player feedback, we have decided that items have too much of an effect on PVP combat. Considering that obtaining them requires playing the game, players felt they had to play the game, before they could effectively fight players of a similar combat level to themselves. It was not our intention to suddenly make PVP gameplay less accessible for the majority of players who had previously been enjoying it.


As such, for now, all items will be disabled in the following areas:

PvP Worlds (and Bounty/Bounty+1 variants)

Castle Wars

Clan Wars

Duel Arena

Soul Wars

TzHaar Fight Pit


We do still believe that these items should be a fitting reward for those who play the game, so their effects remain unchanged when fighting NPCs outside of the areas listed above. They will still prove to be very useful when fighting NPCs for example, dungeon and quest bosses, Slayer assignments, Pest Control, TzHaar Fight Cave, Barrows, etc. The weapons also still have requirements. If they were to become available to all new players, anyone could use them, so they wouldnt be so much of a reward for those who have played the game.


Fixed it for you...

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Following player feedback, we have decided that items have too much of an effect on PVP combat. Considering that obtaining them requires playing the game, players felt they had to play the game, before they could effectively fight players of a similar combat level to themselves. It was not our intention to suddenly make PVP gameplay less accessible for the majority of players who had previously been enjoying it.


As such, for now, all items will be disabled in the following areas:

PvP Worlds (and Bounty/Bounty+1 variants)

Castle Wars

Clan Wars

Duel Arena

Soul Wars

TzHaar Fight Pit


We do still believe that these items should be a fitting reward for those who play the game, so their effects remain unchanged when fighting NPCs outside of the areas listed above. They will still prove to be very useful when fighting NPCs for example, dungeon and quest bosses, Slayer assignments, Pest Control, TzHaar Fight Cave, Barrows, etc. The weapons also still have requirements. If they were to become available to all new players, anyone could use them, so they wouldnt be so much of a reward for those who have played the game.


Fixed it for you...


Ah, thank you for those corrections.



Also: 74-75-136-59699942


I laughed hysterically at the first page, before someone had to go and tell everyone what he was doing. Very, very subtle.

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Argh, how many PVPers actually train their Herblore to that level? It should be a priveledge for those players who can be bothered to get it, and if they want to abuse it in PVP, they should be able to! :wall:




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well for maxing this means that the max hit of a weapon is now found via slayer not castle wars yay, personaly this update doesnt effect me at all, i dont pvp so its fine, i just want for slay and boss monsters so woohoo, while i could care less about the removal im on the side of the high herblore people, getting 96 herblore is around 130m, + the huors it takes to get could have made more, its the equivilent imo to buying a divine spirit shield, which gives you a 30% advantage in pvp rather than a 5%, you payed and worked for it so why not use it, its like removing piety from pvp cuz not all whiny players have acces to it or want to get the 70 def for it bad bad move here jagex, i expect the rants on this will outrant the players who where against it, plus the high level forums will set fire

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For one day, the combat triangle was slightly more balanced in pvp with respect to magic, at least for those with high herblore (not me).


Now, its back to mage=fail for almost everything (unfortunately) :(


And the answer to fixing mage pvm is better armour and more mageable creatures, not a damage booster.


Seriously, I'm nowhere near the requirements to make the potions, but those who do have them should be able to use them everywhere. (Similar to what someone else posted, see what happens if you don't let people use the overpowered weapons that they saved up for).

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simple solution to those who say its op, dont make it stack with staves! its 40% which stacked with a staff is 54%, ok people say a 46 is overpowered but honestly isnt a 42 very balanced, just about right? 42 would still be strong, i mean compared to melee weapons id still call it weak, but its not so weak that magers get left in the dust again

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Jagex really dropped the bomb on this one. I almost feel insulted over what they did. Yesterday they were getting a ton of:


"Thank you Jagex, you heard our wishes"


"0mgz! n0 dis pots R unfir!!11 i r 2 pur 2 train n e thing but STRRRR11!!1 but i 76k alll day ne way"


And unbelievably they chose the latter. I am really at a loss of words here. I have only a few days of members left and Jagex had better change something back. They could have done many other things things such as a minimum combat level to use the potions, or allowed some type of sample extreme potions to be sold that only lasted say 30 seconds.


I myself was looking forward to training herblore and farming along with it, but Jagex just completely took away the incentive for me.


Jagex in summary

1) Does nothing about the merchant clans

2) Does nothing about the 76k trick

3) Listens to those who are a part of 1&2 as evidenced by this recent nerf



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Couldn't they have also made the potions tradeable?


This way, the people with high herblore can make profit off the people with lower herblore levels that want to get that advantage in combat. Both sides are happy?


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Couldn't they have also made the potions tradeable?


This way, the people with high herblore can make profit off the people with lower herblore levels that want to get that advantage in combat. Both sides are happy?


It would just degenerate into high levels using it to get free experience, flooding the market once enough people got it. Then it would degenerate into high levels willing to pay reasonable amounts of money for experience, and ultimately the potions would be available to everyone, nullifying the purpose of the update.


I think the perfect way to implement this update is... the way it was originally released. o.o

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Worst nerf ever.


If anything, EVERY noncombat skill should produce similar untradable products that make you uber in pvp. And this is coming from someone with something like 44 herblaw.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Worst nerf ever.


If anything, EVERY noncombat skill should produce similar untradable products that make you uber in pvp. And this is coming from someone with something like 44 herblaw.


Let's not forget PvM and Skilling too :wink:

When you go feather dragon god, you never go back.

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I like how the general population of people are pissed at Jagex' decision to take the potions away from PvP.

I know for a fact Jagex members read the Tip It Forums. If you are reading this now, content team, you have obviously messed up.


Could you meet at a honest medium and create separate potions for PvP. Have a Magic potion that boosts 30% instead of 40. Make melee potions that give a little bit less boost than the extreme pots. Make range potions that are the same as extreme.

Then take away the herblore level needed to make them, and release their seconds through PvP drops. Perhaps have an NPC that mixes the potion for you.

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Frankly I think it would be better off if non-combat skills had bigger impact in PvP. It adds a lot more twists to fighting. Players who made their accounts for things outside pking (like me) can have just as good chances winning a fight by training noncombat skills as a pking account can by training his pking stats. No more is Pvp all about maxing strength or range to have a good win-loss difference, everyone could use exotic strategies combining combat and noncombat for unique advantages. I was looking foreward to more noncombat-skills being introduced into combat.


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Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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