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The text when eatting an onion has changed.


Before it used to be along the lines of watch a grown man cry or something.


Now it's "It makes your eyes water, but it does heal some health."

Quest Cape Achieved February 14, 2007. -Not Maintained-

1700+ Skill Total July 15, 2009

All Skills 60+ - July 26, 2009

Drops: dragon - medx8, spearx1 ;; 3rd - helmx1 ;; barrows - dhaxex1, gspearx1, dhhelmx1

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Right clicking on Hajedy in Brimhaven (Cart ride to Shilo) only cost me 10gp instead of the previous 200gp... and I had over 10k on me, so that wasn't a factor. In addition, the reverse ride is also 10gp.








RSN Curbridge




um i think the cart ride has been 10gp for awhile now


26M Crafting XP

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Right clicking on Hajedy in Brimhaven (Cart ride to Shilo) only cost me 10gp instead of the previous 200gp... and I had over 10k on me, so that wasn't a factor. In addition, the reverse ride is also 10gp.








RSN Curbridge




um i think the cart ride has been 10gp for awhile now




About 2 weeks now, so no not really a long time

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The text when eatting an onion has changed.


Before it used to be along the lines of watch a grown man cry or something.


Now it's "It makes your eyes water, but it does heal some health."




Yeh, it used to be "It's always sad to see a grown man ". Not sure whether it changed if you were female.

Hail to The Great Big Penguin in the sky. And Guthix, of course.



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The text when eatting an onion has changed.


Before it used to be along the lines of watch a grown man cry or something.


Now it's "It makes your eyes water, but it does heal some health."




It used to be, "It's always sad to see a grown man cry." I don't know if it changed if you were female? :?





Demon Vanquisher






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Not just has the wierd white stripes of the pinball machine been removed making it easier to see, but you can now turn your run energy on/off in the maze random, and switch between other menus as well!




here's a pic of me cutting gems in the maze








EDIT: I posted this on the RSOF and someone replied that they got the maze random after reading it and couldn't change options... maybe I just glitched out. If so... #-o

racistmodhq9.png Racist Mod (may or may not have been taken out of context)

Figuring out what to put in my signature just takes too much work.

If your still reading this, your a noob.


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The waiting time in the barbarian assault after finishing a wave have been halved. It's 30 seconds now instead of 60.




please dear god read the news posts on the rs page b4 posting here


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Not just has the wierd white stripes of the pinball machine been removed making it easier to see, but you can now turn your run energy on/off in the maze random, and switch between other menus as well!




here's a pic of me cutting gems in the maze








EDIT: I posted this on the RSOF and someone replied that they got the maze random after reading it and couldn't change options... maybe I just glitched out. If so... #-o




Yeah man, you glitched.




I got that random a couple of mins ago and couldn't change anything.




But there's no way you could have knows so don't feel bad about it.


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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The lumbridge trapdoor to the basement is perminantly open. Rather happy about it personally.




It's been open for a bout 3 months dude :lol:




Has it? I have a vivid memory of it being closed a couple of days ago. I'm sure.




In august when they put the door spamming "the door gets stuck"in a lot of commonly used doors etc got permanently opened (much like bank doors). It was at this point all doors from the front door thru to the basement ladder got changed to always be open and be un-closable.




Bout 2 months old


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

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The waiting time in the barbarian assault after finishing a wave have been halved. It's 30 seconds now instead of 60.




please dear god read the news posts on the rs page b4 posting here


I hope I dont have to call him God too? Never mind Dear God?:(



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The text when eatting an onion has changed.


Before it used to be along the lines of watch a grown man cry or something.


Now it's "It makes your eyes water, but it does heal some health."




It used to be, "It's always sad to see a grown man cry." I don't know if it changed if you were female? :?





Demon Vanquisher






when you examine an onion it says "its sad to see a grown man/woman cry"

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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I don't think alot of people know about this...




Before the update, if you held alt then type some numbers in the chat it would only start typing the numbers.




But now, the alt+ chatacters work.




Before the update it would appear in chat like this(example): 424




After the update it looks like this: ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâÿ




Idk if it works for anyone... at least it works for me.. :-k




Also it doesn't work with most combinations, and it only works from num pad (right side of the keyboard)












Hold alt and type the numbers, then release alt

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I don't think alot of people know about this...




Before the update, if you held alt then type some numbers in the chat it would only start typing the numbers.




But now, the alt+ chatacters work.




Before the update it would appear in chat like this(example): 424




After the update it looks like this: ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâÿ




Idk if it works for anyone... at least it works for me.. :-k




Also it doesn't work with most combinations, and it only works from num pad (right side of the keyboard)












Hold alt and type the numbers, then release alt




That was hidden. But it's been out for a very long time.


269 QP | All Stats 60+ (except Summoning) | Barrows Drops: 8 | Dragon Drops: 1

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I don't think alot of people know about this...




Before the update, if you held alt then type some numbers in the chat it would only start typing the numbers.




But now, the alt+ chatacters work.




Before the update it would appear in chat like this(example): 424




After the update it looks like this: ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâÿ




Idk if it works for anyone... at least it works for me.. :-k




Also it doesn't work with most combinations, and it only works from num pad (right side of the keyboard)












Hold alt and type the numbers, then release alt




That was hidden. But it's been out for a very long time.




It has been out a long while but it most definately was not hidden.




When they updated the game engine the knowledge base article got updated and it specifically says alt codes work.


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

Dragonkin Journals :: Ports Stories :: Elder Chronicles :: Boss Slayer :: Penance King :: Kal'gerion Titles :: Gold Statue

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