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do people with high stats make them nerds?


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i have heard alot of ppl look at like zezmia and say what a computer nerd he is..he probley plays the comp all the time and never has a real life.


Somehow i think they are just saying that because he is beating them and thats the only exuse they have... what do u think?


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Just because they have high levels does not make them nerds, how fast they got to their level makes em nerds. I have met someone who got to lv 90'ish in 4 months, while i got there in 2-3 years.


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Those people whining about Zezima do not know what they are talking about. I do not know him either, but you can't judge from just his stats.


It can be perfectly possible that he just likes to train massive amounts of xp. Everyone has the right to have his own (although perhaps weird) hobby.

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they jsut annonyed, and are probaly more a nerd then the person they calling a nerd becasue they are trying to make them seem better then someone they are clearly not better then by insulting them so they care more about the game then then the other person :XD:

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It's all just jealousy. Meh, I think that everyone with a higher Magic level than me is a nerd. Of course in 9 more lvls I'm definitely not going to have that outlook :lol: .

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its taken me 2 1/2 years to get where I am, because im lazy lol. I could of done this in alot less of time.




and on topic: I wouldn't call anyone a nerd for having high stats, I'd call it dedication \'


Quest Cape - 10/18/2006

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It's all the immature people who are jealous. I mean look at me, I have what would be considered "high" stats, with 100 Combat and almost a 1400 total lvl...but I have been playing for almost 2 years...


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Most of the high levels I've met aren't the sharpest lightbulbs in the drawer :lol:




So I guess they can't be nerds right?




Then again if you consider someone a nerd who is smart and knows more than most people, I doubt that many of those people play runescape.

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Define nerd. Also, you can level to 90 in a couple of months by playing all of the time, badly, or level to 90 in a couple of months playing some of the time, efficiently.




IE training with bronze dagger vs dharoks :P

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People who say, "OMG, high-level nerd!", are most likely disgruntled 12-year-olds who really don't understand that behind every character has a person behind them. Plus they get joy from annoying you. Don't let them get to you, they will learn eventually.




"On the moon, nerds have their pants pulled down and are spanked with moon-rocks." - Mooninite




I'm sorry, couldn't resist that quote. Kudos to whomever makes the ATHF connection. :)

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Heh, who actually uses the word nerd anymore? :?




It is just a sad way for someone to compensate for themselves. Do you call a doctor a nerd because he/she went to an University for years upon years? If so, I feel very sorry for you and hope you are still young and have time to change. :roll:




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Heh, who actually uses the word nerd anymore? :?




It is just a sad way for someone to compensate for themselves. Do you call a doctor a nerd because he/she went to an University for years upon years? If so, I feel very sorry for you and hope you are still young and have time to change. :roll:


+1. Its the equlivent of OMG, your smarter\better then me\cooler etc and now im gonna pick on you OMG!


Get my point?


Currently going for 76 fishing

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well i've been playing for like 5 years and im lvl 108 so thats 22 levels a year <.<


omg nolifer!!! 108 in 5 years no way :P just joking.


btw im 97 combat and been playing about 5 years too :oops:


Ranged 101/99, Str 105/99, Att 105/99, Hp 106/99, Def 100/70, Magic 102/99

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