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28-Mar-2011 � A Clockwork Syringe


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I got to try the sailing skill in a quest. Also laughed loads more then I usually do when doing quests.

Pirates aren't my favorite quest line, but it is the funniest one. :P

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I have run to my house, stood outside the house, stood inside the house, ran around the house, ran around the portal and everything.


So... how do you actually start this quest?


EDIT:nvm, postie pete appeared now.

"An Amateur practices until he can get it right. A Professional practices until he can't get it wrong."


Quests just keep bringing me back to this game.

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I got to try the sailing skill in a quest. Also laughed loads more then I usually do when doing quests.

Pirates aren't my favorite quest line, but it is the funniest one. :P


LOL -- it's the humour that makes them my favourite quest line ... :lol:


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The quest was good but the teleport annoyed me as it ends up being useless. Its just easier to travel normally besides for the quest itself. It restricts you teleporting unless you are in the designated zones.


Thought it be another useful option for penguins.


Quest was very imaginative.


edit: ..and for some reason my bank has wrongly placed some of my items into other tab slots by wrong alignment.

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edit: ..and for some reason my bank has wrongly placed some of my items into other tab slots by wrong alignment.


You're not alone with that. Apparently it's a glitch and Jagex is going to patch it in 3 months.



You're being watched.

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C2 Fishing has now been nerfed, 50% reduction in xp lmfao

Some people are reporting varied XP at each fishing spot.

A guy in DGS said he was getting 150XP / crab at one fishing spot, then 78XP at another.

Any clues?


In real life MMO you don't get 99 smithing by making endless bronze daggers.

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C2 Fishing has now been nerfed, 50% reduction in xp lmfao

Some people are reporting varied XP at each fishing spot.

A guy in DGS said he was getting 150XP / crab at one fishing spot, then 78XP at another.

Any clues?


Yea I experienced this too. I was getting a 50% xp reduction from some fishing spots but the normal rate from others. Either way I regret not levelling to 81 fishing for Ardy Elite when I had the chance <_<


"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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C2 Fishing has now been nerfed, 50% reduction in xp lmfao

God damnit. I saw this coming, but I still wish I had had time to do more than one set of C2s.

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Man I hate RuneScape. Only reason to train skills beides herblore is for quests and opening doors in dungeoneering. Forced to train 2 of the most useless skills in entire game (smithing and thieving) as a throw-on requirement just to make the quest seem high leveled.

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Hmm a teleport scroll that can only be used in 2 hard-ish to reach locations and only teleports between the two.

Spose it may be handy if u wanna kill fever spiders enmass or use the new dungeon, since it can hop u over to mos le harmless for bank and bk again.


i'll bet this new brackish blade comes from the new 'rumgeon' as they dubbed it and is another underwater spec, like brine sabre. Cause you know with this being the one and only underwater place where u culd possibly train combat, and even then rather badly, we OBVIOUSLY need another.


Kinda a fun quest thou, wulda been nice to have a few barrel-boat shortcuts u culd setup. Or a combat dungeon full of barrelchests mark ii


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Man I hate RuneScape. Only reason to train skills beides herblore is for quests and opening doors in dungeoneering. Forced to train 2 of the most useless skills in entire game (smithing and thieving) as a throw-on requirement just to make the quest seem high leveled.


Then stop posting on a RuneScape fansite and take your crap posts elsewhere. :rolleyes: I don't think I've seen anything but you complaining about Jagex for the last few months at least.

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Man I hate RuneScape. Only reason to train skills beides herblore is for quests and opening doors in dungeoneering. Forced to train 2 of the most useless skills in entire game (smithing and thieving) as a throw-on requirement just to make the quest seem high leveled.


Then stop posting on a RuneScape fansite and take your crap posts elsewhere. :rolleyes: I don't think I've seen anything but you complaining about Jagex for the last few months at least.


My goodness but you're so accommodating ... :rolleyes:


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Man I hate RuneScape. Only reason to train skills beides herblore is for quests and opening doors in dungeoneering. Forced to train 2 of the most useless skills in entire game (smithing and thieving) as a throw-on requirement just to make the quest seem high leveled.


Then stop posting on a RuneScape fansite and take your crap posts elsewhere. :rolleyes: I don't think I've seen anything but you complaining about Jagex for the last few months at least.

Not everyone is a sycophant or a Jagex apologist. ;)


Fact of the matter is, Jagex does far more stuff deserving of criticism than stuff deserving of praise.

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If people really hate the game as much as they seem to then why do you continue posting on a fansite for the said game continually crapping on it when there's plenty of people here who enjoy playing the game. Criticism of Jagex and the game is perfectly fine, but posting just to say how bad the game is is pretty much trolling. It's strange how it always seems to be the same 5 or so who spam every thread with "Jagex is crap! RuneScape sucks!" and post nothing but that. I'm tired of it and know that I'm not the only one.

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Man I hate RuneScape. Only reason to train skills beides herblore is for quests and opening doors in dungeoneering. Forced to train 2 of the most useless skills in entire game (smithing and thieving) as a throw-on requirement just to make the quest seem high leveled.


Then stop posting on a RuneScape fansite and take your crap posts elsewhere. :rolleyes: I don't think I've seen anything but you complaining about Jagex for the last few months at least.

Not everyone is a sycophant or a Jagex apologist. ;)


Fact of the matter is, Jagex does far more stuff deserving of criticism than stuff deserving of praise.



Outside of creating a game that all of us have played for years?


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Nex : 1 Zaryte Bow

Kalphite King : 1 Drygore Rapier ; 1 Drygore Longsword : 1 Drygore Offhand Rapier : 1 Drygore Offhand Longsword

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